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Bro. Demetric Muhammad on “Ye Meets Jewish Power”

Listen HERE Author and journalist Bro. Demetric Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses the new Final Call article “Kanye West Meets Jewish Power.” It begins: “Black entertainer Ye (formerly Kanye West) has now joined the elite ranks of some of our most powerful and prestigious Black freedom fighters, such as Martin Luther King, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Malcolm X, Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and even our late great freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. For they–like Kanye–were all labeled ‘anti-Semites’ by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.”


Henry Herskovitz on Defeating Jewish Power Lobby in 6th Circuit and US Supreme Court

Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz of Ann Arbor, MI appears to have defeated the Jewish Power Lobby in court. Such things don’t happen every day! The short version: Henry and his activist group got sued by some high-power deep-pockets Jewish Power folks who didn’t appreciate his weekly protests in front of the local synagogue. Normally, all a rich, powerful would-be censor has to do is scream “hate speech! harassment! anti-Semitism!” and the courts and other official institutions whimper in obsequious acquiescence. But this time it didn’t work. The courts have consistently sided with Henry and the First Amendment.


NBA Player Will Clean Toilets for 5 Years to Atone for Shouting Anti-Irish Slur

Which Proves There Is No Such Thing as “Irish Power” Dissociated Press Leonard Meyers, 29-year-old power forward for the Alaska Cool, has been traded to Siberia, where he will clean toilets for a new Russian NBA franchise for five years to atone for shouting an anti-Irish slur while playing a video game. Myers found himself embroiled in controversy earlier this month after he repeatedly screamed the anti-Irish expletive “mick” while playing the popular “Stone the Stones” video game. The game involves players throwing rocks at members of a famous rock band, with points awarded for direct hits. The former NBA…


Linh Dinh on America as Religion

Listen HERE America’s poet-photographer-laureate-in-exile Linh Dinh speaks to us from Vietnam, where he has been working in an in-law’s plastics factory and composing essays. Linh’s brilliant new essay “America as Religion” begins: “I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion…” We also “talk about some of the issues that this place raises, such as cultural hegemony, and the Vietnamese taking over…


Understanding Jewish Power

Philip Giraldi spoke on the “Zionism” panel I moderated at the Deep Truth Conference last weekend. Click HERE to watch all the panels—you can get the ticket by donating any amount. In the past, Philip Giraldi like most other “respectable” voices tried to avoid using the J-word. But as it has become increasingly clear that the pathology behind Zionism has Jewish roots, more and more people are waking up and speaking out. The best book ever on the Jewish question, the book that woke me up, is Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion. My interview with Laurent Guyénot, posted below,…


Rabbi Michael Lerner vs. Truth Jihad: Which of us is right?

Zionist-dominated MSM conceals Gaza genocide — are we allowed to notice and object? Or is Jewish power a taboo subject? In light of the “perfect storm” coming in mid-May—Trump blows up the Iran nuclear deal, Kushner and Bibi open the Occupied Jerusalem embassy, and the Great Return March culminates in Israel’s likely mass murder of tens, hundreds, or thousands of unarmed demonstrators—I decided to revisit my recent debate with Rabbi Michael Lerner.  Rabbi Lerner has contributed to two of my books (here and here). But we don’t always see eye-to-eye. Watch the above youtube and look at Chuck Millar’s article…


Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America”

My latest articles: Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America”   As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.” Western arrogance fueling Syria strife It was the European colonialists who divided up Middle Eastern populations among ethnic and sectarian lines and set them at each others’ throats. Will US Senate crown Netanyahu emperor? Fifty “US” senators want to make Netanyahu their Commander-in-Chief. Maybe they’re representing the wrong country?


Allen Roland, Gilad Atzmon on TJ radio today

Mon.  4/15/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Ph.D. psychotherapist Allen Roland is a 9/11 truther who heals vets with PTSD. A regular pundit on RT and Press TV (and my colleague at Veterans Today), Allen Roland is widely recognized as one of America’s most perceptive political commentators. Allen is the discoverer of “the unified field” – which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Islamic notion of tawhid or “divine oneness” as viewed by the masters of Sufism. Allen’s latest article: Seniors, Vets Unite – Obama Is Pushing Us Over The Cliff…


Mark Weber, Merlin Miller report on trip to Iran!

Wed. 3/6/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Mark Weber of IHR was one of the great colleagues I met at the Hollywoodism conference in Tehran last month. The paper he presented there, “Hollywood’s Agenda, and the Power Behind It,” provides evidence supporting the views of Seth MacFarlane, Ben Stein, and everyone else whose heads aren’t firmly ensconced in their unmentionables. (Hey Abe Foxman, pull that head out!) Mark Weber writes: “You may also get some ideas about points to discuss tomorrow by taking a look at my report on the Hollywoodism conference and…


E. Michael Jones: “Smells like Jewish revolutionary spirit!”

Wed. 2/20/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) 335 × 225 – First hour: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, is one of America’s most interesting dissident intellectuals. Driven out of Notre Dame University for opposing abortion (!) Dr. Jones has since developed a fascinating historical analysis of the ongoing struggle between Christianity and what he calls “the Jewish revolutionary spirit.” In his view, Israel’s habit of taking over Palestinian TV stations and broadcasting pornography is just the latest example of Jewish tribal power’s use of vice – sexual deviation, usury, and various forms of organized crime – to…

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