What was the point of bombing Damascus? The Empire was sending a message: “We can bomb anyone, anywhere, any time, on the flimsiest pretext, ginned up by the most ridiculous lies about the most obvious, poorly-conceived-and-orchestrated false flags you could even imagine. We are bullies, and we can grab your hand and punch ourselves with it and use that as an excuse to unload on you. Nobody can stop us. We have total impunity for everything, and we don’t have to follow anybody’s rules, not even our own. Especially not our own! So bow down and worship us!” –Kevin…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: Can false flag awareness stop World War 3?
Watch False Flag Weekly News above. Click HERE for links to the stories, and HERE to support our work. On September 11, 2001, the only people who knew what false flag meant were the professional strategists who teach the tactic in military academies. Today, almost everyone has at least heard of the concept. Unfortunately, the world needs far more false flag education than it’s getting. Exhibit A: Trump’s recent bombing of Syria. That war crime (like so many war crimes) was triggered by false flags: the “Skripal poisoning” and the “Douma poison gas attack.” Both of these stories were obvious…
FULL ARTICLEGordon Duff explains why Facebook has BANNED Veterans Today!
Listen HERE. First hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, joins us to discuss Facebook’s outrageous decision to completely ban all links to VT articles—and to remove all past posts (millions of them) including a VT link. Are Zuckerberg and his Israeli handlers retaliating for VT’s exposé of the Syrian chemical weapons false flag? In response, I am posting Gordon’s article in its entirety below. PLEASE SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK!!!!!!! Second hour: PhD historian James Hufferd of 911Grassroots.org joins us to discuss the pushback against alternative media. Trump fan Rolf Lindgren calls in and argues that Trump is destroying…
FULL ARTICLEMick Harrison of Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on today’s Grand Jury Petition announcement
Listen HERE Mick Harrison of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discusses the Grand Jury Petition announced today at the press conference on the steps of City Hall in New York. (Read the Petition’s executive summary and full text.) The petition’s 54 pages and 57 exhibits address the evidence falsifying the government’s official story of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. In this interview we discuss the Petition, its prospects for success, and back-up plans in case of possible setbacks. Other topics include 9/11 survivors’ lawsuits against Saudi Arabia under the JASTA act (recently given a legal…
FULL ARTICLEGreg Felton: “Parkland shooting exposes the terrible power and appeal of sacred violence”
Listen HERE. Canadian journalist Greg Felton, author of The Host and the Parasite, writes: “A media narrative of a mass shooting generates quasi-religious loyalty for three main reasons. First, it gives people what they want: a patsy and moral reassurance. Once the patsy is identified and either killed or captured, the narrative then acts as a form of catharsis by providing closure, commiseration and reassurance. People accept it because they want to. “Second, a media narrative is championed by political interests that ‘decouple’ the narrative from its putative cause so that it takes on a life of its own. The…
FULL ARTICLEPRISONERS LIBERATED? Jasun Horsley on Ufos, social engineering, psychology of fragmentation; Charles Messina on prison conversion to Islam
Listen HERE Tonight we welcome two guests with amazing stories of imprisonment and liberation. First hour: Jasun Horsley is the author of Prisoner of Infinity: Ufos, social engineering, and the psychology of fragmentation. His book, and our conversation, raises such questions as: Is ordinary reality a kind of imprisonment? Are we prisoners of our conditioning, and the narratives they impose on us? Is reality beyond the walls of Plato’s cave much vaster and more stunningly beautiful than most of us could ever imagine? But if so, are certain quasi-shamanic pathways purportedly offering liberation through trauma just another, maybe even nastier,…
FULL ARTICLEOle Dammegard: Is this document the Parkland smoking gun?
Ole Dammegard is a star contributor to my False Flag Trilogy Listen HERE Ole Dammegard argues that the Parkland school shooting was the latest in a long series of false flags…and explains how he predicted it before it happened. As I wrote shortly after the shooting in my article ANOTHER Florida false flag? Drills multiple shooters army hiding bodies MSM coverup, this one definitely qualifies as a suspected Gladio B operation. Next weekend I will interview Greg Felton, a former mainstream journalist, who like Ole Dammegard suggests that the mainstream narrative of Parkland is fraudulent. Some of the sources Ole cites have failed to…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones on “Catholics and the Jew Taboo”
Listen HERE. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, joins the Truth Jihad for some spirited interfaith dialogue around his forthcoming article “Catholics and the Jew Taboo.” In that article, whose title references Charles Bausman’s “It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo,” Jones argues that Catholics and Jews have been fighting “culture wars” over such issues as gay marriage, but that Catholics have been handicapped by the taboo against naming their opponents. It seems to me that E. Michael Jones has a point. Why is it OK to say “the Catholics have been fighting against gay marriage” but not “the…
FULL ARTICLEWelcome to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic weekend! Topics: Islam & economics, mystical significance of Passover and Easter
Broadcast live Fri. 3/30, 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE. Today is Good Friday, a major Christian holiday. Many people in the Christian world take the day off. But why not make every Friday a holiday, just like Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian “Lord’s Day”)? After all, Muslims have congregational prayers on Friday, and in many Muslim countries people take the day off, or at least the afternoon off, to make it easier for people to go to mosque. This proposal would give Muslims equal treatment—and benefit non-Muslims too. Did you know that the…
FULL ARTICLEGraeme MacQueen on “Triggering War. A Manufactured ‘Catalytic Event’ Which Will Initiate An All Out War? Are We Going to Let this Happen Again?”
Listen HERE. Graeme MacQueen’s new article “Triggering War…” begins: “As we watch Western governments testing their opponents – today Iran, the next day the DPRK, and then Russia and China – we hold our breaths. We are waiting with a sense of dread for the occurrence of a catalytic event that will initiate war. Now is the time to reflect on such catalytic events, to understand them, to prepare for them.” In this interview we discuss the Empire’s increasingly desperate struggle for global dominance, and the signs that it may be moving toward a “hot war” phase that would be…