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Malcolm X Was Right, Islam Can Solve US Racism Problem

Iranian newspaper Sobhe Sadiq interviews Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Question: Protests over police brutality and the death of George Floyd continue to rage across the US. What do you think about the protests? I sympathize with people who are angry about the murder of George Floyd and other abuses by American police. Abusive police are a serious problem here in the USA, epecially in black communities. The police abuse problem is one aspect of the larger problem of rampant injustices and inequalities. There is also the related problem of the moral, ethical, and spiritual vacuum left by the decline…


Eric Zuesse Says COVID Proves Socialism Beats Capitalism

Listen HERE Eric Zuesse returns to debate his article “Ideology and Coronavirus.” He writes: “There are two polar-opposite approaches for dealing with the challenge of coronavirus-19: libertarian proposals prioritize the economy above the public’s health, whereas socialist proposals prioritize the public’s health above the economy. Libertarian countries rely on developing ‘herd immunity’ to the disease, in preference to imposing social distancing and ‘lockdowns,’ which aim instead to reduce the spread of the infection. Unlike socialist measures, the ‘herd immunity’ approach doesn’t need any regulations, because it allows the disease to spread so that the people who survive it will become…


LIVE RADIO! Eric Zuesse Says COVID Proves Socialism Beats Capitalism; Tony Hall and Matt Ehret Debate “Canadian Patriotism”

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Investigative historian Eric Zuesse returns to debate his article “Ideology and Coronavirus.” He writes: “There are two polar-opposite approaches for dealing with the challenge of coronavirus-19: libertarian proposals prioritize the economy above the public’s health, whereas socialist proposals prioritize the public’s health above the economy. Libertarian countries rely on developing ‘herd immunity’ to the disease, in preference to imposing social distancing and ‘lockdowns,’ which aim instead to reduce the spread of the infection. Unlike socialist measures, the ‘herd immunity’ approach doesn’t need any regulations, because it allows the disease…


FFWN: Conspiracy theories run rampant amid Floyd protests 

Watch live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help Conspiracy Theories Run Rampant! Support FFWN 2) Conspiracy theories run rampant online amid Floyd protests 3) The Best Corona Conspiracy Event Ever! Watch the Archive of Four-Hour Webinar “Was Covid-19 made in a lab?” 4) John Hankey: US Military Made Coronavirus & Vaccine, Trump Was Vaccinated in November Sig Heil Trump? Military Leaders Say “Nein” 5) Trump briefly taken to underground bunker during Friday’s White House protests 6) Trump Says He’ll Deploy Military To States If They Don’t Stop Violent Protests 7) Esper encourages governors to ‘dominate the…


Gordon Duff: USA Is a Narco-State

Listen HERE Intro: Shout out to Thievery Corporation & “Culture of Fear.”  First half hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, says the USA has suffered a hostile takeover by organized crime (whose current top dog is Semion Mogilevich) and has become a narco-state.  It turns out that letting the CIA dominate the global drug trade since World War II wasn’t such a good idea after all. Letting the bad guys kill JFK in broad daylight was also a mistake. Opening our doors to the Russian-Zionist mob in the 1990s, then acquiescing to the 9/11 false flag, probably wasn’t…


John Hankey: US Military Made Coronavirus & Vaccine, Trump Was Vaccinated in November

Listen HERE Researcher and filmmaker John Hankey comments on topics addressed in the recent webinar: Covid-19–A New 9/11 Style False Flag? Was Covid-19 made in a lab? Is it a bioweapon? Who made it? Deliberate or accidental release? If deliberate, who gains? Extracts from John Hankey’s statements in this interview: There was a story that broke last Friday that the U.S. has given a billion dollars to a lab in Oxford. This story was carried very, very quietly on the Today Show. They had a tiny segment, but I happened to stumble upon it. They interviewed the guy who runs the Oxford…


Trump Announces Urban Renewal Plan: Pallet Loads of Bricks for Inner City Youth

Dissociated Press Stung by criticism that his administration hasn’t done enough to help rebuild America’s inner cities, President Trump yesterday unveiled a bold new infrastructure plan for government-sponsored distribution of thousands of pallet loads of free bricks in America’s hardest-hit urban neighborhoods. “Wherever people protest, we are pre-empting their demands by giving them lots of free bricks to build things with,” Trump announced from a corner of the White House lawn freshly cleared by tear gas and rubber bullets. Trump explained that he had made a deal with the CointelBro Brick Company, owned by Jared Kushner’s cousin “Joizy Dave” Brickowitz, to…


Israel Trains “Vast Numbers of Law Enforcement Officials” in Minneapolis

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA) brags that it has brought Israelis to train “vast numbers” of Minneapolis cops. Are they training them to treat Americans the way Israel’s uniformed thugs treat Palestinians? No wonder the black community sees cops as an army of occupation.


Minneapolis Mayor: Rioters Must Practice Social Distancing and Wear Masks or Risk Arrest

Dissociated Press Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has ordered rioters to wear medical masks and remain at least six feet apart while smashing windows, overturning automobiles, setting fire to buildings, and attacking police officers and national guard troops or risk being fined — or even arrested. “We understand that after two months of being locked down in their homes with no paycheck and insufficient toilet paper, people feel a need to get outside and express their legitimate anger by destroying things and attacking law enforcement officers,” Frey said at a press conference outside City Hall. “But they need to remember that…


Maisoon Rice & Eric Zeusse vs. Dominant Coronavirus Discourse

Listen HERE First half hour: Displaced Palestinian Maisoon Rice sends out a terrific email digest of Palestine-related articles. She’s an outspoken truth-seeker – so outspoken that even George Galloway banned her from his show. (Note: George Galloway may be opening up a bit on red pill issues—I recently appeared on his show and am hoping to have him on mine one of these days.) In this interview Maisoon explains how she went from cheering for frontline corona heroes every 8pm to extreme COVID skepticism. She now believes the pandemic was planned long in advance by “the usual suspects,” and thinks the…

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