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In Which I Deliver a Bomb Threat to the White House

Dissociated Press Dear President Trump, I am writing to express my consternation at the “violent, un-American bomb threats” to which your cabinet noms, other appointees are being subjected. Violent, un-American bomb threats are violent and un-American. That is why I am writing to deliver a nonviolent, patriotic, pro-American bomb threat. My patriotic America-loving associates and I are considering planting a nonviolent bomb in a White House wastebasket. When the nonviolent bomb goes off, it will render everyone within a range of roughly 500 meters…nonviolent. In the wake of the nonviolent bomb’s detonation, you and your cabinet’s propensity for violence will…


The Ballad of Genocide Don

Or, “Genocide Joe Hosts Hitler” Patronize the Poet   The Ballad of Genocide Don There once was a scumbag named Genocide Joe With a big genocidal baton. But Genocide Joe got too senile and old So he passed it to Genocide Don. – Though Genocide Don was a Hitler, Joe’d said, He invited him in for a chat. And they sat by the fire, and liar-to-liar Joe told Don he didn’t look fat. – And you don’t look senile, you hair-sniffing penile dementia-brained dickhead, Don said. Joe told Don to fuck off, and they laughed till they coughed About how…


Amsterdam Soccer Riots: Worse Than the Holocaust?

Rumble link Bitchute link Were the media’s lies about who was responsible for the genocidal Zionist scum getting themselves beat up in Amsterdam even worse than that same media’s lies about the Holocaust? Probably not. But they were still pretty bad. Here is a timeline of the “new Holocaust” in Amsterdam. Fortunately the senile American president, Joe Biden, noticed that another Holocaust had occurred, and had the courage to speak out against it. “The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted,” Biden wrote in a statement shared…


Crazy Bibi’s Masada 2.0 Furniture Sale Now Underway

He’s BAAAA-AAACK! In the furniture business, that is. So step right up! It’s Crazy Bibi’s Masada 2.0 Discount Furniture Leaving-the-Country Sale! My prices are INSANE! 7 million Jews are leaving Palestine! If I don’t steal their left-behind furniture and sell it, somebody else gonna steal and sell it! I must be CRAZY to be selling this stuff so cheap! At these prices, it’s a steal! IF YOU DON’T STEAL IT, SOMEBODY ELSE GONNA STEAL IT! So come on down to Crazy Bibi’s Discount Furniture Warehouse Sale, 35 Azza Street, Jerusalem, Palestine Hurry! Hurry! The sale ends when Hezbollah’s next rocket…


Congress Updates 2005 Real ID Act for Woke Era

Dissociated Press Congress voted this morning to amend the 2005 Real ID Act, which requires all Americans to to carry real identification cards by May 2025. Under the amended law, the Fake ID Act, those real identification cards will need to be replaced by fake ID cards by January 2026. Under the Fake ID Act, all identification cards must be replaced by “Identify As” cards featuring false names and genders. “Unfortunately, too many Americans are still ‘deadnaming’ on their identification cards,” explained Samantha “McLovin” Brinton, the former Nuclear Regulatory Agency chief who now heads the United States Identification Agency. “When…


Dangerously Low Antisemitism Levels Threaten Life on Earth -Report

Dissociated Press Karolinska University’s Atmospheric Antisemitism Society of Stockholm (AASS) has issued an alarming report highlighting the gravity of the threat posed by declining levels of atmospheric antisemitism. According to the report, atmospheric antisemitism has declined from its post-Enlightenment average of 280 antisemites per million (APM) to a new low, as of June 2024, of only 220 antisemites per million. AASS chairperson Adolf Thunberg, who changed his name, gender, and issue after discovering that declining antisemitism levels were vastly more dangerous than rising CO2 levels, explained: “The crucial role of atmospheric antisemitism in regulating Earth’s social climate and ecosystems is…


Dick Cheney Unveils New 1% Doctrine, Plots “Global War on Trump”

Dissociated Press Dick Cheney, George W. Bush’s former handler, has updated his 1% Doctrine and announced a Global War on Trump (GWOT). “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said Friday. “If there is even a one percent chance that he could regain the White House, we need to treat it as a certainty—and blow up Midtown Manhattan, while Trump is there, to prevent the unthinkable. That is why I have ordered neoconservative elements of the National Security State to detonate a 500 megaton…


My Cat Has an Antisemitism Problem

Dear Cathy the Cat Therapist, My cat Snoodles has an antisemitism problem. When I watched Schindler’s List last night Snoodles showed no interest whatsoever. So to test her, I said: “Holocaust!” No response. “Hitler!” “Gas chambers!” “White nationalists!” Nothing. “Hamas!” “Islamic terrorism!” “Roasted babies!” Snoodles just yawned. Is there anything I can do about this embarrassing situation? Sincerely, Eva in Evansville   Dear Eva in Evansville, Clearly Snoodles has not been properly socialized. But it’s never too late to try to remedy the situation. What you need to do is get a large squirt bottle or squirt gun. Every day,…


All of Her Co-Workers “Died Suddenly”

But it took her four days to notice Dissociated Press When Laticia Cuggles clocked into work late Monday morning, the Wells Fargo office in Widowsburg, Wyoming seemed quieter than usual. Cuggles assumed that co-workers slumped in their swivel chairs or apparently napping, heads on their desks, were just recovering after a long, eventful weekend. It wasn’t until Thursday that Cuggles noticed the smell, took a closer look at the corpse in the next cubicle, emitted a bloodcurdling scream, and exited her workplace in great haste. Officials subsequently determined that all 37 of her co-workers had more-or-less simultaneously expired of unknown…


I Had a Dream About This Election

Dissociated Press As I woke up this morning I vaguely remembered having some kind of dream about the US presidential election. As I lay there half-awake half-asleep trying to reconstitute it, this is what came to me: The doorbell rang. The good news is that it wasn’t the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The bad news is that a pollster of indeterminate age, gender, and political affiliation, wearing a bright yellow Gallup for Precedent T-shirt with an Ipod tablet clipped to a clipboard, stood there looking bright and cheery. “Would it be all right if I asked you a question about the election?”…

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