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Psychologists: Nation handling 9/11 abuse trauma “surprisingly well”

Collective Abuse Committee members celebrate unanimous findingsthat Americans are handling 9/11 well The Collective Abuse Trauma Committee of the American Psychological Association will soon issue a report concluding that the American public has handled the trauma of watching their own leaders murder 3,000 of their fellow citizens on live television, and then get away scot-free, “suprisingly well, considering the circumstances.” “Typically, victims of abuse on this scale are completely devastated,” explained Dilbert Digglehole, a psychoanalyst who heads the Abuse Trauma Committee. “They may find it hard to hold down a job or make lasting friendships, lose the ability to work…


Ted Pike, Gordon Duff: Who runs the media? And will they get their war on Iran?

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 3/5/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. “Do we Jews dominate the media? So what if we do?” 1st hour: Guest, Rev. Ted Pike of I’ve debated Ted Pike a couple of times – I disagree with his low opinion of the religion of Judaism, and have tried to explain to him that the Talmud is just a bunch of rabbis (some nasty, some saints) arguing with each other, so he shouldn’t pick quotes out of context from it to disparage the…


My exchange with Morgan Reynolds, re: WTC demolitions

I recently had Morgan Reynolds on my radio show to explain/debate his article “WTC Destruction: Five Facts Falsify Five Theories.”  (Listen to the interview.) Morgan followed up with “Bombs Did Not Unravel the Towers.” I think Morgan’s articles are very much worthy of discussion, as is Judy Wood’s book Where Did the Towers Go, its main reference. One of Morgan’s (and Judy’s) strongest points is that the 9/11 truth movement has failed to hammer hard enough at one of the most obvious indications that the destruction of the Towers was not a natural collapse: The fact that it left no…


TJ Radio returns with Karen Tostado and Eric Walberg!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 2/10/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. We’re back! A huge thank you to the generous donors who pitched in to keep me and my family going. We couldn’t do it without you! (If you’d like to help, just donate or subscribe at First hour: Karen Tostado, founder of United We Strike, “stopping the dominate criminal minority by waking up my brothers and sisters to their personal power through peaceful non-compliance and accountability. We all share this planet, and it is time…


Gilad Atzmon in Madison!

For immediate release 2/28/12Contact: Kevin Barrett kevin (at) merr (dot) com to arrange interviews with Gilad AtzmonGilad Atzmon presents: The Wandering Who?: A Humorous Discussion of Jewish Identity PoliticsAtzmon’s controversial book The Wandering Who? is becoming a worldwide bestseller. This guy is absolutely hilarious live. A must see! Friday, March 9th, 7 to 8:30 p.m., 1111 Humanities, UW-Madison. Free. Sponsored by UW-Madison Sifting and Winnowing:, Atzmon jams with Madison: Euro-jazz legend Gilad Atzmon takes on all comers with his mighty saxophone! Friday, March 9th, 10 pm to midnight, The Weary Traveler, 1201 Williamson Street, Madison, WI. No cover.…


Biggest 9/11 truth audience ever! Gage, Ryan speak at NOI Saviour’s Day

Minister Farrakhan speaks out for 9/11 truth! Chicago, IL Richard Gage, AIA and 9/11 whistleblower Kevin Ryan presented “9/11: What Really Happened and Why?” to an audience of well over 2,000 people at the Nation of Islam’s Saviour’s Day convention Saturday. The event appeared to set a world’s record for biggest live audience ever to attend a 9/11 truth presentation.*  The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who met with both 9/11 experts for three hours Friday night, is expected to address 9/11 truth (with Gage on stage beside him) during the keynote address today at 2 pm Central. Watch it live…


Exclusive interview! Donald Rumsfeld defends predator drones

I was lucky enough to catch up with Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense, at the Edward Teach Memorial Golf Course and Scuba Diving Facility outside of Kingston, Jamaica. Rummy had hit two horrible shots in a row, badly slicing both of his balls, and was in a foul mood. InterviewerHey Rummy, you aim golf balls even worse than predator drones! RumsfeldWatch out, asshole, or I’ll aim one at you. InterviewerIf you did, I’d be the safest guy on the fairway. RumsfeldThere are known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns, and unknown unknowns. You’re an unknown unknown. Bug off. InterviewerActually, I…


Pat Buchanan avoids 9/11 truth, gets fired anyway

A few months ago, I offered Pat Buchanan a golden opportunity to speak out for 9/11 truth. Pat didn’t rise to the occasion. I asked Paul Craig Roberts, a friend of Pat’s, to bring Pat up to speed. Dear Paul Craig Roberts, I interviewed Pat Buchanan yesterday and brought up your excellent review of his book. He said you’re a friend of his. So when the conversation turned to 9/11, and we strongly disagreed, I urged him to talk to you about it. Here is my report on the interview, with the interview itself embedded.  In the unlikely event…


9/11 laugh riot?

        The power of inappropriate laughter I visited Washington DC last Wednesday and Thursday. Enver Masud, a retired international consulting engineer and author of 9/11 Unveiled, met me at Reagan National. He lives very close to the the airport – and just a few blocks away from the Pentagon. On 9/11, shortly after the Pentagon was attacked, Enver hurried to the top of a nearby hill overlooking the side of the Pentagon that was allegedly hit by a plane…and saw no evidence of any plane crash. From the airport, Enver drove me to that hilltop site. It offers an…


Hardcore libertarianism, “outrageous conspiracy theories” with Morgan Reynolds!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 2/10/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Okay, folks, this is it – the last show before I take the rest of February off. American Freedom Radio will be broadcasting re-runs of “The Best of Truth Jihad Radio.” You can help bring Truth Jihad Radio back ASAP by donating via the paypal button at I’m going to need to raise at least $500 a month ($125 a week) to barely cover the time it takes to seek out and schedule guests, post…

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