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Patrick Little running for Senate to represent USA not Israel; Barbara Honegger on 9/11 lawyers and more

Listen live, Friday June 1, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: Front-running Republican California Senate candidate Patrick Little was thrown out of the California Republican convention. He’s getting smeared as a “neo-nazi” all over the mainstream media. But check out his website and his platform and you may find a lot to agree with, as well as things to disagree with. Personally, I love his focus on Israel’s false flags against the USA. (Watch him stomp and spit on the Israeli flag while decrying treasonous Zionist false flag attacks on America.) Any federal politician NOT making this a front-and-center…


Sander Hicks interviews Kevin Barrett on new “Deeper States” radio show

Listen HERE NYC congressional candidate Sander Hicks has a new show on American Freedom Radio: THE DEEPER STATES OF AMERICA. Sander’s description: “The US Federal Government is Out of Control. Wars. Secrets. Cover-Ups. Yet the American people are waking up. Now we use words like ‘Deep State’ or ‘State crimes against Democracy.’ We can occupy the moment and re-make our world. We are the healers. We are the truth. It’s time to dismantle the deep state and forge a deeper state of consciousness.” Topics include: The recent New Horizons conference in Iran, and the letter to Iran from 9/11 truth advocates; neocon-Zionist plans…


Bernie Meyer “the American Gandhi”

Broadcast live Friday May 25, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: “An activist for forty three years, Bernie Meyer took his message one step further and began emulating Gandhi in his dress, words, and actions. In his book, THE AMERICAN GANDHI, Bernie presents his graphic initiation into activism and details his experiences while portraying Gandhi and advocating justice and peace.” He recently returned from India where he was one of 150 invitees participating in planning the sesquicentennial of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi said that Truth (sat/satya) is “the only correct and fully sign fact name for God.” (Likewise, the…


Cat April Watters and Kevin discuss trips to Iran, Gaza…and much more

Listen HERE. Cat April Watters interviews Kevin Barrett about his recent trip to Iran…and looks forward to her upcoming Freedom Flotilla to Gaza journey—help her crowdfunding effort if you can! Topics include: Why to the Zionists act the way they do? Why is Bin Salman, like Saudi “leadership” in general, such an atrocious embarrassment? Who was really behind the world wars?  Was Hitler an unwitting tool of Zionism? Is the New World Order power elite satanic? Would ending the NWO usury-based currency system solve most of the worst problems facing humanity?


The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews: Taking human trafficking to the next level

Editor’s note: I just returned from Mashhad, Iran, site of the Jerusalem al-Quds conference. (No hassles at the border this time.) Below is a very interesting paper presented at the conference. Its author, Maria Poumier, is the author of Marchandiser la vie humaine and maker of the documentary The Fruits of Our Womb.  –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews  Maria Poumier (France) [1] Paper for the 6th New Horizon International conference, Mashaad, May 2018. The Zionist entity is number one in biotechnologies, and especially in fabricating artificial kids. Doron Mamet is the one who developed the triangular…


False Flag Weekly News 5-12-2018

1) PSA: Help get us through this difficult month   Stage set for Mideast Armageddon as US exits nuke deal & opens Jerusalem embassy   2) Beware the Ides of May!   3) Iran’s Revolutionary Guard welcomes Trump’s pullout from nuke deal  -Mark Glenn   4) U.S. Embassy to open in Jerusalem amid Palestinian outcry   5) We can’t deny the similarities (between Trump and Netanyahu –l both are kosher nostra gangsters)   6) Trump Admin Used An Israeli Company to dig up dirt on JCPOA Negotiators 7) US Court Ignored Fact That 9/11 Terrorists Were Not Iranians –…


Kevin Barrett interviewed on Ella’s Whistleblower Heroes show

Listen HERE My fellow Revolution.Radio host Ella of describes her show as: “Each week, Ella brings you the most acclaimed whistle-blowers who shed light, educate, and share their compelling stories. Join us, as we pay tribute to the everyday heroes in the world, whooften risk everything, to get the truth out.” In this show she asks me about 9/11 and Zionism, and I don’t hold back.    


Gilad Atzmon censored in Madison, WI – Thursday’s event will happen nearby at undisclosed location

Hope to see you at this event! Free, lots of really good food and music. Please forward to anyone you know who lives anywhere near Wisconsin. Best, Kevin Barrett Re: Wil-Mar Center censors a peace & justice leader.* Gather this Thursday, May 10, 6 pm, sidewalk in front of Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Madison WI ­– Gilad Atzmon event follows at nearby location Gilad Atzmon’s great grandmother died in the Nazi holocaust. But the Wil-Mar Center, citing lies about Atzmon’s views on the holocaust in which his great grandmother died, refuses to let him speak. Atzmon’s talk in Madison this…


Netanyahu’s “American” traitors pushing US war on Iran

Press TV The Zionist regime’s American assets are committing an act of treason against the United States by trying to pull it into another illegal war of aggression against Iran on behalf of Israel, according to Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on recent statements issued by the White House about Iran’s nuclear program. On Monday, the White House changed a public statement, which was issued…


Alan Sabrosky on censorship, Zionism & 9/11, and more

Listen HERE Jewish* ex-Marine Corps Sgt. Alan Sabrosky,  former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way: Dennis Ross: Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror.  Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do…

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