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“Weirde Wednesday”: Jay Weidner on Ron Paul, David Jacobs on Alien Abductions

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 1/11/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Welcome to “Weirde Wednesday!” Today I’ll welcome two guests who have done work that’s a bit outside the box, even by my standards. (And I’m debuting a very weirde little song I just wrote…) First hour: Journalist and filmmaker Jay Weidner, author of “Ron Paul Will Win in the End.” Called by Wired Magazine an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions, ” and “erudite conspiracy hunter, ”Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic…


William Engdahl: WARNING: Nuclear war coming soon (if we let it)

Tuesday, January 10th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).Guest: William Engdahl, who warns in a new article: “Most in the civilized world are blissfully unaware that we are marching ineluctably towards an increasingly likely pre-emptive nuclear war. No, it’s not at all about Iran and Israel. It’s about the decision of Washington and the Pentagon to push Moscow up against the wall with what is euphemistically called Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD).” William Engdahl is the author of Full Spectrum DominanceTotalitarian Democracy in the New World Order (which covers the material…



Propaganda Scheming by “Mama Cass” Sunstein  All the lies are going down Zion’s sky is gray9/11 truthJust might win the dayI’m dreaming up a schemeTo make those truthers payPropaganda schemingThere’s got to be a way! I stopped into a White HouseI passed along the wayWalked up to the PresidentAnd I began to say“Those conspiracy theoriesAre ruining my dayWe need some propaganda schemingTo make them go away!” Then I told the PresidentOur nation’s gone astrayAnd I got down on my kneesAnd I began to pray“Oh Lord, send us a lawTo make those truthers payA tax on their conspiracy theoriesAnd make them…


Alan Hart: “The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated”

This just in today from former lead BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart, who will join me on the radio today, Monday 1/9/12, 3 to 4 pm Central. Listen live at The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated By Alan Hart      The first headline I thought of for this article was The Zionization of American democracy and how it could be terminated, but then I said to myself: “Don’t be silly, Alan, there’s no democracy in the ‘Land of the Free.’”       Leaving aside the fact that any American can now be arrested and detained…


Ex-BBC Mideast expert Alan Hart, pilot Dennis Cimino on TJ Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 1/9/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Alan Hart, former lead BBC Mideast correspondent, calls it the way he sees it – including on 9/11. The author of the most readable and trustworthy history of the Israel-Palestine conflict, Hart has just published a brand-new essay (sent out today) entitled “The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated.” Second hour: Postcript: Dennis Cimino did not show up, so I discussed Ron Paul with Rolf Lindgren. Dennis says he has…


In which I call for the Taliban to invade Europe

An open letter to Mullah Omar Dear Mullah Omar, As-salaamu alaikum and a top o’ the marnin’ to ye! (That’s a traditional Irish Muslim greeting – I don’t imagine you use it much in Afghanistan.) Anyway, I thought I’d write to ask how you were getting along, and whether you might be able to take some time off from your busy jihad-ing in Afghanistan to invade, occupy, and liberate Europe. Europe needs liberating a lot more than Afghanistan ever did. Here are some of the reasons: *Europe is a failed state. The Euro is crashing and the EU will soon…


Michael Collins Piper’s debut on Truth Jihad Radio (full two hours!)

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 1/6/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Michael Collins Piper, journalist and author. Mike Piper writes for American Free Press, “America’s last remaining real newspaper,” and is the author of many books including Final Judgment, High Priests of War, The Judas Goats, The New Jerusalem, Dirty Secrets, and more. In this show we cover Mike’s magnum opus: Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy – THE book on the Israeli connection to the JFK assassination. We also discuss the…


Rolf Lindgren on Ron Paul, Jim Fetzer on 9/11 aircraft

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 1/4/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Rolf Lindgren comments on Ron Paul’s showing in yesterday’s Iowa Caucus, and his prospects in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and on to the presidency. Note: According to Haaretz, Ron Paul shares our views on Zionism: Ron Paul Is Anti-Israel, But Not Anti-Semitic, Says Former Aide Haaretz (Israel) Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul supports calls for the abolishment of Israel as a Jewish state, and the return of it in its entirety to the…


Greg Felton explodes “Middle East Myths” !

Tuesday, January 3rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Greg Felton, a mainstream journalist from Vancouver, was forced to nibble at the the red pill when asked to cover Middle East issues. As he began to realize that the pro-Zionist propaganda churned out by the mainstream media is a tissue of lies, he dove deeper and deeper into skepticism. The result is his new book Exploding Middle East Myths. On this show, Greg will take potshots at what he calls the myth of Zionism, the myth of 9/11, the mythical…


Senate declares US bestial military dictatorship

2012 is shaping up to be a heck of a year for the military. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the NDAA, codifying into law for the first time in American history that the military can imprison citizens or non-citizens indefinitely, inside or outside the United States, without charges or trial.    (Source: American Civil Liberties Union) This obscene bill was the work of the US Senate. Every Senator who voted for it needs to be tried for treason, convicted, and hanged by the neck until dead. The President who signed it, with reservations, should get off with a lighter sentence.…

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