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Monika Schaefer on COVID-NWO Agenda

Listen HERE Monika Schaefer, a Canadian citizen and former Green Party activist, spent most of 2018 as a prisoner of conscience in Germany after she was prosecuted for apologizing to her mother.  Henry Makow just published her Open Letter to the Jasper Town Council: “I have looked into this, and have come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is nothing less than the implementation of a New World Order, and it is pure communism. If they succeed, it will be a tyrannical one-world-government police state in which our every move will be monitored, controlled, and dictated. We will be…


LIVE RADIO! Monika Schaefer on COVID-NWO Agenda; Labeeb Uqdah and Rashid Dawud on BLM and Islam

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Monika Schaefer, a Canadian citizen and former Green Party activist, spent most of 2018 as a prisoner of conscience in Germany after she was prosecuted for apologizing to her mother.  Henry Makow just published her Open Letter to the Jasper Town Council: “I have looked into this, and have come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is nothing less than the implementation of a New World Order, and it is pure communism. If they succeed, it will be a tyrannical one-world-government police state in which our every…


Professor Fired for Tweeting “All Lives Matter” Rehired After Recanting and Admitting “No Lives Matter”

Dissociated Press Philosophy Professor Fuddley Dudwhump of Miskatonic University, fired last week for tweeting “all lives matter,” was rehired yesterday after his tearful recantation was viewed thousands of times on YouTube, eliciting dozens of favorable comments. “I was wrong, so terribly, awfully wrong,” Dudwhump sobs in the video. “What ever could have made me tweet ‘all lives matter?’ That is a horrific, insensitive thing to say. And what’s more, it is obviously not true. The truth, of course, is that ‘no lives matter.’ We are mere specks of animated mud, crawling like microscopic insects across the face of slightly-better-than-average but…


FFWN: Smell the New World Odor!

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s show features guest commentator Ken Meyercord PSA 1) Help FFWN Sniff Out the NWO High Perps Tweeting Truth to Power 2) Kevin Tweets Back to Chomsky 3) Kevin Responds to Dick Cheney’s “WEAR A MASK” Conspiracy Theories (Good, Bad, & Ugly) Gaining Steam 4) Jeffrey Epstein friend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on child sex abuse conspiracy, perjury charges (Will she “kill herself” like Epstein?) 5) Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything” And “Will Be Naming Names”, Former Epstein Associate Says 6) ‘PizzaGate’ Conspiracy Theory Thrives Anew in the TikTok Era 7) American…


Mutant COVID Strain Blocks Smell of New World Odor

Dissociated Press If you can’t perceive anything fishy about Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide,” haven’t noticed the rancid stench surrounding Black Rock and the $7 trillion COVID swindle, are still oblivious to the whiff of bankster-driven biological warfare, and generally find it difficult to sniff out wrongdoing in high places, you should immediately get tested for COVID-1984—a new mutant virus that selectively targets the ability to perceive specific aromas, especially the smell of rank bullshit. “COVID-1984 was deliberately unleashed by the Chinese government when they let it accidentally escape the Wuhan laboratory and emerge naturally from animals to infect innocent New Yorkers…


E. Michael Jones: Amazon Burned My Books—It’s an Outrage!

Listen HERE Historian and cultural critic E. Michael Jones just had all his books suddenly erased from Amazon (along with hundreds of reviews—the intellectual property of the reviewers, now annihilated and erased from history by the Amazon censors). His account offers yet more evidence that the internet monopolies need to be seized and run as First Amendment compliant public utilities—and their executives imprisoned for treason against the Constitution and violating antitrust law. Jones explains: “We were up to between 40 and 50 ebooks. And then one of the usual suspects noticed that one of my books was called Jewish Privilege.…


Eric Zuesse v. Peter Simpson on 2nd Amendment, Heller Decision, Anti-Federalists

Listen HERE This debate was recorded on June 26, 2020, the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court Heller Decision affirming that the 2nd Amendment applies to individual firearms ownership. Eric Zuesse attacked it last year, and has updated his argument, in part to answer my objections. Eric joins the show to make his case against Heller and the Anti-Federalists, while philosophy professor Peter Simpson responds with a Pro-Anti-Federalist position (if that isn’t an oxymoron). After considering his arguments, I think Eric may have a reasonably good case against the Heller Decision’s citation of Anti-Federalists and British Common Law. But I…


Josh Mitteldorf: “Aging is an Inside Job, Our Bodies Are Rigged for Controlled Demolition!”

Listen HERE First hour: Scientist Josh Mittledorf, (check out his website), author of Cracking the Aging Code (with Dorion Sagan), believes we may have just witnessed an Age Reduction Breakthrough. In his book, and in this interview, he explains that the human body doesn’t just wear out. It is perfectly capable of repairing and rejuvenating itself and living for hundreds if not thousands of years. In fact, there is no reason it couldn’t get stronger and more youthful and less likely to get sick or die with each passing century. The problem is that it doesn’t want to! On the…


American Taliban: Is Smashing Historic Heritage a Meritorious Act?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Unz Review In March 2001, in the mountains northwest of Kabul, the Taliban blew up two colossal statues of Gautama Buddha. The act was almost universally condemned. But the Taliban’s justification of historic vandalism makes at least as much sense as those offered by today’s American Taliban, who are on a nationwide rampage of statue-destruction. Here in Madison, Wisconsin, confused protesters just destroyed two statues honoring causes they presumably support. One honored Hans Christian Heg, “a Norwegian immigrant, activist and abolitionist who led an anti-slave catcher militia helping slaves escape before serving as…

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