Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Retired USG analyst and celebrated Challenger disaster whistleblower Richard Cook discusses his new 46,000-word article “The US, the Ukraine Disaster, and the Future—The Long View.” Cook fills in the context that’s missing from MSM accounts, concludes that the neocon war party is firmly in control of US foreign policy, and argues that we need a “new American revolution” to force policy changes including: *”Restoring the US manufacturing base and adopting far-reaching measures of monetary and financial reform…” *”We can be friends, not enemies, of other major countries like…
FULL ARTICLETag: ukraine
FFWN: Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient Tests Positive (with E. Michael Jones)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Help FFWN Keep Averting Disaster AND HERE ARE THE RECENT FUNDRAZRS THAT FELL SHORT OF $200 – PLEASE MAKE US WHOLE BEFORE I RETURN ON AUG. 13! Presidential or Demential? 2) Joe Biden, America’s Foremost Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient, Tests Positive For Corona — AP Spreads Medical Misinformation Fact check: 3) No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness 4) Joe Biden says he ‘has’ cancer thanks to oil industry — but…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: How Jewish (and British) Is the War in Ukraine? (with Lucy Morgan Edwards)
PSA 1) Help FFWN Fight Moloch British PM Race 2) Will Bill Gates own the next PM? 3) British PM hopeful ‘invaded a country once’ Middle East 4) Washington Post Promotes New Adversary For Pentagon: The Middle East (as Biden Visits There) 5) UN chief calls for blacklisting Israel over child deaths—Biden implicitly endorses Zio genocide 6) 17 Killed or Injured as Saudis Break Truce — Slain included woman 10-month-old infant 7) Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support – sources More War Crimes 8) SAS faces war crimes probe over claims its…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster (with Cat McGuire)
PSA 1) Help FFWN hand out sunglasses COVID Origins 2) Covid-19 may have originated in US biolab – Lancet commission chair 1/6 3) Senate security chief on January 6 dies before surprise hearing 4) Former aide Cassidy Hutchinson testifies on Jan. 6 warnings pardon requests and Trump trying to grab the wheel 5) Trump Wanted Armed Protesters to Attend His Jan. 6 Rally: Meadows Aide 6) January 6 for Non-Dummies: The January 6 committee is pure political theater intended to crush the MAGA movement once and for all. Zelensky Lies / Neocon False Flags…
FULL ARTICLEJeremy Rothe-Kushel challenges my “anti-liberal” stance
Listen HERE I have somehow managed to annoy free speech hero Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, who writes: “While I still feel kismet with you as a human, and maybe because of that, in terms of the responsibilities of what I had felt we both held as colleagues towards truthful public speech, this seems like beyond disagreement to me, and my duty to oppose what I see as your reactionary idolatry and consequent core political abandonment of the path of the truth jihadi as flinging the words of truth in the face of tyrants even if uncomfortable to internal intellectual inertia and pressures, both…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Jeremy Rothe-Kushel challenges my “anti-liberal” stance; Jim Fetzer breaks news on Supreme Court & local court cases on Sandy Hook lawsuits
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: I have somehow managed to annoy free speech hero Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, who writes: “While I still feel kismet with you as a human, and maybe because of that, in terms of the responsibilities of what I had felt we both held as colleagues towards truthful public speech, this seems like beyond disagreement to me, and my duty to oppose what I see as your reactionary idolatry and consequent core political abandonment of the path of the truth jihadi as flinging the words of truth in the face of…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Prepare for War! (Debating pro-Biden pro-Zelensky Prof. Sterling Harwood)
PSA 1) Support FFWN’s “Ghostbusters of Kiev” Breaking News 2) Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade; states can ban abortion Will this motivate libs to ban digital spying? Prepare for War! 3) PREPARE FOR WAR: UK army must get ready to fight the Russians and win in potential WW3 says Britain’s top general 4) Ukraine-based Gonzola Lira warns of US plot to trigger WW3 via Lithuania & Poland 5) Russia and Ukraine are battling over underwater mines as the global food crisis worsens 6) Bernie & Squad Surrender to War Machine’s Ukraine Scam…
FULL ARTICLERichard Cook on neocons & Ukraine; Francis Boyle on Resisting Medical Tyranny
Richard Cook, the Challenger disaster whistleblower, asks: “Who are the Neocons and what are they trying to do with respect to the Ukraine war? Why are they trying to use the US, UK, and NATO/EU to destroy Russia? How are Biden, Johnson, Scholz, van der Leyen etc. their instruments? Is Zionism part of it? These questions are not being addressed by most commentators. Btw, your essay on Leo Strauss, I thought, was spot-on. The hybrid war against Russia, and against both Christianity and Islam, was right out of that playbook.” Next 30 minutes: International Law professor Francis Boyle discusses his new…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: E. Michael Jones: “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”
PSA 1) Join FFWN’s A$YMMETRICAL INFOWAR VS. THE OLIGARCH$ Breaking 1.5) BREAKING! Stocks Plunge, Air Travel Canceled, Gun Sales Soar “Safe and Effective” 2) Double-masking quadruple vaccinated Anthony Fauci tests positive for SARS-2 3) Vaccine injuries and deaths are causing inflation through supply shocks and reduced labor participation: ex-Blackrock manager 4) Mysterious Disease (SADS) Stopping Hearts of Healthy Young Adults 5) Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 – Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION 6) FDA Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer,…
FULL ARTICLEGermar Rudolf: “Free Speech in Russia Could Have Stopped the War”
Listen HERE Germar Rudolf, chemist, publisher, and free speech hero, recently published “Give Me Freedom of Speech or the World Will End.” It’s a preface to his book “The Day Amazon Murdered Free Speech.“ I emailed Germar to congratulate him: “As far as I can tell, you’re the first Ukraine supporter who’s written anything original or thoughtful on the war.” He pushes back against those of us who have been dissing the UkroNazis:: “Ever since the end of the Second World War, the term ‘Nazi’ has been used by every regime on the face of the earth to de-humanize individuals…