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Laurent Guyénot discusses JFK conspiracy in historical context

Listen HERE French historian Dr. Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion offers the best concise revisionist account of the JFK assassination. Actually it is doubly revisionist: Guyénot shows that the original cover story (Oswald acted alone) conceals a second-level cover story (CIA/mob did it) which itself hides a third level cover story (LBJ did it)…all of which deflect scrutiny from the most likely real author of the crime: the state of Israel. From Yahweh to Zion, extract from Chapter 8, “The Invisible Coup”: Oswald’s assassin is known as Jack Ruby, but few people know that his real name was Jacob Leon…


US war on terror orchestrated by Israel First neocons: Scholar

Press TV America’s so-called war on terror, which some studies show has cost nearly $6 trillion and killed about half a million people, was orchestrated by Zionist neoconservatives in the US to destroy Muslim nations, a US scholar says. “9/11 was a neoconservative coup d’état to make the US keep fighting perpetual wars, whose only real geo-strategic beneficiary is Israel.” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a PhD  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “It was orchestrated by Israel First neocons and to some extent hard-line hawks in the US military establishment,” Barrett told Press TV on…


Preschoolers to teach sex education to college professors

  Dissociated Press The National Association of Preschoolers (NAP) has issued a statement urging all American university professors to enroll in a new remedial sex education program. The preschoolers will be offering “gender clarity for eggheads” classes at pre-kindergarten educational  institutions nationwide beginning in January. NAP spokestoddler Sally S. explained: “Grown-ups are so silly. Some grown-ups don’t know boys have penises and girls have vaginas. We are going to tell them so they know.” OK folks that’s it. I just don’t have the heart to write any more satire. I was going to try to satirize this story: “YPSILANTI, MI…


Will US Congress finally end Saudis’ holocaust of Yemen?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The United Nations is finally facing the facts: The Saudi war on Yemen is turning into a holocaust. But it is the US Congress that has the power to stop the war. Will Democrats and Republicans unite to deliver a slap in the face to Trump-Kushner and their Saudi partners in crime? If a bipartisan coalition could pass the JASTA bill opening the way to expose Saudi participation in the 9/11 neocon coup d’état, why can’t they also unite to save the children of Yemen?


Ken Meyercord on anti-Iran propaganda, Greg Felton on Trumpy America

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio – click on Studio A First hour: Ken Meyercord hosts the Civil Discord Show on Washington, DC cable TV. Ken is has been written up as a holocaust revisionist by the Washington Post (among other honors and accolades). Ken recently asked hard questions at an event hosted by neocon-Zionist think tank WINEP (Washington Institute for Near East Policy) whose director has called for a false flag to launch a war against Iran for Israel. Ken writes: “At the 31:50 mark:  (The speaker had mentioned that Iran spends 1 billion dollars a…


Why is our disproportionately Jewish MSM obsessed with “Nazi holocaust” not “Rohingya holocaust”?

“Aid groups and humanitarian agencies have warned about “dangerous” plans of repatriation of thousands of Rohingya Muslim refugees to their home country Myanmar, where they faced unimaginable atrocities at the hands of military.” –Press TV In this interview I bring up the very dangerous, taboo topic of comparative holocausts and genocides. Why is everyone so afraid to point out that Hollywood’s relentless mythologizing of the sacred Nazi Holocaust has distracted us from all of the other genocides and crimes against humanity, including those that we are actually perpetrating ourselves, right now?


FFWN: Two Minutes of Hate! Let’s Hate the Hateful Hating Haters

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at then archived above PSA 1) Stop the assassination of liberty—support ffwn! Veterans Day observed (from uncommon angles) 2) Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”? 3) Why “Veterans Day” is really “Palestinian Genocide Day” Gaza Genocide Accelerates 4) Israel Sabotages Ceasefire Talks, Assassinating Hamas Commander, IDF Senior Commander Also Killed 5) Israel pays dearly for botched raid on Gaza 6) Israel Defence Minister Lieberman resigns over Gaza ceasefire 7) Israeli “centrist” politicians clamor for murder 8) Israel…


Jerome Corsi (about to be indicted by Mueller) exposes JFK assassination!

Listen HERE Jerome Corsi says he is about to be indicted by Robert Mueller: “I fully anticipate that in the next few days I will be indicted by Mueller for some form or other of giving false information to the special counsel or to one of the other grand jury — or however they want to do the indictment. But I’m going to be criminally charged,” Corsi told Fox News. Corsi  adds: “Criminals are running the Department of Justice. My crime was that I dared to support Donald Trump. And that supporting President Trump, and since 2004 having written 20…


Peter Koenig on Gaza genocide, 9/11 truth, & decline of the West

Listen HERE Whistleblowing ex-World Bank economist Peter Koenig discusses the accelerating genocide of Gaza and the likely false flag that set off the latest round. We also discuss the 9/11 false flag, the relationship between the US and Israeli expansionist empires, and the perspicacity of Oswald Spengler, who saw the Decline of the West coming a century ago. Touchstones of our conversation include Peter’s latest articles and Press TV appearances including: Iran Sanctions – Trump Gives Waivers to Iran’s Major Customers? BRICS: A Future in Limbo


Saudi’s assassination plots—maniac Bin Salman dooms Saudi royals

Press TV interview with Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, says Tehran had credible information about Saudi Arabia’s plots to assassinate senior Iranian officials including Major-General Qassem Soleymani. Zarif was commenting on a New York Times report that Riyadh had contracted private companies to carry out the operations. He cited recent terrorist attacks in Iran as the result of a Saudi threat last year when Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pledged to take war onto Iranian soil. The top Iranian diplomat added that the entire world has opened its eyes to Riyadh’s activities such as…

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