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Adrian Salbuchi on the New World Order’s hostile takeover of planet earth

Tuesday, June 5th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).  Guest: Argentine researcher-author-journalist Adrian Salbuchi. In the aftermath of this year’s Bilderberg conference, more and more people are asking: Who are these Bilderbergers? What do they want?Adrian Salbuchi says Bilderberg is a key node in the nexus of ultra-wealthy globalists plotting a hostile takeover of planet earth – a single world government that would crush all national, local, and individual sovereignty. Salbuchi says that this multi-generational project requires the destruction of the middle class and the sovereign nation that once led…


Who REALLY owns the world?

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 6/4/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Kevin Cahill, author, Who Owns the World?   After last week’s Bilderberg conference, people are still buzzing with the question: Who really owns the world? Guest Kevin Cahill is well-known for revealing that the Queen of England owns 1/6th of all the land on earth.  Kevin Cahill FRSA is an Irish author and investigative journalist, living in Devon, England. He is Chair of the South West Region of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), an…


“Homebrew Revolution” visionary Kevin Carson; plus anonymous embedded report from Bilderberg!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 6/1/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Visionary social thinker Kevin Carson of Homebrew Industrial Revolution is the Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory at Center for a Stateless Society. He says high overhead will be the death of big manufacturing, while low overhead will allow small producers to out-compete the dinosaurs. I can see how this works in two fields I’m involved in: Media and vegetable production. In media, small, low-overhead outfits like American Freedom Radio and Veterans Today and of course…


Barrett: Wisconsin Revolution has only just begun!

Normally, I would never use this forum to reprint verbatim a press release from a politician. But in this case I’ll make an exception. -KB Barrett: Wisconsin Revolution has only just begun! “To hell with the Republicans. And to purgatory with the Democrats! Whatever happens next Tuesday, the Wisconsin Revolution has only just begun!” Dr. Kevin Barrett, 50th cousin of gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett*, will be announcing his candidacy for US House of Representatives (2nd District) this Thursday, May 31st, at 6:30 p.m. outside the Barrymore Theatre, 2090 Atwood Avenue, Madison, WI. Dr. Barrett will run as an independent.…


“Who Really Runs the World?” Bilderberger special on TJ Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 5/30/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.  What’s up with the Bilderbergers? Do they really run the world? If not them, who? Let’s ask three of the world’s savviest and most provocative political analysts! (Then on Friday, our own “embedded” anonymous reporter will join us live from the Bilderberg gathering!) Adrian Salbuchi writes: “So what exactly is Bilderberg? It’s neither an organization nor a lobby. The ‘Bilderberg Meetings,’ as they dub themselves in their (apparently) official website, is a “by-invitation-only” club of…


Mavi Marmara 2nd anniversary interview with passenger Iara Lee

Tuesday, May 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Brazilian native Iara Lee, Director of Cultures Of Resistance has been a Middle-East-based activist since 2003. In May 2010,  Iara was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara,  a passenger vessel in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was attacked in international waters by the Israeli navy,  leading to the murder of nine humanitarian aid workers. Among the many people who recorded the events on that ship,  her crew was able to successfully hide and retain most of the raid footage, …


Memorial Day Remembrance: Remember 9/11!

On Memorial Day, we are supposed to remember the troops who died serving our country. So let’s remember them. And let’s also remember the ones who didn’t die, just got maimed and brutalized and traumatized: The guys and gals poisoned with DU and experimental vaccines, who were given evil orders, whose bodies and/or souls were injured “in the line of duty.” And let’s not forget their victims – the brave people fighting on the other side…and the “innocent” ones who weren’t fighting, just existing in the wrong place at the wrong time. The people our troops killed are open wounds,…


9/11 whistleblower special with Sibel Edmonds and Susan Lindauer!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 5/25/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Sibel Edmonds and Susan Lindauer are national heroines. Both learned appalling things about the 9/11 coup d’état, and the rush to war it triggered, while working in the National Security establishment. Both blew the whistle. And both suffered horribly as the war criminals running the post-9/11-coup regime took extraordinary measures to silence them.   Sibel Edmonds First hour: Sibel Edmonds, author of the new book Classified Woman, is the most-gagged whistleblower in American history. After she alerted…


Muslim witch-hunt victim Zahid Chaudhry, CIA whistleblower Philip Giraldi

Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi says Congress is serving Israel, not America (see below) Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 5/23/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Patriotic American veteran Zahid Chaudhry and his wife Ann are fighting deportation proceedings in Seattle. Zahid was victimized by post-9/11 hysteria – some paranoid lunatic in the Spokane Police Department noticed he was Muslim and drew the obvious conclusions – and is basically being deported for no reason at all. (Listen to my earlier interview with the Chaudhrys.) Big event tomorrow!…


Middle East Terrorism Quiz

Hello, students! Welcome to Middle East Studies 101.  I’m Dr. Barrett, the Middle East Studies expert. You may have seen me on Press TV or Russia Today… or maybe even on one of those lame minor-league propaganda outlets like Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or CBS. As you know, I’ve been witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin by State Rep. Steve Nass. He doesn’t want me to tell you what the vast majority of Middle Eastern people think really happened on 9/11, or why they think it. The bad news is that I no longer get a paycheck for helping…

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