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Helen Buyniski Says “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents”

Listen HERE Helen Buyniski definitely doesn’t buy Ron Unz’s claim that COVID, not vaccines, appears to be primarily responsible for the high death rates of 2021 and 2022. Her new article “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents” begins: “The information barrier separating establishment media consumers from pandemic heretics who do their own research is unmistakably crumbling. Every day, more doctors and more scientific papers are admitting that the mRNA gene therapy injections they once championed so fervently not only don’t protect the user from catching Covid-19 but may actually destroy their immune system, stop their hearts, or cause sudden death. Statisticians have incontrovertible…


Ron Unz Asks “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?”

Listen HERE Ron Unz of The Unz Review has a knack for marshaling strong arguments supporting heretical perspectives on history and current events. His latest intervention “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” is doubly heretical, managing to offend both vaccine skeptics (or at least those who think the COVID vaccines are a threat on par with or greater than COVID itself) and guardians of orthodoxy (who won’t appreciate Unz’s claim that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran). In “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” Unz notes that the upticks in overall deaths and specifically cardiac/stroke deaths in the US…


LIVE RADIO: Ron Unz Asks “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?”; Helen Buyniski Says “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rebut Unz, Win Free Books! First hour: Ron Unz of The Unz Review has a knack for marshaling strong arguments supporting heretical perspectives on history and current events. His latest intervention “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” is doubly heretical, managing to offend both vaccine skeptics (or at least those who think the COVID vaccines are a threat on par with or greater than COVID itself) and guardians of orthodoxy (who won’t appreciate Unz’s claim that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran). In “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID…


FFWN: Get Vaxxed Before Your Assisted Suicide OR ELSE!

Normally FFWN is posted by 1 pm Eastern Saturdays. We were two hours late this week due to (1) having to watch Morocco defeat Portugal in the World Cup, and (2) a weird software glitch that required an hour of troubleshooting. PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose Predictive Programming JFK Smoking Guns 2) Reporter claims to have uncovered ‘smoking-gun proof’ linking Oswald to the CIA 3) RIP David Lifton, Legendary JFK Assassination Researcher Truth Pandemic Infects US Senate 4) Senate Roundtable: An all-star panel describes the opposition’s view of the pandemic Censorship 5) Musk Admits ‘Quite…


FFWN: If You Tell the Truth, Make It Funny or They’ll Kill You

Full uncensored version posted above by noon Central time Saturdays (or watch on Bitchute) This week’s co-host: Jim Fetzer PSAs 1) Help FFWN Make the Truth Funny So They Don’t Kill Us  THIS WEEK’S SHOW HAS NOT YET REACHED $200 (WHEN IT DOES I’LL REMOVE THIS NOTICE) 2) FALSE FLAGS AND CONSPIRACIES VIRTUAL CONFERENCE 2022 More Fun Events 3) NYT to Host Nov. 30 Event With Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Zuckerberg, Yellen (Why Not Add Bernie Madoff and Jeffrey Epstein?) 4) Sam Bankman-Fried-On-Amphetamines A speed-addled Manchurian candidate sent to blow up crypto? Apocalypse Not (Quite) 5) A senior U.S. intelligence…


Massacre of the Innocents: CDC Inflicts Biowar Vax on Children

Full uncensored version posted above by noon Central time Saturdays 0) Help FFWN spread the word and save the children End of History? 1) British Defense Minister Flies to DC for Briefing on False Flag to Launch Nuclear War 2) If a Nuke Is Dropped on Your City (MSM prepping us for doomsday) 3) Best Place to Survive Nuclear War in the U.S. 4) Francis Fukuyama Doubles Down on His Idiotic “End of History” Thesis War on Eurasia 5) Biden’s Tech-War Goes Nuclear 6) Battle for Kherson (to be updated) 7) A war Russia is…


Zoey O’Toole of Children’s Health Defense on “Turtles All the Way Down”

It’s an ideal introduction to the scientific debate on vaccine safety and efficacy Listen HERE Zoey O’Toole, editor of the anonymously-authored new book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth, demystifies a complex topic. Q: Why are “anti-vaxxers” so relentlessly smeared in the media? A: Because ad hominems are the best way to distract people from  scientific facts when those facts prove inconvenient to the powerful financial interests pushing pro-vaccine mythology. (That’s why the author of Turtles has chosen to remain anonymous, forcing critics to engage with the message rather than kill the messenger.) Almost three decades ago,…


LIVE RADIO! Zoey O’Toole of Children’s Health Defense on “Turtles All the Way Down”; Sterling Harwood Goes to Mars to “Prove the Bible Is Mistaken”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Zoey O’Toole, editor of the anonymously-authored new book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. Q: Why are “anti-vaxxers” so relentlessly smeared in the media? A: Because ad hominems are the best way to distract people from  scientific facts when those facts prove inconvenient to the powerful financial interests pushing pro-vaccine mythology. (That’s why the author of Turtles has chosen to remain anonymous, forcing critics to engage with the message rather than kill the messenger.) Almost three decades ago, before the emergence of the internet…


LIVE RADIO! Moti Nissani on “Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations”; Joel Hirschhorn on “Do People Really Need the New Boosters?” Rolf Lindgren on Trump, Galileo, and WTC-7

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Moti Nissani, Professor Emeritus (Biology), Wayne State University, discusses his new book Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations. It begins with a long question: “Who defamed, harassed, and killed Joseph Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Sr., Robert F. Kennedy Sr., John F. Kennedy Jr., Michael LeMoyne Kennedy, Alexander Onassis, Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby, Gary Underhill, Rose Cheramie, the children of Ludlow, Joe Hill, Abraham Lincoln, Dag Hammarskjöld, Michael Hastings, Martin Vincent Mahoney, Hale Boggs, Jo Cox, Bronson Cutting, John Malcolm Fraser, John Heinz, Charles August Lindbergh Sr., Charles August Lindbergh…


FFWN: We Need a COVID Origins Truth Movement (with Cat McGuire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help FFWN Keep Exposing “The Truth Behind the Headlines” 1.5) 9/11 anniversary events: Wisconsin 9/10/2022 Bay Area 9/11/2022 9/11 Wars 2) Thousands Evacuated in India Before Implosion of Twin Skyscrapers (as opposed to 9/11 demolition-without-evacuation) 3) Taliban celebrates one-year anniversary of US pullout from Afghanistan FFWN co-host Lucy Morgan Edwards address the UN (at at 22:40) COVID Origins 4) Prof. Jeffrey Sachs on the Covid Origins Cover-Up 5) We Need a COVID Origins Truth Movement …

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