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INSANE Youtube censorship algorithm bans friendly Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue!

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor A Muslim and a Jew walked into a YouTube channel, engaged in some friendly interfaith dialogue…and got banned for “hate speech.” I wish that were a joke. Shortly after I posted yesterday’s interview with Doooovid, an independent Jewish intellectual and interfaith activist, YouTube banned the video, claiming it violated their anti-hate-speech guidelines. Listen to the banned conversation HERE Why would YouTube ban this totally cordial, utterly hate-free conversation? I can think of two possible reasons. First, YouTube’s AI (Artificial Idiocy) algorithm may have seen the word “Jew” twice in the title and “thought” to itself:…


Kevin Barrett asks Doooovid “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?”

Listen HERE Doooovid is an independent Jewish thinker and interfaith activist. In this interview Kevin Barrett, who recently lectured on anti-Semitism at the ISTAC institute in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia (and has occasionally and libelously been called anti-Semitic by Bnai Brith) asks Doovid: “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?” Note: The idiots and/or idiotic algorithms at YouTube banned this video as “hate speech.” It will very likely be reinstated when a non-moronic human being (assuming YouTube employs any) considers the appeal.


Ellen Brown on hemp and FB money; Jonathan Mark on Apollo 11; Ibrahim Soudy says Americans are living in a new Dark Age

Listen HERE Broadcast live on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, this show features three guests who express varying degrees of skepticism about official history in general and Apollo 11 in particular. First hour: Ellen Brown says there are ways to pay for the Green New Deal and more. They include currency reform, reforestation, and hemp. Halfway through the hour Jonathan Mark of FlybyNews calls in to discuss the Apollo 11 anniversary. Second hour: In 2015 Ibrahim Soudy (Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, member of inspired me to rethink the term “anti-Semitism.” Ibrahim published a chapter…


FFWN Boldly Goes Where No Weekly News Show Has Gone Before!

Broadcast Fridays live 11 to noon Eastern on – watch it above 1) Help FFWN Boldly Go Where No Weekly News Show Has Gone Before 50th Anniversary Highlights Moon Landings Debate 2) Ritual phallus worship in Freemasonic DC: “Washington Monument ready for liftoff in incredible Apollo 11 light show” 3) The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind? 4) NYT: Moon landing story “manipulation was symptomatic” of “Cold War propaganda effort” 5) Moon landing conspiracy theories aren’t true – here’s how we know 6) Moon Landings Faked? Filmmaker Says Not! 7) The greatest photos ever? Why the moon landing…


Greg Felton: “The United States is a Stupid Country Run by Stupid People”

 Listen HERE Canadian ex-MSM journalist Greg Felton says: “The United States is a stupid country run by stupid people who have no respect for reason.” WHAT?! Them’s fightin’ words, pardner! We also argue about religion, sacred violence and sacrifice, and the moon landings…but largely agree about Zionism and the 9/11 wars.


Trump should go back to Israel, where he comes from: Analyst

Press TV If US congresswomen from other descents need to go back to their countries as US President Donald Trump has suggested, then the American head of state himself should go to Israel where his allegiance lies, says an American scholar. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an academic and political scholar based in Wisconsin, made the remarks in the aftermath of racist tweets by Trump, who has called on several female lawmakers critical of his policies to return to their countries of origin. In a series of tweets on Monday, Trump said the congresswomen — three of them Muslims — were “spewing” “racist…


“Moon Landing Skeptic” unveils true identity; E. Michael Jones on Jewish privilege, white identity, and Jeffrey Epstein

Listen HERE Note: Video versions of both of these shows will be available for my Patreon subscribers. First half hour: The viral article The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind? elicited more than 1,500 comments on last April. The new updated version on Veterans Today is even better. It may be the best short introduction to the question of why so many people doubt that Americans really walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972. (The best three-hour introduction is Massimo Mazzucco’s film American Moon.) So who exactly is “Moon Landing Skeptic”? Listen to this show and find out. (Hint: He…


Nadeem Haque on animals’ consciousness, souls & afterlife; Ralph Cinque on his new film “My Stretch of Texas Ground”

Listen HERE First hour: Nadeem Haque has just published a paper on the Qur’an and the issue of animals’ consciousness, souls and afterlife. Nadeem Haque is a Philosopher of Science and Belief Systems. He is the author of eight books and one other soon to be published book, and numerous peer-reviewed articles (total of around 40 articles/papers). His work has focused on six main areas: Animal Rights and Environment/Ecology; the origins and nature of consciousness; the unification of physics; macro-evolution and History/History of Science (‘Pre-Ancient’, Ancient and the Middle Ages) and Extraterrestrial Life/Extrasolar planets and the Quran. Second hour: Ralph…


FFWN: Ian Greenhalgh exposes Jeffrey Epstein

Watch FFWN live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at—then archived above PSA 1) Help FFWN expose the DIPs (Dominant Inbred Psychopaths) Ghosts of False Flags Past 2) Anniversary: 7/7 London Bombings 14 Years On 3) Watch out! “Lucky Larry” Silverstein is bringing more art students to World Trade Center! Epstein-gate 4) Jeffrey Epstein arrested on sex trafficking charges 5) No Charges for Donald….Yet Epstein used his girls with visitors and videoed it for the Mossad 6) WaPo puts Trump-Epstein on top of front page—three years after VT started screaming from the rooftops 7) The chutzpah! WaPo uses Epstein to…


Linh Dinh: Ordinary folks everywhere just want to have lunch!

Listen HERE Linh Dinh, America’s greatest gonzo-journalist-in-exile, argues that “people just want to be left alone, so they can just eat simple food, drink cheap beer, and have conversations. But unfortunately life isn’t that unmolested. That’s been a constant theme in my writing and in my thinking.” I’m not so sure about the cheap beer—my life and conversations have been much better since I gave that stuff up—but other than that, Linh may be on to something. Linh says “I’ve always advocated boycotting the American elections. Americans need to make a stand, they have to declare to history that they’re…

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