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RFK Jr. Challenges Biden! (FFWN with J. Michael Springmann)

PSAs 1) Help FFWN Report (Occasional) Good News! and relocate and become sustainable 2) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid 3) RFK Jr. Tweet Echoes Kevin’s Article 4) Hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is new low for ‘journalism’ 5) Support the NIH Reform Act! No more Faucis! COVID Origins 6) U.S. Officials Reluctant to Criticize Wuhan Lab Research For Fear of Calling Out ‘Actions We Ourselves Are Doing,’ Email Reveals Addled ADL 7) ADL wants to shut down Substack – Kevin’s is singled out 8) ADL Takes Aim at…


Max Parry on Alexander Dugin and the Red-Brown Myth

Listen HERE Max Parry makes his debut appearance on Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his latest offering “Alexander Dugin and the Origins of the “Red-Brown Alliance’ Myth.” He rightly excoriates the Western media’s disgusting reaction to the murder of philosopher Alexander Dugin’s daughter Darya Dugina: “Mr. Dugin holds no authority over the war nor has any involvement in the Russian government beyond his previous service as an advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma. Still, this characterization of the prolific writer as the mastermind behind Putin’s foreign policy is ubiquitous in corporate media despite the absence of any evidence…


Edward Curtin Faces “Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses his new article (headlined today at “Facing Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies.” It opens with an Oliver Stone quote: “In my seventy-plus years from 1946 to now, the chorus of fear-mongering bullshit has never ceased – only grown louder. The joke is on us. Ha Ha Ha.” And goes on from there…eloquently and informatively, as Ed’s pieces generally do.


LIVE RADIO! Edward Curtin Faces “Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies”; Max Parry on Alexander Dugin and the Red-Brown Myth

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Today’s live broadcast features two of the best writers in alternative media talking about two of the week’s best articles. First hour: Edward Curtin discusses his new article (headlined today at “Facing Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies.” It opens with an Oliver Stone quote: “In my seventy-plus years from 1946 to now, the chorus of fear-mongering bullshit has never ceased – only grown louder. The joke is on us. Ha Ha Ha.” And goes on from there…eloquently and informatively, as Ed’s pieces generally do. Second…


The Permanent Emergency has been revoked! (April 1 False Flag Weekly News)

Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSAs 1) Minimal living provides maximum joy 2) Thank you for supporting “Help FFWN Relocate and Become Sustainable” 3) Avoid the MSM trainwreck, watch FFWN! Permanent Emergency 4) Senate Votes 68-23 to End Covid Emergency 5) Senate votes to repeal Iraq war authorizations 20 years after U.S. invasion 6) 9/11 and the COVID-19 Hoax in the Installation of Governance by “Emergency Measures” Zionist Entity 7) Israeli troops, extremists storm al-Aqsa mosque, force out Muslim worshipers 8) Biden-Netanyahu spat bursts into full view…


Peter Myers Re-Solves MH-370; R. Michael Fisher on Political Fearlessness & Marianne Williamson 2024

Listen HERE Peter Myers already solved the MH-370 mystery once. But YouTube nuked my channel and erased the video, which had accumulated 81,075 views. So here it is on Rumble. Tonight, Peter returns to summarize his brand-new beta-test article on the topic, “MH370 Solved: The CIA and the Broken Wing Display.” He solicits your feedback and may be reached at peter)at(mailstar)dot(net. Then… R. Michael Fisher discusses fearlessness in politics in general, and the 2024 presidential candidacy of Marianne Williamson in particular. (Check out my article and interview in which Williamson got herself into trouble by voicing pro-9/11-truth sentiments and listening…


Barbara Honegger on NYT Conceding 1980 “October Surprise”

Listen HERE Reagan-Bush White House whistleblower Barbara Honegger, author of the original October Surprise, discusses The New York Times’ belated admission that the “conspiracy theory” about how the 1980 Reagan campaign made a treasonous deal with Iran to keep the hostages locked up long enough to torpedo President Jimmy Carter’s candidacy…has, like so many conspiracy theories, turned out to be true. She writes: Barbara Honegger is the author of the pioneering first book on the October Surprise.  The day it was published, May 12, 1989, then-President Bush Sr.’s Justice Dept. sued one of the sources for allegedly lying, literally making a…


Human Rights Lawyer Clive Stafford Smith on Guantanamo Prisoners, Aafia Siddiqui, and More

In this interview Clive Stafford Smith discusses his work defending Guantanamo prisoners and Pakistan’s national heroine Dr. Aafia Siddiqui; offers well-informed and thoughtful views on Imran Khan and the current political crisis in Pakistan; argues with me about the Ukraine war; and lays out his thoughts about how best to go about improving the sorry state of the world in general and human rights in particular. Clive Stafford Smith is one of the world’s notable human rights lawyers. A leading US civil rights attorney specializing in death penalty cases, after 9/11 he moved to the forefront of those defending Guantanamo…


LIVE RADIO! Barbara Honegger on NYT Conceding 1980 “October Surprise”; Peter Myers Re-Solves MH-370; R. Michael Fisher on Political Fearlessness & Marianne Williamson 2024

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Reagan-Bush White House whistleblower Barbara Honegger, author of the original October Surprise, discusses The New York Times‘ belated admission that the “conspiracy theory” about how the 1980 Reagan campaign made a treasonous deal with Iran to keep the hostages locked up long enough to torpedo President Jimmy Carter’s candidacy…has, like so many conspiracy theories, turned out to be true. She writes: Barbara Honegger is the author of the pioneering first book on the October Surprise.  The day it was published, May 12, 1989, then-President Bush Sr.’s Justice Dept. sued…


FFWN: Another “Conspiracy Theory” Turns Out to Be True

Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. But today we’re running a little late, please bear with us! Guest commentator: John Carter of Postcards from Barsoom PSAs 1) Help FFWN publicize true conspiracy theories 2) Ramadan Mubarak – Save Masjid al-Aqsa 3) Ramadan Fundrazr: Help Us Relocate and Become Sustainable Presidential? 4) RFK Jr. exploratory presidential campaign committee launched 5) Trump to ‘Dismantle Deep State’ with ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ Spilling Secrets 6) A Four-Decade Secret: NYT Confirms 1980 October Surprise Coup vs. Jimmy Carter 7) NY Times Admits It:…

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