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Monday on TJ Radio: Gordon Duff & (maybe) Kourosh Ziabari

Listen to this show EddieLeaks has posted today’s Gordon Duff interview on Rupert Murdoch, along with supporting material, here. Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/18/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Kourosh Ziabari (we’re waiting for a final confirmation that he can make it) is a talented young Iranian journalist who interviewed me for Veterans Today a while back and whose recent interviews with Alison Weir and Abolghasem Bayyenat are must-reads – and whose July 8th article on Iran’s recent indictment of 26 US officials is…


Jeff Gates on TJ Radio today!

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 6/1/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jeff Gates will discuss his brand-new article “The U.S.-Israeli Train Wreck” : “President Obama hopes to head off a train wreck in September at the U.N. General Assembly. That’s when member nations plan to press for an independent Palestine. The Israel lobby is furious.” In this brilliant article (on par with the rest of his work) Gates points out that the Zionists have been lying to every US president since Harry Truman, while…


Not by bread alone: US leaders as clueless as Mubarak in confronting real cause of unrest

A few hours ago, universally-loathed Egyptian President-for-Life Hosni Mubarak delivered his non-resignation speech: a masterpiece of cluelessness. Seeking to blame anyone but himself, Mubarak fired his cabinet and said he would hire another one tomorrow. This did not exactly dispel the impression that Mubarak is a pompous, egotistical dictator who is completely out of touch with the fact that his people all hate his guts a lot more than his cabinet’s. Rivaling Mubarak in the cluelessness category was Joe Biden, piping in: “Mubarak is no dictator and should not step down.” Upping the ante in the cluelessness sweepstakes was Hilary…


Jews Must Root Out Radical Jewish Extremists from their Communities

The Jewish-dominated corporate mainstream media often admonishes us that we Muslims have a duty to root out radical Muslim extremists from our communities. The problem is, I don’t know any radical Muslim extremists. All of the Muslims I know are kind, polite, timid souls who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oops, I take that back — my irrepressible co-host on the Garden of Truth TV show, Abdullah Champeon, can be kind but is rarely polite or timid. It requires no stretch of the imagination to envision Abdullah harming a fly, though I am sure he would only do it in self…


I Graciously Accept Rolling Stone’s Obnoxiousness Award – Now Where’s My Check?

Since an excited friend emailed me that I had won Matt Taibbi’s “Most Obnoxious Thing on the Internet This Month” award, I have been looking forward to my $10,000 check and working on my acceptance speech. Here is a draft of that speech: Ladies and gentlemen…I stand before you humbled, awed, and amazed to have been recognized as the author of the most obnoxious thing on the internet. My late father, a two-time Olympic medalist, had to triumph over thousands of talented and determined racing sailors. Muhammad Ali, to become “the greatest” (boxer of all time), had to beat out…

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