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FFWN: “Flatten the Truth!” with E. Michael Jones

PSAs 1) Help FFWN Unflatten the Curve of Truth 1.5) Sign petition to get RFK Jr. to run for president!!! (I cast a write-in vote for him in 2020) COVID Origins 2) COVID’s origins ‘most likely’ lab leak,  US Energy  Dept. reportedly says 3) Was the Pentagon and CIA Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic? 4) Republicans call for action against China over low-confidence ‘lab leak’ assessment–lab-leak–assessment- 5) USAID Funded EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology, Is Withholding Information 6) Crucial Points on Pandemic Origins Debate, Part 2: The Weaponization of “Truth” 7) Long Before…


Mathew Crawford Responds to Ron Unz on Vax & Mortality

Listen HERE Mathew Crawford appeared on Truth Jihad Radio last February and estimated that the COVID vaccines had killed over 200,000 Americans. Tonight he responds to Ron Unz, who appeared on last week’s show discussing his survey of mortality data across the  mRNA vaccinated countries. According to that data, the COVID vaccines do not seem to have killed statistically significant numbers of people. Unz points out that the introduction and use of the vaccines does not appear to correlate to increases in cardiac/stroke mortality or working-age mortality. See: “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” and “Obesity and the End of the…


Helen Buyniski Says “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents”

Listen HERE Helen Buyniski definitely doesn’t buy Ron Unz’s claim that COVID, not vaccines, appears to be primarily responsible for the high death rates of 2021 and 2022. Her new article “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents” begins: “The information barrier separating establishment media consumers from pandemic heretics who do their own research is unmistakably crumbling. Every day, more doctors and more scientific papers are admitting that the mRNA gene therapy injections they once championed so fervently not only don’t protect the user from catching Covid-19 but may actually destroy their immune system, stop their hearts, or cause sudden death. Statisticians have incontrovertible…


Ron Unz Asks “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?”

Listen HERE Ron Unz of The Unz Review has a knack for marshaling strong arguments supporting heretical perspectives on history and current events. His latest intervention “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” is doubly heretical, managing to offend both vaccine skeptics (or at least those who think the COVID vaccines are a threat on par with or greater than COVID itself) and guardians of orthodoxy (who won’t appreciate Unz’s claim that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran). In “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” Unz notes that the upticks in overall deaths and specifically cardiac/stroke deaths in the US…


FFWN Special: Anthony Hall’s “News From Canada”: Will 2023 See a Reckoning for the COVID Catastrophe?

PSA: Support FFWN: E. Michael Returns for “Biggest Stories of 2022 – What’s Coming in 2023” Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, presents this year’s news from Canada (and some historical context), focusing on the pushback against Trudeau’s COVID dictatorship. Will 2023 see a worldwide reckoning for COVID crimes? Prof. Anthony Hall taught Native American Studies and Globalization Studies from 1982 through 2016, when he was suspended by the University of Lethbridge administration on the ludicrous pretext that parties unknown had posted an anti-Semitic image on his Facebook page for a couple of hours. The…


Thaddeus Kozinski: “Foucault Told the Truth”

Listen HERE Prof. Thaddeus Kozinski says “Foucault Told the Truth.” Subhead: “About the Kingdom of Darkness.” The essay begins: “Michel Foucault was committed to the ‘truth’ that discourse is nothing but the surreptitiously coercive use of power, and the more hidden the power, the more effective the coercion. The power hiding behind claims to truth is so all-pervasive and effective that the very person who speaks and listens to discourse is itself its product and mouthpiece.” Kozinski argues that Foucault’s words apply in spades to the scamdemic era: “2020 was the inauguration of the global institutionalization of the corruption of discourse,…


LIVE RADIO! Thaddeus Kozinski: “Foucault Told the Truth”; Linh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Prof. Thaddeus Kozinski says “Foucault Told the Truth.” Subhead: “About the Kingdom of Darkness.” The essay begins: “Michel Foucault was committed to the ‘truth’ that discourse is nothing but the surreptitiously coercive use of power, and the more hidden the power, the more effective the coercion. The power hiding behind claims to truth is so all-pervasive and effective that the very person who speaks and listens to discourse is itself its product and mouthpiece.” Kozinski argues that Foucault’s words apply in spades to the scamdemic era: “2020 was…


Peter McCullough and Jessica Rose on “Alarming, Catastrophic Vaccine Deaths”

Nothing to see here folks, move along, and don’t forget to hate Putin! Listen HERE Dr. Peter McCullough is a practicing internist and cardiologist in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Jessica Rose holds degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry. (Check out her Substack.) Both are leading figures in the popular resistance movement pushing back against bad COVID policies. Below is a rough transcript of our interview. _ Kevin Barrett: Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett talking with the folks who have the most to say from way outside the box of mainstream idiocy. And today…


Steve Kirsch on Why Vax Advocates Refuse to Debate

Listen HERE Steve Kirsch is a self-described “retired high-tech serial entrepreneur” with engineering and computer science degrees from MIT. He is also a leading critic of the COVID vaccines. He writes: “I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were honest organizations. I trusted them. I’m doubly-vaxed with Moderna as of March 29, 2021. “A month later, I started hearing stories from my friends who reported relatives who died or they themselves became permanently disabled. So I looked into it and the more I looked, the more appalled I became…” Steve Kirsch has challenged vaccine advocates to debate…


LIVE RADIO! James Perloff on Ukraine “Wall of Propaganda”; Steve Kirsch on Why Vax Advocates Refuse to Debate

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Bestselling author and New World Order expert James Perloff dicusses his article “Ukraine: Behind the Wall of Propaganda.”  He sums it up: “So we are fighting for freedom and to ‘protect our national security’ when we invade and bomb countries thousands of miles and oceans away, yet Russia is ‘the bad guy’ when they intervene in a country on their border.” Second hour: Steve Kirsch is a self-described “retired high-tech serial entrepreneur” with engineering and computer science degrees from MIT. He is also a leading critic of the…

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