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But Is It Good For the Jews? (FFWN Special Report With Uncle Moishe)

Oct. 5 show Fundrazr link     Oct. 17 show Fundrazr link The bad news is that we failed to meet our $200 goal last week. The good news is that False Flag Weekly News, like every serious business, has a Jewish financial advisor. That would be Uncle Moishe. It’s great to have a Jewish uncle. Every goy should have one. When your business is in trouble, you just turn to Uncle Moishe for advice. (Jewish personal trainers are great too.) I told Uncle Moishe that False Flag Weekly News didn’t reach its $200 goal last week. I explained that we’ve…


Help keep False Flag Weekly News alive!

Rumble link    Bitchute link   Youtube link As explained in the video, I am very busy packing to move to Morocco and reading old humor magazines. So if you want False Flag Weekly News to return next week, please make sure these Fundrazrs reach their $200 goal:


No FFWN This Week – Back Next Week with E. Michael Jones

I am taking a break from False Flag Weekly News this week. One reason: We are behind in our last two Fundrazrs. (April 1 – the joke was on me!) (last week’s show: 23,000 views but didn’t make the Fundrazr goal) Also, the help us move to Morocco and become sustainable Fundrazr is helping but not solving the serious financial issues related to the move, so any help there would also be much appreciated.