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FFWN: Another Week’s Worth of Orwellian WTF

Watch on Bitchute Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays This week’s guest commentator: Cat McGuire PSAs 0) Help FFWN whale away at Orwellian WTF 1) I will miss Allan Rees, unsung hero & 9/11 truth radio pioneer and broadcaster of the annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival  and the annual 9/11 Lawyers Committee Symposium 1.5) 9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth? Orwellian 2) Gofundme freezes Grayzone fundraiser ‘due to some external concerns’ 3) Judge Rejects RFK Jr’s Request for Order Blocking Google From Censoring Him 4) Google hiding websites of…


Help keep False Flag Weekly News alive!

Rumble link    Bitchute link   Youtube link As explained in the video, I am very busy packing to move to Morocco and reading old humor magazines. So if you want False Flag Weekly News to return next week, please make sure these Fundrazrs reach their $200 goal:


No FFWN This Week – Back Next Week with E. Michael Jones

I am taking a break from False Flag Weekly News this week. One reason: We are behind in our last two Fundrazrs. (April 1 – the joke was on me!) (last week’s show: 23,000 views but didn’t make the Fundrazr goal) Also, the help us move to Morocco and become sustainable Fundrazr is helping but not solving the serious financial issues related to the move, so any help there would also be much appreciated.


FFWN: Media Admits Conspiracy Theorists Were Right—Reaches Out of Bowl, Pulls Handle, Flushes Itself

 Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch above. A shorter version on censorship-infested YouTube  will begin live broadcasting on my YouTube channel when we get to story #8) Co-host Cat McGuire just published “Cyber Polygon presentation of simulations“ 1) Help FFWN keep making MSM admit we were right In Which We Blaspheme Against the Sacred Vaccine (Banned by Order of the YouTube Inquisition!) 2) COVID Deaths Plunge after Major World City Introduces Ivermectin 3) The Kill Shot 4) Anheuser-Busch Will Give Away Free Alcohol If 70% Of American Adults Have Received One Vaccine Dose By July 4…


FFWN: Orchestrated COVID Crisis: Engineering Global Dystopia?

Watch live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on Guest host Lucy Morgan Edwards is a journalist, author, election monitor and former political advisor to the European Union ambassador in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is the author of The Afghan Solution: The inside story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and how western hubris lost Afghanistan. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose Baal vs. Moloch Election 1A)  Muse the cat says if you folks don’t pay up he will order me to abandon FFWN and make cat videos instead! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th 3) Experts and 9/11 Families…


The Chutzpah! YouTube Just Froze My Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation”

YouTube just nuked False Flag Weekly News, but you can still watch it HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In the middle of today’s live webcast of False Flag Weekly News, YouTube nuked the broadcast, issued a strike, and froze my channel for a week. They absurdly claimed that I violated their policy against “impersonation.” I immediately appealed: YouTube’s determination is obviously mistaken. There has been no impersonation. This has been my channel, and I have been doing False Flag Weekly News, for more than a decade! I use my own name in all my work, and my guests…


FFWN: George Floyd Killing: Mafia Murder or Human Sacrifice? with E. Michael Jones

Live broadcast every Saturday 11 to noon Central on  PSAs  1) Help FFWN Question Everything! 2) Atlantic Magazine vs. “Conspiracy Theorists” 3) QUESTION EVERYTHING 2020 CONFERENCE, Austin, TX (7-8 November 2020) Corona Biowar? Questioning the Official Narrative 4) Matt Ridley: New Evidence Debunks Official Story of Virus’s Origin 5) The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin Corona False Alarm? Questioning the Official Narrative 6) German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’ 7) China’s Covid-19 statistics are accurate, while lockdown makes little difference – Nobel laureate biophysicist Levitt tells RT Censorship Emergency 8)…



Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA:  0) Freedom Isn’t Free, Support FFWN! 1) Banned from Facebook for Posting the Official Iranian Slogan Mourning Gen. Soleimani Iraq: US GET OUT! 2) Trump’s threat to freeze Iraq’s US bank account over request to withdraw troops is pure mobster-style intimidation 3) Iraqi PM says he was schedule to meet with Soleimani the morning he was killed!/iraqi-pm-says-he-was-schedule-to-meet-with-soleimani-the-morning-he-was-killed-20200105 Gen. Soleimani: The New Archduke Ferdinand? 4) Trump’s Killing of Soleimani: New “Worst Mistake in US History” 5) WITH A NEW WEAPON IN DONALD TRUMP’S HANDS, THE IRAN CRISIS RISKS GOING NUCLEAR…


FFWN: How to keep sheeple from ruining your Thanksgiving: Watch False Flag Weekly News!

Broadcasts live Thursday, November 28, 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel…more family fun than the Macy’s parade! Happy Red Pill Thanksgiving! 1) Be Thankful You’ve Still Got FFWN—We Are Thankful for Your Support! 2) How to keep conspiracy theories from ruining your Thanksgiving (PBS) War on Iran for Israel? 3) Netanyahu’s Get-out-of-Jail Card… War With Iran 4) Kevin Barrett and Gilad Atzmon on Netanyahu’s Indictment-Press TV, the Debate 5) Iran Celebrates Victory over Zio-American-Incited Color Revolution Riots   for info on Basij force and why it makes Iran invulnerable to war & regime change see: 6) Iran Guard…

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