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Germar Rudolf on Zionist censorship; Ralph Rodehag explains how things really work

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Author and publisher Germar Rudolf joins us for an update on the false flag Zionist censorship campaign that essentially purged Amazon—the de facto online book monopoly—of almost all of his 100+ published books. The censorship campaign was spearheaded by an apparent false flag operation: a flurry of threats to Jewish centers, blamed on “anti-Semites,” that turned out to have been orchestrated from Israel, and  blamed on Michael Kaydar, the nephew of a notorious Zionist extremist and alleged Shin Bet black ops specialist. Final 40 minutes: Whistleblowing commercial airline pilot Ralph Rodehag wants to talk about: “Control and power structure…


July 6 FFWN: False flags are getting highly unsubtle

Russia is reaping a PR bonanza at the World Cup—and suddenly “Novichok” magically appears next door to Porton Down. Iran is about to rally Europe against the sanctions—and just as Rouhani is touching down in Switzerland, an “Iranian bomb plot” explodes into the headlines, triggering a Bibi Netanyahu barking fit. The Syrian government is about to take back the southern part of the country—and suddenly….well, tune in next week and see if the false flag warnings currently making the rounds turn out to have been prescient. Below are the stories we covered this week with special guest commentator Jonathan Revusky.…


Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett: Have truthers been dumbed down, transformed into alt right?

Listen HERE I’m traveling to the Muslim Congress in Orlando this weekend, where I will be speaking on “Why We Need Muhammad Ali Islam.” (The Orlando False Flag of June 2016 was designed to obliterate memories of the week of Muslim-freedom-fighter adulation that followed Ali’s death.) So today’s episode of Truth Jihad Radio is a rebroadcast of the June 27 Richie Allen show, in which Richie and I discussed: Have truthers been dumbed down and transformed into the alt right? Are low-grade haters and xenophobes being promoted by the internet oligarchs to degrade and destroy the alternative media and the political…


Vacy Vlazna on “Crybaby Israel”; plus “RU in a patriotic state” and PSAs for 9/11 Muslim March on Washington

Listen HERE Dr. Vacy Vlanza of recently authored a terrific article entitled Cry Baby Israel. It begins: “Israel, one of the most technologically advanced military superpowers, is making a colossal fool of itself on the global stage by crying Wolf – ‘We have the right to defend ourselves from – from ?- hold onto your hats, folks, from  – Kites, Balloons, Stones, Cameras, a Slap, a Poem.”  In our interview we discuss Zionism and psychopathy (the subject of Laurent Guyénot’s brilliant article “Israel the Psychopathic Nation.”) Other topics include how Dr. Vlanza got interested in the Palestine issue, and what…


ISIS threatens Alex Jones: “Grow that beard longer or WE WILL BEHEAD YOU!”

Dissociated Press Is ISIS plotting an attack on Alex Jones? In a new video released by Rita Kuntz of SHITE Intelligence Group, a vicious-looking villain with a big black bushy shariah-compliant beard brandishes a glittering scimitar and inveighs against the popular talk show host’s “pathetic scruffy little attempt to produce facial hair.” “While we appreciate Alex’s decision to convert to Islam, signified by his effort to put some manly hair on that pudgy little baby face, the fact is that to be fully shariah compliant, beards need to be at least 16 centimeters in length,” scowling ISIS spokesvillain Abdul Ibn…


Ron Unz on “American Pravda: The JFK Assassination: What Happened? and Who Did It?”

Listen HERE. Unz Review (check out its mission statement) is one of the world’s best alternative media sites. Today editor and publisher Ron Unz joins us to discuss his superb new “American Pravda: The JFK Assassination” series. (Read Part One: What Happened? and Part Two: Who Did It?) I have been studying the JFK assassination, on and off, since 1975, and haven’t seen a better concise introduction to this all-important issue. Ron’s conclusion is that the one certainty that emerges from any fair-minded study of the Kennedy assassinations is that the media has been grossly dishonest—and that’s putting it mildly.…


False Flag Weekly News June 29 2018: Some Good News, Trumpian Chaos, Crybaby Israel, and more!

1) PSA: Make Bibi Cry, Support FFWN! Man Bites Dog! FFWN Offers Some Good News 2) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory is a big sign that Democrats can run on socialist ideas and win 3) US Presbyterian Church with 1.5m Members Votes Unanimously to Support BDS US Domestic Politics Implodes into Trumpian Chaos  Part 1: Supreme Court Follies 4) Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban on some Muslim-majority nations 5) Sonia Sotomayor Delivers Sharp Dissent in Travel Ban Case 6) Justice Anthony Kennedy announces retirement, giving Trump 2nd Supreme Court pick US Domestic Politics Implodes into Trumpian Chaos  Part 2: More Immigration Wars…


Karin Brothers on 7/7 false flag anniversary

Broadcast live Friday June 29 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio Both hours: Canadian journalist Karin Brothers notes that we are approaching the 13th anniversary of the 7/7/2005 false flag London bombings. Her draft notes detailing the British authorities’ appalling mass murder and coverup are appended below. (Projected 2nd hour guest Ralph Rodehag couldn’t make it.) — Draft Notes on London bombings of July 7, 2005 by Karin Brothers Significance of the London bombings of July 7th, 2005: War on terror became war on Islam: now, respected Muslim neighbors might murder in the name of Islam. The perception that all…


Ibrahim Soudy on Supreme Court upholds Trump’s Muslim ban; Scott Bennett on Iran’s plans to take the real 9/11 criminals to court

Listen HERE First half hour: Trump’s Muslim ban has only one cause: the Islamophobia intentionally created by the 9/11 false flag operation. Yet most Americans, including American Muslims, are sleepwalking into an ever-worsening nightmare. Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer and member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, says that science is now a dead letter in America…and American culture is a disease, with no cure on the horizon. Second half hour: Scott Bennett, the whistleblowing former US Army psy-ops officer and one-time assistant to 9/11 suspect Dov Zakheim, discusses how he, along with former Wolfowitz colleague Michael Maloof…

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