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Air Strikes over Syria: Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, Mike Harris, Catherine Shakdam, Ken O’Keefe

What was the point of bombing Damascus? The Empire was sending a message: “We can bomb anyone, anywhere, any time, on the flimsiest pretext, ginned up by the most ridiculous lies about the most obvious, poorly-conceived-and-orchestrated false flags you could even imagine. We are bullies, and we can grab your hand and punch ourselves with it and use that as an excuse to unload on you. Nobody can stop us. We have total impunity for everything, and we don’t have to follow anybody’s rules, not even our own. Especially not our own! So bow down and worship us!”   –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

One Thought to “Air Strikes over Syria: Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, Mike Harris, Catherine Shakdam, Ken O’Keefe”

  1. Amin Abdullah

    Quran[003:204-206] : ‘NOW THERE IS a kind of man whose views on the life of this world may please thee greatly, and [the more so as] he cites God as witness to what is in his heart and is, moreover, exceedingly skillful in argument. But whenever he prevails, he goes about the earth spreading corruption and destroying [man’s] tilth and progeny: and God does not love corruption. And whenever he is told, “Be conscious of God,” his false pride drives him into sin: wherefore hell will be his allotted portion-and how vile a resting-place!.” (as translated by ‘Mohammad Asad’)

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