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Comedian Mona Shaikh: Antivaxxers to the Gas Chambers? No, COVID Itself Is the Final Solution! (full interview)

Meow! Surely you’re joking, Mona! Listen HERE I invited Mona Shaykh, a leading “woke” comedian and self-professed “naughty Muslim,” for what I thought would be a friendly conversation. After all, we’re both American Muslims, we both have an offbeat sense of humor (check out my satire), we both sympathize with underdogs and oppressed folks, and we’re both committed to telling in-your-face truth exactly the way we see it, social niceties be *#@*ed. My wife warned me: “What kind of Muslim is this? She’s flashing her body around, spewing her potty mouth, exploiting her background for cheap laughs, selling tasteless woke…


Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends

Listen HERE Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books of poetry, and elaborated on the insights of literary anthropologist René…


LIVE RADIO! Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends; Comedian Mona Shaikh on Hollywood/Pakistan Culture Clash & the Rise of the Desi Girls

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books…


FFWN: Busting Out of Lockdown (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #3) PSA 1) Help FFWN Bust the Info-Lockdown! Medical Mis(sing)Iinformation 2) More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported  2.5) FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data 3) NPR’s Petra Mayer, 46, Dies of Pulmonary Embolism  Rittenhouse Circus 4) Kyle Rittenhouse (“NOTORIOUS GUN-TOTING TEEN”) Acquitted in Bombshell End to Vigilante Murder Trial 5) Kyle Rittenhouse | Murder…


Meryl Nass Updates Us on COVID/Vaccine Research

Listen HERE Biological warfare scholar Meryl Nass, M.D. returns to update us on her research on COVID-19 related issues, including vaccine efficacy and side effects, alternative treatments, and much more. What does Dr. Nass think about Aaron Rodgers’ claim that it’s his body, his choice? Why are the majority of COVID deaths in Vermont vaccinated people, while in Texas it’s the opposite? Is the “WARP speed” vaccinate-kids program medically justified?


FFWN: Money Money Money Can’t Buy False Flag Weekly News!

Guest host Cat McGuire Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #3) PSA 1) Support FFWN so we don’t have to ask Soros/Gates/Pfizer/Moderna! Sacrilege 2) “Watch NYC Woman Dressed As Nurse Cackle, Mock COVID-19 Vaccine At Halloween Parade” 3) Germany: Long list of athletes who “suddenly” died or were seriously ill. Over 75 known cases in the last 5 months 4) UK Data: Over-30 Vaxxed Catch & Spread More COVID than Unvaxxed Oh Deer! 5) New study suggests…


FFWN: Night of the Living Vaxxed

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #8) PSAs 1) Give FFWN a boost! (not a booster) 2) Coming Up Oct 31st–Global Live Stream on Terror False Flags Calls to Action 3) Worldwide Walkouts Nov. 3 4) Let’s go! Call to action, part 2, CDC: Don’t Experiment on Children! Stuff You Can’t Talk About on Youtube 5) YouTube UNCENSORS False Flag Weekly News…Or at least semi-uncensors us, anyway 6) FDA Panel Endorses Pfizer Shots…


Cat McGuire and Tessa Lena on freedom movement & infiltration

Listen HERE Guests: Cat McGuire and Tessa Lena. Cat is a seasoned activist in NYC, formerly a supporter of left-wing causes, now a mainstay of the freedom movement. (She helped organize Saturday’s rally in Times Square, NYC, featuring RFK Jr.) In this interview she comments on the new story from Children’s Health Defense headlined “New Report Details Efforts to Infiltrate Disrupt Health Freedom Movement.” The story cites the new Themis report detailsing how disruptive operatives: Infiltrate, mimic and ultimately hijack existing groups by piggybacking on brand recognition. Target group owners, earn trust and then install bots that enable the takeover of the…


FFWN: Medical Mis(sing from MSM) Information

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #8) PSAs 1) Support FFWN—Where You Don’t Have to Pretend to Be Indoctrinated! Medical Mis(sing from MSM) Information 2) Peter Daszak & Co. made both COVID and COVID vaccines—same project! 3) Fully Vaccinated Countries Had Highest Number of New COVID Cases, Study Shows (New US data says the same thing: ) 4) Without Lockdowns, Sweden Had Fewer Excess Deaths Than Most of Europe 5) Pfizer scientist (privately) admits natural immunity…


FFWN: “Accidental lab leak” DEBUNKED—deliberate bio-attack CONFIRMED

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #5) PSA 1) Help FFWN fight apartheid! NYC Protests 2) Protesters Against Vaccine Mandates in NYC: ‘This Is a Turning Point’ 3) Cat makes NYT Instagram! Medical Issues 4) No, lifting lockdowns isn’t hiding the success of the vaccines 5) Beyond Industrial Medicine (Charles Eisenstein) COVID Origins 6) MSM debunks “accidental lab leak” theory—ignoring that COVID was deliberate neocon bioattack on China and Iran 7) COVID-19…

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