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LIVE RADIO: AJ Smuskiewicz and Cat McGuire Debate RFK Jr.

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Chicago-based writer AJ Smuskiewicz makes his debut on Truth Jihad Radio. The topic: His excellent new appreciation of RFK Jr. “Why I’m for Kennedy.” He notes that even if we give Trump the benefit of the doubt on good intentions, Kennedy is a far more serious threat to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be: “Depth of understanding is important to have for a president, because that will provide the backbone he needs to prevent himself from getting rolled by the Deep State bastards. Trump lacks the depth and intellectualism of Kennedy.…


Peter Koenig: Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty!

He cites RFK Jr.’s warning Video link Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig passes on an urgent warning from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. In his new post “The Great FREESET Versus The Great Reset. URGENT Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” Peter says: “If we do not intervene and stop it NOW, WHO will take over power and dominion on all matters of health over and above the sovereignty of WHO member states, and over our right to decide over our own body.” Following RFK Jr., he urges everyone to “Sign the Health Freedom Bill of…


FFWN: Facebook Censors Censorship Report (and Other Stories)

PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose the Thought Police! 1.5) And Relocate to Become Sustainable Presidents 2) CIA involved in JFK’s murder – Robert Kennedy Jr 3) FBI refuses to give Congress informant file alleging Biden took bribes as vice president 4) Biden’s America: Armed Federal Agents Protect ‘Privacy’ of Illegal Aliens From Reporters in El Paso Texas as Title 42 Expires 5) Trump Scores TKO in CNN’s Town Hall Debate 6) Trump Sexual Assault Case Is A Pure Democratic Hit Job -Jimmy Dore War on Journalism 7) The American Government Arguably Played A…


Alan Sabrosky on “RFK Jr. vs. the American Political Wasteland”

Listen HERE Alan “The Most Censored Man in America” Sabrosky returns to Truth Jihad Radio to offer a far less optimistic perspective on RFK Jr.’s candidacy, among other things, than Edward Curtin’s. Dr. Sabrosky ponders where the USA is headed and whether it will survive (until) the 2024 elections. Does RFK Jr. have (his father’s and uncle’s) ghost of a chance? In other words, am I making hijra to Morocco too soon? Or do elections even matter any more? And will ever-more-openly-genocidal Israel implode before or after the US does? These are just a few of the questions I’ll be…


Edward Curtin on “RFK Jr. vs. the American Political Wasteland”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses his inspiring new article “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide” alongside my earlier one “Can RFK Jr. Defeat the Media?” Bottom line: We agree that RFK Jr.’s campaign (join it HERE) is by far the most positive current development in American politics. Below is a rough transcript of the interview. Kevin Barrett: Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett, broadcasting live on Revolution Radio, the finest listener sponsored free speech network, which you can support by going to Revolution.Radio. My website is and I have a Substack, where you can…


FFWN: Can RFK Jr. Save America? (with E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 0) Help FFWN Correct Fake History and complete two inadequate Fundrazrs: and 1) And Relocate and Become Sustainable 2024 Race Heats Up 2) Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Campaign – Watch His Speech on C-Span 3) Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches 2024 presidential bid 4) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Soon to Announce White House Run, Sows Doubts About Vaccines 5) Activists with “Jail Fauci” T-Shirts Crash Hearing on Covid Origins. Representatives Bicker and Blame China While Minimizing Scrutiny to US Institutions. 6) Protesters stormed the stage and yelled ‘Jews…


RFK Jr. Challenges Biden! (FFWN with J. Michael Springmann)

PSAs 1) Help FFWN Report (Occasional) Good News! and relocate and become sustainable 2) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid 3) RFK Jr. Tweet Echoes Kevin’s Article 4) Hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is new low for ‘journalism’ 5) Support the NIH Reform Act! No more Faucis! COVID Origins 6) U.S. Officials Reluctant to Criticize Wuhan Lab Research For Fear of Calling Out ‘Actions We Ourselves Are Doing,’ Email Reveals Addled ADL 7) ADL wants to shut down Substack – Kevin’s is singled out 8) ADL Takes Aim at…


Zoey O’Toole of Children’s Health Defense on “Turtles All the Way Down”

It’s an ideal introduction to the scientific debate on vaccine safety and efficacy Listen HERE Zoey O’Toole, editor of the anonymously-authored new book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth, demystifies a complex topic. Q: Why are “anti-vaxxers” so relentlessly smeared in the media? A: Because ad hominems are the best way to distract people from  scientific facts when those facts prove inconvenient to the powerful financial interests pushing pro-vaccine mythology. (That’s why the author of Turtles has chosen to remain anonymous, forcing critics to engage with the message rather than kill the messenger.) Almost three decades ago,…


FFWN: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (with Cat McGuire)

PSA 1) Help FFWN awaken booster-junkies from the Matrix The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Freedom Convoy) 2) Protesters block U.S.-Canada border crossing as ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers challenge vaccine mandates 3) ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ Is The Most-Watched Cable News Show Among Democrats In Key Age Group: Report The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (RFK Jr.) 4) RFK, Jr.’s Historic Speech at Lincoln Memorial — Democracy in an Era of Intrusive Technologies 5) Media Finally Mentions Nation’s #1 Bestseller: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is making millions off his book! Crucify him!” COVID Bioweapon 6) Biowar Suspect…


Ron Unz: MSM Hit Piece on RFK Jr. Is “The Dog That Didn’t Bark”

Half the book is “AIDS denial”—yet the hit piece won’t go there. Why not? Listen HERE Ron Unz responded to the AP’s 4,000-word hit piece against RFK Jr. just hours after its publication. He noticed a very strange omission: “Almost half of the entire book under attack—around 200 pages—is devoted to the presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years probably amounts to a hoax…Yet not a single word of this astonishing situation appears in the long AP article, that attacks Kennedy on almost all other possible grounds, fair…

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