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I LOVE Big Brother – so don’t bother torturing me!

  “The concept of the ‘living will’ could also be applied to the issue of torture. Just as you might wake up some day as a human vegetable – who knows, bad things do happen to good people – you might likewise wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. If that happened, wouldn’t it be great if you could say: ‘Don’t bother torturing me, I’ve already signed a document giving you everything you could possibly need!’” Full story:


CIA officer John Kiriakou imprisoned to protect 9/11 cover-up

Former CIA Case Officer John Kiriakou is being railroaded to protect a National Security Secret: Who really did 9/11 and why by  Kevin Barrett Former CIA Case Officer John C. Kiriakou is facing 30 months in the federal pen. According to the New York Times, Kiriakou’s crime was passing the identity of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist.  But a quick peek behind the scenes reveals the real reason Kiriakou is being crucified: He revealed information about CIA officials involved in torturing innocent 9/11 patsy Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) into endorsing a pre-scripted false confession.  READ THE FULL ARTICLE


Fatty Bin Laden “confession video” : Fake or bogus?

I think the “Fatty Bin Laden smoking gun confession video” is fake. Maher Osserian thinks it is merely bogus. Actually, Maher doesn’t use that word. Professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, the leading Bin Laden expert, does. He says the Fatty Bin Laden video is not only bogus, but that all his friends on the 24/7 Bin Laden detail in Homeland Security KNOW it is bogus. (Listen to Bruce Lawrence ridicule and debunk the Fatty Bin Laden “confession video.”) Maher argues that the Fatty Bin Laden video, which the US government and media have cited as alleged proof of Bin…