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Byron Belitsos on 9/11 TIs and the metaphysical reality of evil; Kevin asks Jim Fetzer “Who’s the ‘notorious holocaust denier'”?

Broadcast here June 21st, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  First 40 minutes: Byron Belitsos is the founder of Origin Press. He became a 9/11 truth movement activist after publishing Jim Marrs’ book  Inside Job in 2004.   Byron has also been student of theology – he has studied in seminary in the Graduate Theological Union (Franciscan School of Theology) in Berkeley, and is currently researching theological approaches to the metaphysics of evil. In this interview we discuss directed energy weapons attacks on 9/11 truth activists, then segue into a theological conversation on…


Byron Belitsos on “US liquidating dissidents”

Non-lethal weaponry puts its victims in a bind – if they complain, they sound “crazy”! My Press TV article “Disable the purveyors”: Is US secretly liquidating dissidents?” has gone viral (it currently gets 20,000 google hits). In the article, I cited Byron Belitsos, a West Coast activist and publisher, who had described to me the apparent electromagnetic harassment that he and other 9/11 truth activists experienced during the first few years after 9/11. Byron wrote to me to say: Kevin, your piece is a very important one, but you attribute statements to me that are quite incorrect in regard to…