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Law professor Francis Boyle: Stop the Merger between John Marshall Law School & Bloody Gina Haspel CIA MURDER INC University of Illinois at Chicago

Listen HERE First segment: University of Illinois international law professor Francis Boyle explains why the American Bar Association should “deny the merger of the John Marshall Law School & Bloody Gina Haspel CIA MURDER INC University of Illinois at Chicago.” Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He received an AB (1971) in Political Science from the University of Chicago, then a JD degree magna cum laudefrom Harvard Law School, and AM and PhD degrees in Political Science from Harvard University. Final 40 minutes: Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett. Richie writes: “The…


It’s a Christmas conspiracy, Charlie Brown!

Merry Christmas, fellow heretics! ‘Tis the season for exchanging gifts, ’tis it not? ‘Tis also the season for sending your friends and relatives some sort of greeting card, letter, or (if you’re a cyber-acculturated cheapskate) email letting them know you’re not dead and giving them at least a vague sense of what you’ve been up to. So why not send your friends and relatives some thought-provoking mirth too?  Just forward this Peanuts parody as—or alongside—your “official Christmas greeting.” Who knows, if it goes viral, maybe thousands or even millions of people will eventually come to doubt the official story of…


Charles Upton on “Dugin vs. Dugin”; Charles Messina on (Shia) Islam…and working at NYC’s Ground Zero

Live every Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio Tonight’s show features two white American Muslims named Charles. Whether this coincidence has any cosmic significance I know not. First hour: Noted poet and metaphysician Charles Upton has just published Dugin Against Dugin: A Traditionalist Critique of the Fourth Political Theory. It strikes me as more of a critique of Dugin’s metaphysics than his politics. But maybe bad metaphysics create bad politics? Listen to Charles Upton, read Dugin Against Dugin, and decide for yourself! Here is my blurb for the book: “There is an epic quality to Charles Upton’s struggle…


FFWN: Syria pullout, Alice Walker loves David Icke: Some good news for a change!

1) PSA: Leave FFWN some cookies! Syria Pullout — Afghanistan Next? 2) Trump orders rapid withdrawal from Syria in apparent reversal 3) Report: U.S. To Leave Syria Immediately – Updated 4) Why Trump’s Syria withdrawal is the right move 5) US approves Patriot missile sale worth $3.5bn to Turkey (it this why US is pulling its troops out of Syria?) 6) Mattis Out, the Man Who Stopped Trump from Nuking Syria 7) US offers to withdraw troops from Afghanistan 8) Trump administration orders Pentagon to draw up Afghan troop withdrawal plans Zios…


Mega-censored musician-philosopher Gilad Atzmon on “Blockhead ban” in Islington

Listen HERE. Gilad Atzmon is one of Europe’s greatest saxophonists—and probably the hardest working one. He also may be the “most censored thinker” in the Western world. Everywhere he goes, Zionists (and occasionally anti-Zionists) clamor to have him banned. Now the censors may have gone too far. After the Islington (London) council banned him from performing with The Blockheads based on a single complaint from an angry Zionist, a wave of support for Gilad, and for free speech, has been washing across the world. In this interview Gilad says he is grateful that the Zionists have exposed their own neuroses—compare…


Saudis whine about US Senate “interference in our internal affairs” — hypocrisy or insanity?

–Press TV  interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Saudi Arabia on Sunday rejected as “interference” a US Senate resolution to end US military support for a Riyadh-led war in Yemen, and another holding its crown prince responsible for the murder of critic Jamal Khashoggi. “The kingdom condemns the latest position of the US Senate that was built on untrue allegations and affirms a total rejection of any interference in its internal affairs,” the foreign ministry said in a statement posted on the official Saudi Press Agency. “It’s actually rather amusing that they’re calling this ‘interference in their internal affairs.’…


Gwenyth Todd on Admiral’s “suicide” & false flag plans vs. Iran; Ruqiye Turdush on China’s oppression of Uyghurs

LISTEN HERE First hour: Former high-level US government insider Gwenyth Todd discusses the suicide (suiciding?) of Admiral Scott Stearney, chief of the crucial US Navy 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Gwenyth says the neocon Zionists she used to work for tricked the US into invading Iraq for one overriding reason: to put US bases and forces into Iraq in preparation for a war of aggression against Israel’s #1 problem, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Among other revelations, she says ex-CIA agent Will Hurd (R-TX) did some evil/incompetent things in Bahrain in an apparent effort to start a war with Iran under false pretenses…and he…


FFWN: ‘PERFECT TIMING’ + Israeli PR = ‘Yellow vest’ FALSE FLAG

PSA 1) Be a FFWN Santa! Strassbourg False Flag Shoots Down Yellow Vests? 2) Israeli PR jumps the gun — as usual — on Strasbourg false flag 3) ‘PERFECT TIMING’ ‘Yellow vest’ conspiracy theorists claim Strasbourg shooting was a ‘false flag’ operation arranged by Macron to distract from riots 3A) Cherif Chekatt, France gunman who opened fire at Christmas market, is dead, prosecutor says 4) Strasbourg attack not a govt conspiracy to undermine Yellow Vests – Interior Ministry official 5) More than 1300 were arrested and dozens injured after violent anti-government protests engulf France — here’s how the clashes…


U.S. senators defy Trump’s call to back Saudi war on Yemen

The US Senate has voted in favor of advancing a resolution to end Washington’s support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. Republican senators have joined Democrats to give the measure the 60 votes required to advance the motion. The move will now pave the way for a debate and a vote in the chamber. President Donald Trump’s administration had urged lawmakers to back continued military support for Riyadh. The senate vote will be seen as a blow to the U-S President. The Saudi war has triggered a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, pushing millions of people to the brink of famine.


Jim Fetzer on internet censorship & being sued over Sandy Hook

Listen HERE University of Minnesota-Duluth Professor Emeritus James Fetzer has a new website, But he has seen most of his internet presence taken down by censors. Jim’s edited book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook has been banned by Amazon. (Counterarguments are here.) Now Sandy Hook parent Lenny Pozner is suing Jim for defamation. Will Pozner’s lawsuit provide a forum for clearing up questions about Sandy Hook? Jim Fetzer is confident he will prevail in court, if it comes to that, but doesn’t expect it to; Jim thinks the lawsuit is basically a publicity stunt. In this interview we discuss the…

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