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Israeli PR jumps the gun (as usual) on Strassbourg false flag

“Like 9/11, Nice, and Munich, the January 7 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre, November 13 2015 Paris attacks, and the March 22 2016 Brussels Airport attacks all featured pre-positioned publicists who appeared to be Israeli agents.” –False Flag Trilogy v.3, Orlando False Flag, p.200 By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Readers of my False Flag Trilogy know that Israel’s fingerprints are all over the most spectacular recent “terrorist attacks” in France, including the Mohamed Merah affair, the Charlie Hebdo spectacular, the 11/13/15 follow-up, and the 2016 Nice truck attack. So it shouldn’t surprise us that the perfectly timed (for Macron) Strassbourg…


Turkey seeks arrest of 2 allies of Bin Salman

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The US defense secretary says he needs more evidence on who was behind the killing of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. James Mattis said he is quite satisfied that he will find more evidence concerning the incident. He added that he will follow the issue as far as he can. Meanwhile, Turkey has called for Saudi Arabia’s transparency in the investigation into the killing of the Washington Post journalist.


Tribute to late William Blum: “I was next to David Ray Griffin on Osama Bin Laden’s bookshelf?!”

Listen HERE I just learned that William Blum, author of Killing Hope, and other blistering critiques of US empire, has passed away. According to someone close to him: “He had failed kidneys and a stroke.  His son Alex is attending to affaires. I am told the IPS will hold his archives and book collection.  His own books are still available.  He wrote 5 books and published the Anti-Empire Report to 1,000 subscribers.” William Blum was one of the many Jewish people (ethnic not religious in his case…and he wasn’t even very ethnic, being a universalist) who could be considered representatives of the…


Robert David Steele on Gordon Duff, internet censorship, Zionism, Jeffrey Epstein, and 2020 presidential run; Monika Schaefer on finally getting out of political prison

Listen HERE First hour: Former CIA Clandestine Services Officer Robert David Steele recently spent 20 hours talking to fellow ex-Marine/open-source intelligence legend Gordon Duff. (Listen to my interview with Gordon.) Despite their different perspectives on Donald Trump, they got along fine and shared ideas for saving America and the world. Robert David Steele says he wants to discuss his views on Tim Cook receiving an award from ADL for de-platforming Alex Jones, the future of the Middle East and the denuclearization of Israel, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz throwing Jeffrey Epstein under the bus to get at Trump’s Labor Secretary (Steele says “huge mistake”). He also…


Trump’s Attorney General nominee Barr a drug dealing assassin?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Anybody who thinks Trump is out to drain the swamp and bust the Deep State just got a dose of reality medicine, in the form of Trump’s nomination of swamp monster William Barr as our next Attorney General. According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of others. Ironically, Trump—who tossed a few rhetorical punches at the…


Admiral Murdered—World War 3 Coming?

  Broadcasts Fridays live 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN debunk implausible, incoherent, falsifiable mainstream beliefs 2) It’s December 7th: Never forget the Old Pearl Harbor! Admiral Murdered—World War 3 Coming? 3) Navy admiral Scott Stearney found dead in Bahrain, no foul play suspected (!) 4) Robert Steele: US Admiral Scott Stearney Murdered in Bahrain? Rumored to Have Opposed False Flag (Zionists Will Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel) 5) Steele Meets Duff part 1   Steele appears tonight on Kevin’s show 8 to 9 pm Eastern on…


Intel whistleblowers meetup Part 1: Gordon Duff discusses meeting with Robert David Steele

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, is an ex-Marine, former high-level US intelligence insider, and leading figure in open source intelligence. A few days ago he met with a fellow ex-Marine: former CIA Clandestine Services officer Robert David Steele—often considered the founder of the open source intelligence movement, a prolific reader and book reviewer, and the only ex-CIA official who has publicly admitted to running a false flag operation for the Agency. The meeting, held at Gordon’s impressive “estate” in western Michigan, was not exactly top secret (I heard about it in advance and considered attending). Among…


Anti-Semitism is doubleplusungood, Holocaust denial is crimethink

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Our Orwellian era just took a terrifying turn for the worse. Not content with mangling the English language to disguise victimizers (themselves) as victims, and their victims as “terrorists,” the chutzpah-bloated chosenites of the Zionist Power Establishments (ZIPES!) are demanding that the sacred scriptures of Islam and Christianity be rewritten to their own liking: Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages  According to ZIPES, the Gospels and the Qur’an are…what else…hotbeds of anti-Semitism! The mind fairly boggles at the obscene hypocrisy of…


Ding Dong the Bush is Dead

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor My Catholic friend Martin Hill just wrote to me on the occasion of the death George H.W. Bush: As a Catholic I hope no one of God’s creatures will go to hell. To wish such on anyone would  be evil & demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the seriousness of what hell actually is. When I heard the news of Bush’s death we prayed for his soul. OK Martin, I see your point. But for little ole Muslim me, praying for the soul of George H.W. Bush seems a waste of perfectly good prayer space.…


Peter Phillips exposes global power elite, Cat McGuire on The Met’s “conspiracy” exhibit

Broadcasts live Fridays, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: Sociology professor and former Project Censored director Peter Phillips  discusses his new book Giants: The Global Power Elite, which names “the top 389 most powerful players in world capitalism” and explains how their power  base works. Interlocking asset management companies (JPMorgan Chase, Vanguard, B of A, Blackrock, etc.), incestuous ultra-elite policy planning centers (G30, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg, Davos), military-industrial-intelligence cartels (Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing, Blackwater/XE/Academi, G4S), mind control and propaganda outfits (WPP and its CIA cover firm subsidary Hill & Knowlton) and their media stooges…

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