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Peter Myers Re-Solves MH-370; R. Michael Fisher on Political Fearlessness & Marianne Williamson 2024

Listen HERE Peter Myers already solved the MH-370 mystery once. But YouTube nuked my channel and erased the video, which had accumulated 81,075 views. So here it is on Rumble. Tonight, Peter returns to summarize his brand-new beta-test article on the topic, “MH370 Solved: The CIA and the Broken Wing Display.” He solicits your feedback and may be reached at peter)at(mailstar)dot(net. Then… R. Michael Fisher discusses fearlessness in politics in general, and the 2024 presidential candidacy of Marianne Williamson in particular. (Check out my article and interview in which Williamson got herself into trouble by voicing pro-9/11-truth sentiments and listening…