Tuesday, March 6th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (archived here a few hours after broadcast).Greg Felton is the author of The Host and the Parasite, Exploding Middle East Myths, and more. A disillusioned former mainstream journalist, Greg is now an acerbic media critic among other things. Greg seems to agree with yesterday’s guest Gordon Duff that Netanyahu is losing his hold over Obama and American policy; he cites Jewish Times editor Andrew Adler’s pathetic call to assassinate Obama for Israel as a sign of the “declining influence of a parasitic hegemon.” Maybe the Zionist creeps buying…
FULL ARTICLETag: netanyahu
Dear Editor of The Jewish Times: Please re-think your call to assassinate Obama
Sent to aadler@jewishtimes.com Dear Andrew Adler, As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern. You ask, “what would…
FULL ARTICLEGordon Duff: Israel behind threat to assassinate Ron Paul?
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 12/2/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today. Do Netanyahu and the Likudniks want Ron Paul out of the way to pave the way for their preferred candidate, Newt Gingrich? Read: Ron Paul Assassination Hoax: Is It an Israeli Threat? Does the Senate’s vote for indefinite military detention mean the end of America? Read: America’s Police State and the Forgotten Oath Why does “Canada’s pre-eminent philosopher of war” not know, or not care, that 9/11 was an…
FULL ARTICLEZionist bullets: Shots across Obama’s bow?
Is the state of Israel threatening the life of the President of the United States? To those brainwashed by America’s Zionist corporate media, the question sounds like paranoid fantasy. But the truth is that powerful geopolitical actors do sometimes attempt to intimidate each other through “plausibly deniable” threats. And the Zionists, masters of hardball realpolitik, are said to do such things with some regularity, not to mention chutzpah.Item: Obama leaves his microphone on to tell the world that Netanyahu is a liar. Zionist flack Dennis Ross is ejected from the White House. It looks like Obama isn’t going to obey…
FULL ARTICLEAdrian Salbuchi: Zionist banksters on the verge of unleashing World War Three
Tuesday, November 9th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant and author, anti-New World Order activist-pundit, founder of Argentina’s Second Republic Movement, 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Zionism. Adrian recently appeared on Russia Today, arguing that Netanyahu’s current push for war with Iran may not be a bluff, and that it could set off World War III. Listen to today’s show for the full story!
FULL ARTICLEAdrian Salbuchi: Zionist banksters on the verge of unleashing World War Three
Tuesday, November 9th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant and author, anti-New World Order activist-pundit, founder of Argentina’s Second Republic Movement, 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Zionism. Adrian recently appeared on Russia Today, arguing that Netanyahu’s current push for war with Iran may not be a bluff, and that it could set off World War III. Listen to today’s show for the full story!
FULL ARTICLERichard Gage, Jeff Gates return to Truth Jihad Radio
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 8/26/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Peymon Mottahedeh interviews Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth! Richard is super-busy right now as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, so we appreciate his time! Yesterday, AE911truth.org launched their “Remember Building 7” 10th anniversary ad campaign in New York City; Gage will soon be debating physicist Dave Thomas on nationwide PAcifica Radio, moderated by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff; and he’s gearing up for the Toronto Hearings…
FULL ARTICLETop ten reasons the Mossad wants to kill David Letterman
Today on Truth Jihad Radio, national security insider Gordon Duff reveals Mossad death threats against David Letterman. The million dollar question is: Why Letterman? Here are the top ten reasons. 10) It’s from staying up to watch Letterman that Americans are too tired to invade Iran. 9) Letterman’s trademark sense of irony is the only thing standing between America and complete and utter domination by the likes of 100% irony-free people like Pam Geller and Rita Kaatz. 8) He’s too wimpy to wade into the audience to beat up 9/11 truthers like Bill Maher does. 7) He’s having a secret…
FULL ARTICLEMonday on TJ Radio: Gordon Duff & (maybe) Kourosh Ziabari
Listen to this show EddieLeaks has posted today’s Gordon Duff interview on Rupert Murdoch, along with supporting material, here. Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/18/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Kourosh Ziabari (we’re waiting for a final confirmation that he can make it) is a talented young Iranian journalist who interviewed me for Veterans Today a while back and whose recent interviews with Alison Weir and Abolghasem Bayyenat are must-reads – and whose July 8th article on Iran’s recent indictment of 26 US officials is…
FULL ARTICLEJeff Gates on TJ Radio today!
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 6/1/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jeff Gates will discuss his brand-new article “The U.S.-Israeli Train Wreck” : “President Obama hopes to head off a train wreck in September at the U.N. General Assembly. That’s when member nations plan to press for an independent Palestine. The Israel lobby is furious.” In this brilliant article (on par with the rest of his work) Gates points out that the Zionists have been lying to every US president since Harry Truman, while…