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“Politics of fear” incite unconstitutional war on Syria – Dr. Anab Whitehouse

Note: From Sunday afternoon until Tuesday, this show will be exclusively available to subscribers to !   Tuesday, September 10th, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Guest: Dr. Anab “Bill” Whitehouse is a Muslim scholar and author who has published books and articles on 9/11, Constitutional liberty, religion and spirituality, and other issues. Dr. Whitehouse will be advising the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) and has been invited to speak at the Million American March Against Fear in Washington DC next Wednesday, September 11th. Read his terrific new article – possibly the most fair, balanced, comprehensive, and sensible…


Laura Knight-Jadczyk on alternative history, Barbara Honegger on 9/11 events

Fri.  9/6/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Laura  Knight-Jadczyk is the author of Comets and the Horns of Moses: The Secret History of the World, Volume II, which outlines a fascinating alternative view of history and spirituality. Laura was one of the early voices exposing the 9/11 false-flag. She is also a leading figure calling attention to the importance of psychopathy in politics. (Her work was a major inspiration for my widely-read essay Twilight of the Psychopaths.)  She works with the alternative news outlet Second hour: Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst, recently…


Eric Walberg on Syria & Egypt; Matt Sullivan on DC 9/11 Truth Conference

Wed.  9/4/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Eric Walberg, author of Postmodern Imperialism and From Postmodernism to Post-Secularism: Re-Emerging Islamic Civilization is one of the world’s best geopolitical analysts. Having lived for many years in Cairo, Eric is an Egypt and Mideast expert who refuses to toe the mainstream media party lines. His articles on the massacre of democracy in Egypt are among the best on the topic – the latest is “Egypt’s Color Coup.” Second hour: Matt Sullivan is a lead organizer of the upcoming DC 9/11 Truth Conference at the Sheraton Pentagon City…


Will Kerry masturbate naked in a coffin to launch Syria war?

The alternative media has raised John Kerry’s membership in Skull and Bones as a possible reason for his enthusiasm for war with Syria. Skull and Bones is a satan-worshipping secret society formed in the 19th century by the most ruthless members of America’s slaving, opium-trading WASP organized crime families. Skull and Bones members are selected for their cunning and sociopathy. They are inducted in a bizarre ceremony that occurs every year in “the Crypt” – an underground bunker beneath a building near Yale University in New Haven, Connnecticut. “The Crypt” lies below this building New members are led down into…


Ole Dammegard: The same assassins killed JFK, RFK, MLK, Olaf Palme, John Lennon…here are their names!

Tuesday, September 3rd, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Guest: Ole Dammegard, author of the book Coup d’État in Slow Motion, “a deep investigation into the assassination of Olof Palme and also reveals the astounding links to major events like the killing of JFK, RFK and John Lennon as well as the sinking of m/s Estonia, etc.” Ole requests that if you read his book and find his research valuable, please consider donating at the paypal button at


Two new Syria pieces go viral!

We have one week to stop this madness. My latest Press TV piece features a “headline from hell” – I wish it were satire from The Onion! Obama postpones World War III till next week Also check out the new interview: Israel main beneficiary of US attack on Syria


Urgent! Stop World War III – here’s how

A US “regime change” bombing campaign against Syria could ignite World War III. Mark Anderson of American Free Press writes: HELLO. Please read this…. While many say calling D.C. does no good, we have to assume that if we all call—and encourage many others to do so—then there could be enough of a groundswell to make the imperialists in Washington blink and avoid a war on Syria, at least long enough to buy some precious time. I urge everyone, at least this one time, to immediately call the White House at 202-456-1414 [follow the prompts, to get to public comment,…

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