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Dear friends of hard-hitting truth radio, I am pleased to announce that from now on, all of my shows, beginning with today’s interview with Peter Phillips and Wayne Madsen  will be archived commercial-free at No Lies Radio. Members of will be able to listen to all my shows on-demand within a few hours of when they are recorded.  Non-members will have to wait a couple of days. To become a member, just go to the sign-up. If the software doesn’t work for you, just email me at kbarrett(at)merr(dot)com and I’ll set you up. You can still take advantage of…


Peter Phillips names names of NWO elite; Wayne Madsen unveils their crimes

Wed.  9/18/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Peter Phillips teaches at Sonoma State University, where from 1996 to 2009 he directed Project Censored, which identifies the top censored news stories each year. When Project Censored pointed out that the truth about 9/11 was being censored, they themselves got censored by the foundation-funded pseudo-left. Peter’s latest project is “Exposing the Financial Core of the Transnational  Capitalist Class” which begins: “In this study, we decided to identify in detail the people on the boards of directors of the top ten asset management firms and the top ten…


Congressman Mark Siljander: “Why I went to prison”

Congressman Mark Siljander was crucified by the Zionists for the crime of trying to make peace between Christians and Muslims. Listen to my interview with Mark Siljander: Siljander’s book A Deadly Misunderstanding should be required reading for every American Christian. Please consider asking church groups in your area to sponsor one of his talks. Contact Ms. Amber Butler . Now he is out of prison and free to speak about the kangaroo court that railroaded him for the crime of being a peacemaker. Below is the email I just received from him. Dear Kevin, The last time my…


Jim Fetzer on new Barrett-Fetzer book & Midwest 9/11 Conference

Tuesday, September 17th, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Guest: Jim Fetzer, who (along with yours truly) is the subject of Mike Palecek’s new book depicting us as superheroes of a new White Rose resistance movement against the Nazis – only this time it’s against the Straussian Nazis.  We’ll discuss recent events including Syria and the 9/11 anniversary – and plug the Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference, which actually drew positive mainstream coverage in Champaigne-Urbana’s biggest newspaper!  


DC 9/11 anniversary events with Isa Hodge and Chris Phillips

Fri.  9/13/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Note: This show will be starting about a half hour late due to technical problems at AFR. First hour: Isa Hodge, co-organizer of the Million American March Against Fear and participant in the DC 9/11 Truth Conference. Second hour: Chris Phillips of the United in Courage coalition, which led the Million American March Against Fear and plans to return next year!


Western secret services created al-Qaeda to attack enemies of Israel

Press TV  Western secret services have created the al-Qaeda terrorist group to protect Israeli interests and justify military intervention in other countries, a political analyst says. “The whole story of the so-called war on terror is not what we’ve been told. It’s not as strange as it may seem that the US would bomb Syria for al-Qaeda,” Dr. Kevin Barrett told Press TV on Wednesday. He made the comments after Senator Rand Paul criticized President Barack Obama for asking Americans to be “allies with al-Qaeda” twelve years after the 9/11 attacks. “Twelve years after we were attacked by al-Qaeda, 12…


I’m interviewed by Dave Gahary of American Free Press

 AFP PODCAST: March Against Fear, Washington, D.C., 9/11/13, High Noon Kevin Barrett discusses the upcoming Million American March Against Fear in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2013. Kevin also touches upon his introduction into the 9-11 truth movement, the enemies of the movement, and the plan to get back our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights that have been subject to a massive campaign of fear instituted by the powers-that-be, in this informative interview (18:47). Listen here:


9/11 shocker! Half of Americans suspect US government’s lying

On the eve of the 12th anniversary of 9/11, nearly half of the American people suspect their government is lying about what happened that day. A recent scientific survey by YouGov, sponsored by, found that only 40% of Americans are fully satisfied with the official account of 9/11, while 48% either doubt the official story or do not believe it at all… Read the full story On the eve of the 12th anniversary of 9/11, nearly half of the American people suspect their government is lying about what happened that day. A recent scientific survey by YouGov, sponsored by…


Ian Henshall on 9/11 anniversary events, Joshua Blakeney on Syria

Mon.  9/9/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Ian Henshall, a leading British 9/11 truth organizer, is the author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence, one of the best books on 9/11. We will discuss the Rethink 9/11 ad campaign, which is plastering London, New York, and other major cities with signs and billboards, and other events and issues surrounding this 12th anniversary of the 9/11 false-flag. Second hour: Joshua Blakeney is one of Canada’s most active gadfly journalists. Here are some of his recent articles and reports: Radio interview with Prof. James Fetzer on Canada’s…

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