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DHS Disinformation Squad: “Do NOT Watch False Flag Weekly News!” (with Cat Mcguire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) The Orders (to Support FFWN) Still Stand 2) RIP Norman Mineta: Exposed Cheney’s 9/11 Stand-Down “Disinformation”/Censorship 3) WaPo: “Ignore DHS’s Disinformation Squad! Move Along, Nothing to See Here!” 4) Twitter’s ‘chief censor’ making $17M per year could be fired by Elon Musk 5) PayPal’s IndyMedia Wipeout 6) Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff CNN Politico and the Daily Beast 7) 2000 Mules film premier Culture Wars: CyberDystopia vs. “New Right”  8) Meta…


FFWN: ACLU Worries That Elon Musk Might Allow Free Speech on Twitter (with Scott Bennett—Live Broadcast Sunday 1 to 2 pm Eastern)

ALERT! Broadcasts live 1 to 2 pm Eastern this week SUNDAY (not Saturday) — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Fuel the torch of liberty, support FFWN 1.5) I Will Miss Nader Talebzadeh—Filmmaker Peacemaker TV Star Truth & Justice Hero and Likely Martyr  2) Quds Day Rallies: Zionist Entity Doomed As West Collapses Free Speech 2.5) DHS Disinformation Police: American Stasi or Insane Clown Posse? 3) Twitter says it’s being acquired by Elon Musk for $44 billion 4) ACLU worries that Elon Musk might allow free speech on Twitter…


FFWN: “Forget Our COVID Scam—Just Hate Russia!” -MSM

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. Co-host: Cat McGuire PSAs 1) Support & Watch FFWN, Earn a Black Belt in Self-Defense Against Propaganda Breaking News 1.1) Supreme Court reimposes death sentence for innocent Boston bombing patsy 1.15) Putin is NOT crazy and the Russian invasion is NOT failing, neocon admits 1.2) Kremlin reacts to US senator’s call to assassinate Putin Neocon War on Russia 2) Best Source for Updates on War in Ukraine: Veterans Today…


Ex-NYU Prof Michael Rectenwald: “Woke Capitalism” is a Scam

Listen HERE Professor Michael Rectenwald, who prevailed in a free speech fight at NYU a few years ago, recently published “Woke Capitalism is a Monopoly Game.” It begins: “In 2018, Ross Douthat of the New York Times introduced the phrase ‘woke capital.’ Essentially, Douthat suggested that woke capitalism works by substitut­ing symbolic value for economic value. Under woke capitalism, corporations offer workers rhetorical pla­cebos in lieu of costlier economic concessions, such as higher wages and better benefits. The same gestures of woke­ness also appease the liberal political elite, promoting their agendas of identity politics, gender pluralism, transgender rights, lax immigration standards, climate…


Nick of “For Liberty” on How to Take This World Back

Listen HERE Nick (a.k.a. “Truther Nick”) of the For Liberty radio show offers ideas on “how to take this world back.” We discuss whether ideologies and religions, or psychopathic power-mongers, are the problem; the centrality of hatred and scapegoating to politics according to Carl Schmitt and René Girard; why it’s important to use words correctly; how the binary left-right paradigm has outlived its usefulness; and much more.


Michelle Malkin on Being Banned from AirB&B

Listen HERE Has former Fox News pundit Michelle Malkin taken the red pill? Last year she moved her blog (the biggest political blog in America?) and its massive archives to the Unz Review, home of notorious  dissidents and “conspiracy theorists” like yours truly. Since then Malkin has come under increasing fire by the usual suspects, culminating in last week’s banning from AirBNB. Banned from lodging for harboring politically-incorrect views? What’s next, “disagree with us and you won’t be allowed to purchase food”? (Maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas…) Twenty years ago, when I was a witch and Malkin a…


LIVE RADIO! Daud Batchelor on “Muhammad the Ultimate Leader”; James Howard Kunstler on COVID “Wake-Up Call”; Michelle Malkin on Being Banned from AirB&B

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Daud Batchelor discusses his book Muhammad the Ultimate Leader: From Western Business Perspectives. It begins: “Of five non-Muslim biographers cited by Khalid Yassin, who had studied leaders throughout human history, three of them determined that the most profound human being who has impacted on humanity was none other than the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (saas). One of the biographers, Michael S. Hart, a Christian, noted that Jesus Christ (on whom be peace) was not a father or husband, and was not a ruler, a military commander, nor…


Henry Herskovitz on Being Condemned by the City Council, Monika Schaefer on Her Political Prisoner Brother Alfred

Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz responds to the Ann Arbor city council’s condemnation of Henry and friends’ protests outside the pro-Zionist Beth Israel synagogue. Monika Shaefer joins the conversation halfway through the hour to offer updates on her political prisoner brother Alfred, who has been imprisoned since 2018 for the crime of nonviolently expressing his political views.


Philosopher Peter Simpson on Internet Censorship

Listen HERE Philosophy professor Peter Simpson, author of “Theocracy’s Challenge” and Political Illiberalism: A Defense of Freedom , considers the internet censorship problem in relation to deeper philosophical questions. He writes: “I’m not sure anyway I believe in free speech (as opposed to good speech) except as a second best. The ayatollah might agree, might he not?”


Richard Gage’s “first tell-all interview disclosure” on leaving AE911Truth; Henry Herskovitz on synagogue protest First Amendment win

Listen HERE First half-hour: Henry Herskovitz breaks the good news: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan at Detroit has upheld the First Amendment right of Henry and others to protest Zionism, Jewish power, and the Palestinian genocide in front of Beth Israel Synagogue in Ann Arbor. As the court writes in its decision: “Every Saturday morning since September 2003, protesters have picketed the Beth Israel Synagogue. Their group typically comprises six to twelve people, and they display signs on the grassy sections by the sidewalk in front of the synagogue and across the street from it.…

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