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Islamophobia: Roadblock to world peace

Netanyahu & co. have been saying Iran is a few years away from getting a nuclear bomb…for decades! Why does anyone listen to Netanyahu? The answer, in one word: Islamophobia. Read the full article:


Michael Quilligan on shadowy intel secrets; Four Arrows on Christianity vs. indigenous people

Broadcast Sat. 10/5/13 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads!   Guest: Michael Quilligan, author of the new book Understanding Shadows: The Corrupt Use of Intelligence. “From the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, to war crimes in  Iraq, the plundering of South Africa, the assassination of JFK, institutional abuses and financial intrigues at the Vatican, and the Troubles in Ireland, Michael Quilligan shines a bright light into some of the most secretive and misunderstood events and issues of our…


Dynamic Duo Weekly News #2

Summary: Netanyahu and the Zionists have been claiming Iran is about to get “the bomb” since 1984, which makes him the “Chicken Little” of the Middle East.  His anti-charm offensive appears designed to distract attention from the resolution of the Syrian chemical weapons supply, since Israel itself has a vast stock of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons it has never disclosed.  What Netanyahu said to the UN, however, is predicated upon two provably false assumptions:  (1) that Iran wants to “wipe Israel off the map”; and (2) that Iran has a nuclear weapons program.  The first is predicated on what…


Holocaust of Lies: Mainstream media sends truth to the gas chambers

  They’ve done it again. The mainstream US media has once again mistranslated an Iranian president’s words. Last time, they were lying to make the former President of Iran sound anti-West and anti-Israel. Now they are lying to make the new President of Iran sound pro-West and pro-Israel. I suppose that is an improvement. Lying for peace is at least marginally better than lying for war. But for those who care about truth, the Western mainstream media’s non-stop lies are nothing short of an ongoing holocaust…Read the full article at Press TV: Holocaust of Lies: Mainstream media sends truth to…


Dynamic Duo Weekly News #1

Back by popular demand! The Dynamic Duo, formerly of GCN Radio, returns to the airwaves with a new weekly TV news roundup.  This time, Jim Fetzer and I really ARE a duo – we’re doing this show together. And don’t miss the new book about Jim and me embodying the new American resistance: Dynamic Duo: White Rose Blooms in Wisconsin. The Dynamic Duo Weekly News will be broadcast every Wednesday, 10 a.m. Central (3 pm GMT) on No Lies Radio.


André Vltchek on Western terrorism, Ajamu Baraka on “humanitarian intervention”

My next two shows feature two of our leading public intellectuals, discussing two timely topics, “Western terrorism” and “humanitarian intervention”. . . which amount to the same thing these days, the latter being a euphemism for the former. You might even say that “humanitarian intervention” is an oxymoron like “jumbo shrimp” and “military intelligence.” Broadcast Tues.  10/1/13 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on,  archived here.  Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! Guest: André Vltchek, whose new book (co-authored by some guy named Chomsky) is entitled On Western…


My two recent Voice of Russia interviews

US-Israel-Wahhabists-Saudis: ‘an unholy alliance’ – Dr. Kevin Barrett US/Al-Qaeda threatened Olympics through Saudi proxy – Dr. Kevin Barrett


My interview with Sean Stone, re: The Politics of Fear Episode Synopsis 9/11 truth and anti-muslim bias from the US are discussed after the 9/11 Million American March Against Fear (which FoxNews reported as a Million Muslim March) with 9/11 truther activist and organizer Dr. Kevin Barrett. Looking at inconsistencies between the 9/11 facts and the official story, conspiracy and cover-up, and how Islam continues to be scapegoated to further US big war business interest is uncovered with Sean Stone in this Buzzsaw interview. show more Guest Bio Kevin Barrett is an American former University lecturer and Muslim that is a member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation…


Mark Dankof builds a new political movement, Ellen Brown re-thinks banking

Sat.  9/28/13,  archived here Saturday morning for subscribers…and Monday for the general public.)First hour guest: Mark Dankof of The Ugly Truth! The topic will be Populist 3rd Party machinations in 2016, and the rumors about a Presidential ticket involving Merlin Miller of Americana Pictures with Mr. Dankof riding shotgun. Will there be a new 3rd Party, or an America First, anti-Zionist, anti-New World Order slate in GOP primaries as an alternative? Second hour: Ellen Brown is in the forefront of those who have figured out that it isn’t money that’s the root of all evil – it’s usury, a.k.a. privately-controlled…


Prof. James Tracy on academic freedom, Navy Yard shooting & the false-flag meme

Special show recorded Thursday night, available exclusively to subscribers to until broadcast on Monday, September 30th, 10 to 11 a.m. Central, (archived here). Guest: Professor James Tracy of [censored] University and MemoryHoleBlog, who has been plagued by the mainstream media and by his own university administration for raising questions about the recent Navy Yard shooting, the Sandy Hook massacre, and other questionable events. An early 9/11 skeptic and able analyst of 9/11’s effect on public consciousness, James Tracy is at the forefront of truth-in-academia. During this show we discuss Dr. Tracy’s Kafka-esque battle with his university administration, the…

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