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FFWN: Mideast Peace Breaking Out?! The Horror!!

Once again we were unable to broadcast live due to mysterious technical difficulties that only arise at broadcast time (Fridays 11 to noon Eastern).  If you want to catch our live broadcasts in the future please get on our contact list by emailing us at PSAs 1) Help FFWN Clarify Truth vs. “What Is Perceived to Be True” 2) Dave Gahary on Free Speech, Sandy Hook & Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Mideast Peace Breaking Out?! The Horror!! 3) MSM Not Happy Peace Is Breaking Out 4) Win-Win-Win-Win Outcome in Syria? 5) Iraqi defense minister gives US troops 4 weeks to leave…


Dave Lindorff on Why US Military Spending Should Be Cut 50%; Prof. Anthony Hall on the Meaninglessness of (Canadian) Elections

Listen HERE First half hour: Donald Trump says the purpose of the US military is to defend our borders—not police the world. If he really believes that, he should slash military spending at least 50%!  Guest Dave Lindorff writes in his new article “Military Spending’s Out of Control While Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All”: “Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget. The article, written by Lindsay Koshgarian, director of the Institute for Policy Studies’…


Wife of Iranian scientist condemns US ‎ for detaining him for a year without ‎trial‎

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The family of Professor Masoud Soleimani, an Iranian stem cell scientist who has been jailed by the US, condemned Washington’s hostile act and blatant human rights violation. Speaking at a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday, Soleimani’s wife, Dr. Mahnaz Rabeie, denounced the US for keeping the scientist behind bars for a whole year without any fair trial. What follow is the text of the statement, according to Press TV: “In the Name of God Statement by the family of Dr. Masoud Soleimani on the anniversary of the…


Clinton crime family hijacked Democratic Party: Scholar

Press TV The Clinton crime family hijacked the Democratic Party, American scholar Kevin Barrettsays. Barrett, who is an author journalist and radio host in Madison, Wisconsin told Press TV in an interview on Saturday that in the United States the Democratic Party had traditionally represented the working class and the Republican Party the rich billionaires. However, with the arrival of the Clinton duo at the helm of US politics that has changed. “After the Clinton family got hold of the Democratic Party in the 1990s, it became the other party of the billionaires,” Barrett said. “A lot of Americans, and…


Dane Wiggington on Geoengineered Climate Catastrophe

Listen HERE  I recently emailed Dane Wiggington of Geoengineering Watch to ask his take on weird weather patterns etc.  Dane wrote back: “Hello, Kevin, hope you are well in spite of it all.  Biosphere collapse continues to unfold and accelerate, the climate engineering assault is further fueling the process (and contaminating every breath we take).” Dane claims the climate change alarmists are actually downplaying the real scale of the climate catastrophe, especially the part driven by geoengineering. He says the planet is in meltdown mode and recommends the film Chasing Ice. Dane also says the destruction of the ozone layer continues…


Dave Gahary on Free Speech, Sandy Hook, & Trump’s Syria Withdrawa

Listen HERE First hour: Radio host, journalist and publisher Dave Gahary was featured today in a CBS News Good Morning report on the Wisconsin court decision ordering Jim Fetzer to pay Lenny Pozner $450,000 in libel damages. (I was in the courtroom Tuesday and published this report.) Dave, the publisher of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, decided to pull the book after he spent time with Lenny Pozner and came to believe that Pozner is telling the truth about losing his son Noah in the Sandy Hook school massacre. Though he now sympathizes with Lenny Pozner as a bereaved father, Dave…


US taking advantage of Saudi weak military capability: Analyst

Press TV The United States is “taking advantage” of Saudi Arabia’s weak military capability by selling Riyadh more Patriot missiles that “do not work,” says a political analyst. Kevin Barrett, an American author and scholar, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday when asked about the US’ plan to send additional forces and equipment to Saudi Arabia. On Friday, the Pentagon announced the deployment of a large number of additional troops as well as equipment to Saudi Arabia, which include two fighter squadrons, two Patriot batteries, and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD). The move officials…


FFWN: Gordon Duff on “The Scramble of October 2019, a New World”

Broadcast Fridays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help Us Defeat MSM Denial Monkeys—Support FFWN! Turkey-Syria: Invasion or Solution? 2) Gordon Duff: The Scramble of October 2019, a New World   and the brand new 3) Syrian army to deploy along Turkish border in deal with Kurdish-led forces 4) Covering the tracks? US jets BOMB own base in Syria as troops retreat 5) Fake news fail! ABC claims footage from Kentucky gun range shows Turkish attack on Kurdish civilians 6) Westerners who propped up Islamist ‘moderate rebels’ suddenly realize they’re terrorists as they launch ‘genocide’ of Kurds 7) One…


The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Tuesday was the final day of Jim Fetzer’ defense against Lenny Pozner’s libel lawsuit. I attended and wrote up a “just the facts” report that evening. At almost the same moment I published my report, the jury came back with a verdict awarding more than half a million dollars to Lenny “Jim Fetzer gave me PTSD” Pozner. Now it’s time for an opinion piece. And as much as I sympathize with Mr. Pozner, assuming his account is accurate, my opinion is that Jim Fetzer got a raw deal…and that the reverberations of this case…


“Who Did 9/11?”—and Why Did Amazon Ban Nick Kollerstrom’s Book?

Listen HERE Why would Amazon ban a book called Who Did 9/11? Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, a history of science Ph.D. with a specialty in chemistry, is the author of many books, including: *The best book on the 7/7 London bombings, Terror on the Tube. (Watch the 7/7 video Kollerstrom and Farrell Are Dead.) *Breaking the Spell, which builds on Dr. Kollerstrom’s research into cyanide residues discovered in German concentration camps—research that got him summarily fired from University College London. *Chronicles of False Flag Terror critiquing official versions of the Bologna railway station bombing (August 1980), the Israeli London Embassy bombing (July 1994),…

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