In the brand-new article below, published here for the first time, Pakistani physics professor Mujahid Kamran explores the “false flag ET” issue. Dr. Kamran is a leading figure in the suppressed academic field of New World Order Studies. (I hope major universities start endowing NWOS departments some day, but am not sure I will live long enough to accept a position!) –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor THE ULTIMATE FALSE FLAG: “ALIEN” ARMAGEDDON Mujahid Kaman The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must someday…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Netanyahu’s “American” traitors pushing US war on Iran
Press TV The Zionist regime’s American assets are committing an act of treason against the United States by trying to pull it into another illegal war of aggression against Iran on behalf of Israel, according to Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on recent statements issued by the White House about Iran’s nuclear program. On Monday, the White House changed a public statement, which was issued…
FULL ARTICLEMaisoon Rice and Peter Myers on “anti-Semitic” Palestine genocide victims
Broadcast live Friday May 4, 8 to 10 pm Central, on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE Saturday evening First hour: Palestinian-British Muslim Maisoon Rice is sick of seeing Palestinian genocide victims being accused of “anti-Semitism”…especially since the accusers are the genocide perpetrators, and their accusations are propaganda tools for continuing and expanding the genocide. I am not Palestinian, and I do not agree with some of Maisoon’s blanket statements about Jews. But I can sympathize with her feelings, just as I would sympathize with the feelings of a Jew in 1943 who made negative blanket statements about Germans. Second hour: Australian…
FULL ARTICLEAndré Vltchek on West’s sadistic personality disorder
Listen HERE The West claims to be the “free world”—the global leader in human rights, humanitarianism, and free expression. Globetrotting independent journalist André Vltchek, who joins us from Borneo, isn’t buying it. His latest essay begins: Western culture is clearly obsessed with rules, guilt, submissiveness and punishment. By now it is clear that the West is the least free society on Earth. In North America and Europe, almost everyone is under constant scrutiny: people are spied on, observed, their personal information is being continually extracted, and the surveillance cameras are used indiscriminately. Life is synchronized and managed. There are hardly any…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Sabrosky on censorship, Zionism & 9/11, and more
Listen HERE Jewish* ex-Marine Corps Sgt. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way: Dennis Ross: Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror. Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do…
FULL ARTICLEGen. Michael Hayden laments the “post-truth world” he created
And did he just admit that there were no hijacked planes on 9/11? By Kevin Barrett, Four star USAF (ret.) Gen. Michael Hayden, who served as NSA Director from 1999 to 2005 and CIA Director from 2006 to 2009, has a bad case of buyers remorse. Hayden ran America’s two leading intelligence agencies as the 9/11 false flag operation was developed, executed, and followed up on. Today you can find him at the local pub, or the NYT op-ed page, crying in his beer over the “post-truth world” he helped create. Memo to Gen. Hayden: If you don’t want…
FULL ARTICLETop diplomats reject military option as solution for Syria crisis
Press TV The foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey reaffirm their commitment to a political solution to the Syrian crisis. Zarif further said the final objective is the reduction of war damage in Syria so that the government and the opposition can get closer to a peaceful settlement. Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, for his part said ussia, Turkey and Iran have agreed that the Syria peace process must continue despite western missile strikes adding that the three countries will resist all attempts to undermine the process. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Chavush-oglu also denounced any military solution to the…
FULL ARTICLEBruce Leichty and Henry Herskovitz on getting arrested at a Mennonite holocaust conference; Robert Mendelson on universality of God/Creator/Spirit
Listen HERE First hour: Mennonite attorney Bruce Leichty was recently arrested for participating in a holocaust conference at Bethel College in Kansas for which he had paid and registered. His crime? Handing out fliers until he was asked not to, then participating in Q&A and posing questions that made people uncomfortable. Since when was it illegal to ask questions? Since the West traded Enlightenment (post)-Christianity for the new holocaust religion, or so it seems. Anti-Zionist (ex?)-Jew Henry Herskovitz, who was denied access to the conference, also joins us to discuss our culture’s biggest sacred cow, and what happens when you…
FULL ARTICLERabbi Michael Lerner vs. Truth Jihad: Which of us is right?
Zionist-dominated MSM conceals Gaza genocide — are we allowed to notice and object? Or is Jewish power a taboo subject? In light of the “perfect storm” coming in mid-May—Trump blows up the Iran nuclear deal, Kushner and Bibi open the Occupied Jerusalem embassy, and the Great Return March culminates in Israel’s likely mass murder of tens, hundreds, or thousands of unarmed demonstrators—I decided to revisit my recent debate with Rabbi Michael Lerner. Rabbi Lerner has contributed to two of my books (here and here). But we don’t always see eye-to-eye. Watch the above youtube and look at Chuck Millar’s article…
FULL ARTICLENick Kollerstrom on Skripal-Douma false flag
Listen HERE Nick Kollerstrom, author of Terror on the Tube, Breaking the Spell, and the new Chronicles of False Flag Terror recently wrote me: Hi Kevin, I hope you are well. Would you fancy doing an interview about say Liars, damned liars, and British politicians about the Skripal case the the Assad-gas story? Both brewed up by top British liars. We could make the analogy, of the spokesperson at the Douma hospital reporting: ‘No victims affected by toxic agents were admitted to our hospital on June 7th. and at Salisbury – letter to The Times, March 16th: Sir, further to…