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André Vltchek on West’s sadistic personality disorder

Listen HERE The West claims to be the “free world”—the global leader in human rights, humanitarianism, and free expression. Globetrotting independent journalist André Vltchek, who joins us from Borneo, isn’t buying it. His latest essay begins: Western culture is clearly obsessed with rules, guilt, submissiveness and punishment. By now it is clear that the West is the least free society on Earth. In North America and Europe, almost everyone is under constant scrutiny: people are spied on, observed, their personal information is being continually extracted, and the surveillance cameras are used indiscriminately. Life is synchronized and managed. There are hardly any…


Alan Sabrosky on censorship, Zionism & 9/11, and more

Listen HERE Jewish* ex-Marine Corps Sgt. Alan Sabrosky,  former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way: Dennis Ross: Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror.  Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do…


Bruce Leichty and Henry Herskovitz on getting arrested at a Mennonite holocaust conference; Robert Mendelson on universality of God/Creator/Spirit

Listen HERE First hour: Mennonite attorney Bruce Leichty was recently arrested for participating in a holocaust conference at Bethel College in Kansas for which he had paid and registered. His crime? Handing out fliers until he was asked not to, then participating in Q&A and posing questions that made people uncomfortable. Since when was it illegal to ask questions? Since the West traded Enlightenment (post)-Christianity for the new holocaust religion, or so it seems. Anti-Zionist (ex?)-Jew Henry Herskovitz, who was denied access to the conference, also joins us to discuss our culture’s biggest sacred cow, and what happens when you…


Nick Kollerstrom on Skripal-Douma false flag

Listen HERE Nick Kollerstrom, author of Terror on the Tube, Breaking the Spell, and the new Chronicles of False Flag Terror  recently wrote me: Hi Kevin, I hope you are well. Would you fancy doing an interview about say Liars, damned liars, and British politicians about the Skripal case the the Assad-gas story? Both brewed up by top British liars. We could make the analogy, of the spokesperson at the Douma hospital reporting: ‘No victims affected by toxic agents were admitted to our hospital on June 7th. and at Salisbury – letter to The Times, March 16th: Sir, further to…


Professional Islamophobe Robert Spencer vs. Truth Jihad

Listen HERE [Note: This text is copyrighted; a version of it is expected to appear in a future issue of Crescent Magazine. Do not reproduce.] The good news for Robert Spencer is that at least one international celebrity considers him a leading expert on Islam. The bad news: The celebrity is Anders Breivik, who is in prison for murdering 77 people he considered too Islam-friendly. Breivik’s 1,500 page manifesto repeatedly lauded Spencer: “About Islam, I recommend essentially everything written by Robert Spencer,” Breivik raved in one of his 162 hat-tips to his Islamophobic mentor. Breivik’s view of Islam is identical…


Bro. Abdul Arif Muhammad on Starbucks boycott and ADL; Karin Brothers says Skripals could bring down May so their lives are in danger

Broadcast live, Friday April 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio then archived Saturday HERE First hour: Bro. Abdul Arif Muhammad, general counsel for the Nation of Islam, discusses “STARBUCKS BOYCOTT SPREADS AFTER ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE INVOLVEMENT.” That article begins: “Starbucks seemed to be making all the right moves in response to the recent racial controversy in which the bigotry of its Philadelphia store manager instigated the arrest of two Black male customers waiting to meet a business colleague.” But then Starbucks put the Anti-Defamation League — the notoriously racist witch-hunting Israel lobby group —in charge of a national “racial bias training session” for all Starbucks…


Ian Greenhalgh on secret societies, human sacrifice, the “red mafiya,” and the war on Russia

Listen HERE Who really runs the world? Military historian and Veterans Today commentator Ian Greenhalgh says that on the bottom rung of the power pyramid we find heads of state like Donald Trump and Theresa May, whose real function is akin to middle management. Above them are the international banking families: the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and so on. But the top of the pyramid, where the real power lies, is the domain of elite secret societies—at least some of whom practice a “religion” that involves ritual abuse and human sacrifice. Was Donald Trump put in power by an unholy consortium featuring…


Sandy Hook free speech challenge! Jim Fetzer to Lenny Pozner: “Sue me, not Alex Jones!”

Listen HERE. Today’s show is a protest against YouTube’s censorship of the Richie Allen show, following Richie’s interview of Jim Fetzer on the topic of the Sandy Hook and Parkland shootings. Jim Fetzer has impressive academic credentials and has edited a book on Sandy Hook. Jim’s views, whether correct or not, are newsworthy; no news outlet should be punished for reporting them and giving them a fair hearing. If Jim says anything potentially defamatory, sue him! Don’t kill the messenger—the alternative media—which enjoys First Amendment protections precisely so it can fearlessly pursue controversial topics. Challenge to Lenny Posner and Neil…


Gordon Duff explains why Facebook has BANNED Veterans Today!

Listen HERE. First hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, joins us to discuss Facebook’s outrageous decision to completely ban all links to VT articles—and to remove all past posts (millions of them) including a VT link.  Are Zuckerberg and his Israeli handlers retaliating for VT’s exposé of the Syrian chemical weapons false flag? In response, I am posting Gordon’s article in its entirety below. PLEASE SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK!!!!!!! Second hour: PhD historian James Hufferd of joins us to discuss the pushback against alternative media. Trump fan Rolf Lindgren calls in and argues that Trump is destroying…


Mick Harrison of Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on today’s Grand Jury Petition announcement

  Listen HERE Mick Harrison of  the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discusses the Grand Jury Petition announced today at the press conference on the steps of City Hall in New York. (Read the Petition’s  executive summary and full text.) The petition’s 54 pages and 57 exhibits address the evidence falsifying the government’s official story of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. In this interview we discuss the Petition, its prospects for success, and back-up plans in case of possible setbacks. Other topics include 9/11 survivors’ lawsuits against Saudi Arabia under the JASTA act (recently given a legal…

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