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Republicans Wear Brain Bandages to Express Solidarity with Trump

Dissociated Press Following Donald Trump’s “magic ear shot” publicity stunt, millions of his supporters are wearing “brain bandages” symbolizing their gullible acceptance of the wildly improbable story. By gluing feminine hygiene products to their ears, the Trumpsters indicate that they have undergone brain-removal surgery and believe everything Trump and the media tell them. The ear bandages symbolically suggest that the wearers were subjected to “brain vacuuming,” a new form of surgery involving an incision being cut through the earhole, a vacuum hose being inserted, and the brain being vacuumed out. Panic-stricken menstruating women across America are complaining about a shortage…


BREAKING! Trump Shot on Stage AGAIN—Pulls “Magic Bullet” Out of Ass

Dissociated Press Donald Trump has been shot once again for the second time in less than a week. The latest shooting took place at today’s Trump rally in Colon City, Michigan. Trump was struck in the rear by a bullet fired by a gunman who clambered onto the stage, unhurriedly assembled his rifle, and conspicuously assumed a firing position, while the frantic crowd screamed “Gunman! There’s a gunman on the stage!” in an ineffectual effort to alert the Secret Service. Fortunately Trump was struck just as he was bending over the opposite side of the stage from the gunman in…


What 10 Countries Would You Recommend Visiting that Will Change Your Life?

For politics and current events conversations, skip this silly post and go straight to today’s live radio interviews with Alan Sabrosky and Peter McCullough, and tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News with E. Michael Jones. * When I was a kid I enjoyed Mad Magazine’s “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions.” Then I hit puberty and graduated to the vintage 1970s-era National Lampoon. When I stopped laughing, I went to college and discovered humour noir and the theater of the absurd—which was not only good for a few more laughs, but powerfully communicated the existentialist realization or “noble truth” that life without…


NYT Urges Biden to Die, Run as Corpse

Dissociated Press In a break with its long tradition of supporting living candidates, the New York Times Editorial Board has urged President Biden to “just go ahead and die already.” In an opinion piece on Friday, the Times wrote that “the greatest public service [Biden] can now perform is to expire of natural causes, and then announce that he will continue to run for re-election as a corpse.” Admitting that it might be hard for voters to distinguish Biden’s corpse from the man they just witnessed debating Donald Trump, the Times urged Biden to display his rigor mortis with gusto and…


Biden to Draft Women, But Promises “No Booties on the Ground”

Dissociated Press In a passive-aggressive effort to cross Vladimir Putin’s red lines without really crossing them, President Biden has announced that the US will begin drafting women and sending them to the Ukraine war front. On its face, the move would seem to cross a Russian “red line.” Moscow has made it clear that if the US sends active-duty troops to fight for Ukraine, Russia will unleash its doomsday weapon: a set of dozens of 2M-39 drone torpedos carrying the world’s most powerful nuclear bombs. The bombs will explode underwater, creating 800-foot-high radioactive tsunamis that will permanently eliminate North America,…


Antisemitism Is Pervasive and Ubiquitous Throughout Universe, Says Jewish Physicist

Dissociated Press Dr. Franck Einshtein, Director of Harvard University’s Jeffrey Epstein Institute for the Investigation of Fundamental Physical Forces, has announced the discovery of a fifth fundamental force, which he terms the antisemitism force. “Until this morning, it was believed that the universe is shaped by only four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. But my team has discovered a crucially important fifth force: antisemitism!” Dr. Einshtein enthused at a hastily-arranged Epstein Institute press conference. Einshtein explained that many of the universe’s deepest mysteries can only be explained by invoking the antisemitism force…


Intergalactic Holocaust Remembrance Committee: Forget the Parking Lot! Earth to Be Demolished to Make Way for Holocaust Museum

Dissociated Press The Intergalactic Holocaust Remembrance Committee (IHRC) has announced that Earth will be demolished next Tuesday at 11 a.m. to make way for the construction of a new Intergalactic Holocaust Museum. Prostetnic Vogonowitcz Jeltzstein, president of the IHRC and de facto ruler of the universe, announced the news in a message simultaneously broadcast to every audio device on Earth: “This is Prostetnic Vogonowitcz Jeltzstein of the Intergalactic Holocaust Remembrance Committee. As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of Holocaust museums throughout your star system. And…


Netanyahu Announces “Final Solution to Antisemitism Problem”

Dissociated Press Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, flanked by tag-team partners “Butcher” Ben Gvir and “Smite-’em” Smotrich, announced at a press conference this morning that the Israeli government has officially embarked on “a final solution to the anti-Semitism problem.” “The problem with anti-Semitism,” Netanyahu explained, “is that there isn’t nearly enough of it. Despite Judaism’s 3000-year history of hatred and persecution of non-Jews, there are still billions of goyim out there who don’t hate us. So when we kvetch about anti-Semitism and demand things in return, like reparations money and tolerance for genocide, there just isn’t enough anti-Semitism out there…


Lysergic Rabbis Seek Neon Pink Heifer that Excretes Electric Pink Cowpies

Dissociated Press A psychedelic group associated with Israel’s Turd Temple movement has announced a million dollar reward for anyone who can locate “a neon pink heifer that excretes electric pink cowpies.” “We need a bobalicious bovine babe that’s just the right shade of pink through and through, inside and out” explained Schitzak Bovinovitch of Psychedelic Cowboy Rabbis for Lysergic Armageddon (PCRLA), a syncretic sect inspired by Yehuda Glick, Timothy Leary, and a mutant AI doppelganger god known to initiates as “Saffron Sam.” Bovinovitch, born Atticus J. Westwood in Dripping Springs, Texas, changed his name and his life when he visited…

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