Menachem Mevashir is a Messianic Jewish believer in Jesus. He graduated from Harvard in 1980, lived in Israel for 20 years, converted to Christianity in the year 2000 and returned to the US five years later. He writes: “I am well aware of the brutality of Israeli government officials, the military, and the intelligence agencies. I myself harbored so much animosity towards Arabs that I was deferred from serving in the IDF when I was drafted. I have been a 911 Truther since 9-12-2001, when the first skeptical information started appearing on the internet on many sites.” AMERICAN DEATH THROES…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Ole Dammegard: Yet ANOTHER French false flag in Nice
Broadcast here July 20th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. 2306/2016 (Brexit Day) = 2+3+6 / 2+1+6 = 11/9 (Euro…
FULL ARTICLERichie Allen, Rabia talk politics, spirituality
Broadcast here July 18th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First 40 minutes: Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett, recorded last Thursday…
FULL ARTICLEJourney to the End of the Night with Richard Hoagland
Broadcast here July 13th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. This episode concludes my interview with Richard Hoagland, host of…
FULL ARTICLEIraq, Syria defeating Oded Yinon plan a.k.a. Daesh?
I just gave this interview with Press TV, pointing out that the “terrorism” targeted by the so-called “war on terror” was invented by Netanyahu and colleagues at the JCIT in 1979. Its purpose is to hasten the destabilization and balkanization of Middle Eastern countries, and to rally the West behind a permanent war on Islam for Israel.
FULL ARTICLEJames Petras on Orlando False Flag, Brexit; more conversation with Richard Hoagland
Broadcast here July 11th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First half hour: James Petras discusses his contribution to the…
FULL ARTICLEEhaab Bayoumi: “My great-uncle Omar babysat two alleged 9/11 hijackers for CIA-MI6-Mossad”
Friday 7/8 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – moving to “Studio A” so click on the “Studio A” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot.” Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – subscribe at or PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First hour: Ehaab Bayoumi says the only way to establish the truth about 9/11 (and many other things) and achieve justice would be through a worldwide revolution. He also has inside stories to share concerning some of the alleged…
FULL ARTICLEMatthew Howard on freemasonic conspiracy; Greg Felton celebrates Brexit
Broadcast here July 6th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First half-hour guest Matthew Howard writes: “Having studied the dark…
FULL ARTICLEMuslims sound off! David Pidcock on Orlando and LGBT, Raaheela Ahmed on her run for office
Friday 7/1 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – moving to “Studio A” so click on the “Studio A” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot.” Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – subscribe at or PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First hour: David Pidcock, a founder of the Islamic Party of Britain, has just published a huge, sprawling, profusely illustrated essay called LGBT: AN OPEN LETTER TO POPE FRANCIS, SIDIQ KHAN THE MAYOR OF LONDON, AND PRESIDENT OBAMA. In…
FULL ARTICLELynda Brayer: “Born Jewish, I moved to Israel…and finally accepted Islam”
Broadcast here July 4th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. Today’s guest Lynda Brayer writes: “I am an Israeli qualified…