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Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of NOIRG on “White Supremacist Jews & KKK”

Listen HERE Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses “White Supremacist Jews & KKK.” Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad was born in 1951 in Winston-Salem, N.C. He joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) in 1971 while attending Columbia University in NYC, and received a PH.D in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State Univ. with a minor in finance and a specialty in Systems Science in 1987. He taught Agricultural Economics and conducted research on small farm financial management at NCA&T from 1986 to 1990.


LIVE RADIO: Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of NOIRG on “White Supremacist Jews & KKK”; Sander Hicks on Martyrdom of Gen. Qassem Soleimani

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses “White Supremacist Jews & KKK.” Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad was born in 1951 in Winston-Salem, N.C. He joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) in 1971 while attending Columbia University in NYC, and received a PH.D in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State Univ. with a minor in finance and a specialty in Systems Science in 1987. He taught Agricultural Economics and conducted research on small farm financial management at NCA&T from 1986 to 1990. Second hour: Journalist-activist-entrepreneur Sander Hicks…


FFWN: MSM’s War on “Conspiracy Theories” vs. Truth Insurgency

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s guest commentator: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan PSAs 1) Help FFWN Say 2 + 2 = 4 2) Limited Webinar tickets–The 9/11 Truth Film Festival will be ONLINE this year on Sept. 10th 3 )Justice for Geoff: A Conversation with 9/11 Family Member Matt Campbell Beirut Bombing 4) Is Mossad Leaking to Deflect Blame for Israel’s Role in Beirut Disaster? 5) Phil Giraldi: Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction War on “Conspiracy Theories” 6) ‘Is that such a bad thing?’: Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists…


Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness”: Reflections on More Than a Half Century of History

Listen HERE Diana Johnstone’s new book Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher is an lucid, courageous, elegantly-written, uncommonly well-informed reflection on post-World War 2 American and European history. The author traces her journey from Vietnam-era antiwar activism in the 1960s to a nearly five-decade-long career as one of America’s best alternative journalists. Unlike most writers associated with the left (and the center and right for that matter) Diana Johnstone is not afraid of pursuing the truth about controversial topics, including political assassinations such as those of Issam Sartawi and Olaf Palme; neoliberal bankster dictatorship and the lies that…


Atty. Thomas Willcutts on Science Propaganda Machine & COVID Censorship

Listen HERE Attorney Thomas Willcutts disagrees with many of last week’s guest Gordon Duff‘s assertions about COVID-19. He argues that the “scientific consensus” supporting universal masking, lockdowns, Orwellian contact-tracing, and vaccines, and opposing HCQ, is questionable. Willcutts argues that propagandists “employ widespread control of media, fear, and anti-science ridicule, as well as pervasive control and policing of academic publishing and funding” to push self-interested perspectives and fabricate a “mainstream scientific consensus” on issues ranging from COVID to climate change to 9/11. Thomas Willcutts disagrees with Gordon Duff’s claims that a consensus of experts agrees HCQ doesn’t work, and that dissident doctors…


Zionist stooge Pompeo spews insane nonsense against Iran

Kevin Barrett interviewed by Press TV Mike Pompeo has been leading the charge in the Trump administration to try to trigger the snapback provisions in the Iran nuclear deal, the JCPOA. And this has led to a chorus of derision and mockery from all over the world, not just from sources one would expect, like Foreign Minister Zarif from Iran, but from elsewhere as well even including from John Bolton, who was former (Pompeo’s) extremely hawkish anti-Iran colleague. Everybody is laughing at Pompeo at this point because Pompeo’s position is that even though the United States has left the JCPOA and…


UAE leadership brazenly betrayed the Palestinian cause

Kevin Barrett interviewed by Press TV Israel and the UAE just announced full normalization of relations. The UAE has actually been cozying up to Israel for many, many years, but this makes it official. Now it’s a real shame, the way the leadership in many Muslim majority countries has betrayed the Palestinian cause. This is not the first time. It’s actually just another milestone in this process of betrayal. And what’s really terrible about this is the way it’s so emblematic of the corruption in the Muslim majority countries. The UAE was a British colony for very many years. And it…


More COVID Censorship! M.D. Suspended from

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Sachi Kuhananthan, MD, a retired physician from El Paso, began posting on‘s health and nutrition section a little over a month ago. His posts were well-received, garnering unanimously positive comments and becoming among the most popular items on the site—until August 13, when he posted a brief article entitled “Scams and Lies Related to COVID19.” Hours after posting the article, Dr. Kuhananthan discovered that his post had been removed and his account had been suspended for four days, allegedly for “violating terms of service.” Dr. Kuhananthan immigrated to the US from Sri Lanka in part because…

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