Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #7) Guest host John Shuck PSA 1) Help FFWN keep refusing to “shut up and die” 2) Child Tax Credit 2021 = Guaranteed Basic Income: Payments to be disbursed starting July 15 (all of the Senate Republicans voted against it) Vax n’ Mask 3) White House & media in full court press against “fearmongers” who don’t like door-to-door vax campaign 3B) ‘They’re Killing People’: Biden Denounces Social Media for…
FULL ARTICLETag: free speech
FFWN: Censorship Epidemic: A Threat to Public Health
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #8) PSA 1) The Worst Thing About Censorship…Would Be Losing FFWN—Don’t Let the Censors Win! Practicing Medical Journalism Without a License 2) Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research 3) Biden’s Plan to Deploy Federal Teams in Door-to-Door COVID Vaccine Campaign Sparks Backlash 4) Vintage Early-Warning Pandemic Cartoon 5) Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated 6) Bay Area COVID…
FULL ARTICLECensored by Patreon, I’m Moving to Substack
Kevin on Substack Yesterday I received an email saying “Woohoo – you just got paid! $3,383.92 was just sent out to you from Patreon covering earnings up to July 6, 2021.” Woohoo indeed. When your boss fires you with “here’s the money we owe you, now get out of here” he doesn’t say “woohoo.” But Patreon is run by mindless robots, and they’re even more obnoxious than the lousiest boss. A dozen emails down, another Patreon bot wrote: “Hey there! We hope you’re having a good day. We’re writing to give you a heads up about a small change for some…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: War on History, War on Reality
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #7) Guest host Cat McGuire PSAs 1) Duck & cover FFWN’s expenses! 2) Warning: Cyber Polygon exercise next Friday, July 9 Medical Malpractice 3) AMA Thinks I Am a Medical Doctor—Any FFWN Viewers in Need of Surgery? 4) The War on Reality (CJ Hopkins) 5) Anti-Vax Protest at SPRINGSTEEN ON BROADWAY 6) Aerial Footage Of MASSIVE LONDON FREEDOM MARCH [Censored YouTube live broadcast begins] 9/11 & the…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Every Day in Post-9/11 America Is “A Sad Day for Media Freedom”
We did not live-broadcast our Saturday, June 26 show with E. Michael Jones. Watch the Rumble (censorship-free) version above; or click for the censored YouTube version PSA 1) It’s a “sad day for media freedom”… when FFWN can’t raise $200! Holy Vax! 2) mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on ‘Tucker’ after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks 3) Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised? There are concerning trends on blood clots and low platelets, not that the authorities will tell you. 4) NFL player Cole Beasley vows not to take Covid-19 jab or follow league’s draconian…
FULL ARTICLEPressTV domain seized by US government: Kevin Barrett & Scott Bennett Respond on Press TV
Why did the US government just take down all of the major international outlets that bring on commentators who challenge the official version of 9/11? Are they afraid to let Americans hear that side of the story during the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the false flag of the century? –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Press TV The United States government has taken around three dozen websites belonging to Iranian and regional news outlets, including Press TV. U.S. media have quoted unnamed government sources as saying that the Justice Department is preparing a statement on the issue. On Tuesday,…
FULL ARTICLEIn Which We Blaspheme Against the Sacred Vax, the Holy WHO, and the Infallible Dr. Fauci
Above is the YouTube-safe, VT-safe False Flag Weekly News. Watch the full uncensored “blasphemous” version, complete with links to the stories, HERE. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Presbyterian minister John Shuck and I committed blasphemy in our introduction to this week’s False Flag Weekly News. If we had merely cursed God and His Prophets, spewed four-letter epithets for fornication and feces, urinated on sacred objects, and otherwise indulged in edgy Jewish comedy and avant-garde artistic expression, YouTube wouldn’t have cared. But we did something worse…vastly worse. We blasphemed against the sacred vax, the Holy WHO, and the infallible Dr.…
FULL ARTICLEKen Meyercord INSISTS on talking about the Holocaust
Listen HERE Ken Meyercord—like fellow Truth Jihad Radio regular Randy Short—seems to be running for the office of “most dangerous man in DC.” Ken’s cable access TV show (check out the Holocaust episode) has focused on the same kinds of topics we cover here. And when he isn’t butchering sacred cows on Washington DC-area cable TV, Ken may be found at think tank seminars, speeches, book-signings and similar events raising the hard questions and making the denizens of our nation’s capital uncomfortable. I recently invited Ken back on the radio to discuss his views on the likely US military origin…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Dave Lindorff: “Keep masking!” Barry Kissin on COVID as lab leak, Eric Zuesse on Israeli ethnic cleansing, Ron Avery on Fetzer’s Kafka-esque trial
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Anybody who says I’m not featuring a wildly diverse array of voices and viewpoints on Truth Jihad Radio hasn’t been listening! First half hour: Dave Lindorff of ThisCantBeHappening kicks off the show with a discussion of his “A Maskless US Heads Down a Dark Road as the Covid Pandemic Rages On.” The article begins: “In the clash between sound science and political pressure from anti-science crackpots in the United States, the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control have blinked, announcing prematurely that people who are vaccinated can…
FULL ARTICLEIsrael Shamir on Russia vs. Google; Jim Fetzer Appeals to Wisconsin Supreme Court
Listen HERE First half hour: Israel Shamir discusses his recent article “Giant Killers Tackle Google.” The article discusses a recent Moscow Arbitration Tribunal ruling ordering Google to restore Tsargrad’s YouTube account, which the censors had deleted citing the usual vague pretext of “community guidelines violation.” The best part: “The consequences are financial, and exponential. For the first week of non-compliance, Google would have to pay a little over one thousand dollars, nothing to speak about there. But afterwards, the fines double each week, and in half a year’s time Google would have to pay over $70 billion!” Second half hour:…