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Gideon Polya on (Post)-Humanism

Listen HERE Dr. Gideon Polya has at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA and the Australian National University, Canberra, and thence taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria over 4 decades. He recently  reviewed Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Israeli historian Yuval Harari. Polya says Harari’s book “is fascinating, well-organized  and best-selling, but is also a Eurocentric and Anglocentric book with massive omissions e.g. the deadly, neoliberal  subjugation of the Developing World (15 million avoidable deaths from deprivation annually), existential threats to Humanity (Homo sapiens) from nuclear weapons and climate change, and the worsening Climate Genocide that…


Ron Rattner: What Good Is Prayer?

Listen HERE Ron Rattner of writes: “Though I began this lifetime only praying rarely in organized religious programs, after years of evolutionary process I now instinctively pray constantly and spontaneously, with an unprecedented and all encompassing concept of ‘prayer’.” Ron Rattner was brought up as a secular Jew, and became a mystic after a midlife crisis and spiritual awakening. After spending half of the first decade of the 21st century deep in prayer and meditation, Ron woke up one day, turned on the television set, saw Hannity fighting with some crazy conspiracy professor, researched 9/11, and discovered that it was…


Charles Upton: Is Religion Under Attack?

Listen HERE First hour: Charles Upton, renowned Beat poet turned Sufi Muslim interfaith activist, writes in his new essay “Rebuilding Muhammad’s Interfaith Alliance Against the Global Attack on Religion“: “We are all aware of the growing number of attacks on churches, mosques and synagogues around the world, including North America. Whatever attacks are not carried out by (supposedly) lone individuals are usually attributed to, or claimed by, specific known groups: Islamicist terrorists, White Supremacists, etc. But a further question must be asked: are a percentage of these attacks actually false flags, carried out by entities with an agenda of creating conflict…


Steve Penfield Discusses Unz Review Article on Student Debt Cancellation

Listen HERE Steve Penfield is the author of Student Debt Cancellation: A Good Idea and a Political Hoax. In it he argues against standard left vs. right, Democrat vs. Republican arguments—and offers this key insight: “An inescapable consequence to any responsible Debt Forgiveness plan is that someone will have to pay. As Michael Hudson says: ‘You can’t bail out the banks, leave the debts in place, and rescue the economy. It’s a zero-sum game. Somebody has to lose.’” So who should lose? Steve argues that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren should abandon their plan to foist the cost of student debt…


Mass shootings, mass censorship: Charles Moscowitz and Doovid ask the hard questions

Listen HERE Conservative talk show host Charles Moscowitz  was about to interview Jewish interfaith activist Doovid when the latter suggested bringing me into the conversation. The three of us have very different political perspectives and religious worldviews. But we all agree that free speech is in danger—and that YouTube and other social media platforms should honor the Constitution and encourage, rather than ban,  questioning official versions of violent events. Specifically, until those responsible for Operation Gladio are prosecuted, we should assume that any act of apparently senseless violence targeting civilians could be part of Gladio B.


INSANE Youtube censorship algorithm bans friendly Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue!

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor A Muslim and a Jew walked into a YouTube channel, engaged in some friendly interfaith dialogue…and got banned for “hate speech.” I wish that were a joke. Shortly after I posted yesterday’s interview with Doooovid, an independent Jewish intellectual and interfaith activist, YouTube banned the video, claiming it violated their anti-hate-speech guidelines. Listen to the banned conversation HERE Why would YouTube ban this totally cordial, utterly hate-free conversation? I can think of two possible reasons. First, YouTube’s AI (Artificial Idiocy) algorithm may have seen the word “Jew” twice in the title and “thought” to itself:…


Kevin Barrett asks Doooovid “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?”

Listen HERE Doooovid is an independent Jewish thinker and interfaith activist. In this interview Kevin Barrett, who recently lectured on anti-Semitism at the ISTAC institute in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia (and has occasionally and libelously been called anti-Semitic by Bnai Brith) asks Doovid: “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?” Note: The idiots and/or idiotic algorithms at YouTube banned this video as “hate speech.” It will very likely be reinstated when a non-moronic human being (assuming YouTube employs any) considers the appeal.


T. Mark Hightower and Ibrahim Soudy: Is religion the problem or the solution?

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio  First hour: Retired NASA engineer T. Mark Hightower—one of the contributors to RD Steele’s 9/11 Memos to Trump—returns to discuss his journey from Christian Zionist fundamentalism to Christian Universalism. Mark writes: “Here are four significant blog posts of mine on touching on religious and spiritual matters in reverse chronological order.“ 2nd hour: 9/11-truth-supporting Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer with a long list of qualifications and licenses, continues the conversation about religion and society. Ibrahim agrees with me (and others) that materialist secular humanism has become the…


John Morrow on “Islam and the People of the Book”; Mike Harris explains VT-TV, the cure for internet censorship and spying

Broadcast live Friday March 9, 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: John Morrow discusses Cambridge Scholars’ new publication Islam and the People of the Book, which he edited and to which I contributed. In this conversation John and I discuss the relatively few issues that divide Christians from Muslims, and the much larger number of issues that unite us. We also discuss other topical issues including the emails to Portland’s KBOO radio headlined “Stop Kevin Barrett from polluting the airwaves with anti-semitism” that led to the cancellation of a scheduled show today. Dr. John…


Adrian Krieg on Invasions – are “they” out to destroy Western Civilization?

Broadcast here October 4th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this show going! Adrian Krieg has written a book called Invasions: Their Documented Historical Relevance. He thinks mass immigration to the West is part of a plot to weaken the targeted nations, indeed to “destroy Western civilization and Christianity.” But he does not come off as a hater. On the contrary, he sounds reasonable and erudite. Dr. Krieg even takes a fairly balanced view of Islam – and unlike the run-of-the-mill ignorant bigots spouting off at Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars, he actually…

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