Listen HERE Structural engineer Dr. Ibrahim Soudy says the new University of Alaska study of the 9/11 “collapse” of WTC-7 proves beyond any doubt that the official story is a pack of lies, and that Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition. (Americans who watch WTC-7’s “collapse” agree.) During this interview Dr. Soudy announces a $10,000 reward for any qualified professional (structural engineer, physicist, physical science engineer) who’s willing to put his or her reputation on the line to rebut the U. of Alaska study. He also announces a $25,000 reward for anyone who writes a technical paper rebutting the study,…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Anthony Hall Reports from New Horizon Conference in Beirut; Jim Fetzer on CNN’s Marianne Williamson 9/11 Smear
Listen HERE First half: University of Lethbridge Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall joins us from Beirut, Lebanon, where he is attending the New Horizon Conference—from which prospective American attendees have been banned, under threat of imprisonment, by Israeli operative Sigal Mandelker‘s wing of the US Treasury Department. Second half: University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer invites Kevin on his radio show to discuss CNN’s hit piece on Presidential candidate, Course in Miracles teacher, and 9/11 truther Marianne Williamson. The conversation takes a metaphysical turn when “Activist Angel,” a former Williamson associate and Course in Miracles teacher, says he left Williamson’s…
FULL ARTICLEDr. Omar Ramahi: The Muslim Community Needs More Critical Thinking!
Listen HERE Omar Ramahi, a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, is the author of Muslims’ Greatest Challenge: Choosing Between Tradition and Islam. In this interview Dr. Ramahi builds on our earlier conversation. He argues that many Muslims have mistaken their cultural traditions for Islam, creating friction between people of various Islamic cultures, as well as confusion and backwardness.
FULL ARTICLE9/11: Healing Through Truth? with Rabia and Richie Allen
Listen HERE First 15 minutes: The 15th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival was dedicated to Vic Sadot, the Truth Troubadour and Berkeley Balladeer, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last October. It also featured the film 9-11 Memorial Museum Officials Accept “Truther Art” into Permanent Collection, documenting Anthony Freda’s journey from being hired by the Village Voice to ridicule “truthers” to discovering that the “truthers” were right. Can art and music help heal the open wound of 9/11? In this interview, recorded in San Francisco shortly after the Film Festival, singer and healer Rabia says yes. Final 40 minutes: Richie Allen…
FULL ARTICLEBarrie Zwicker on 18th Anniversary of 9/11 in Historical Perspective
Listen HERE Barrie Zwicker, an independent documentary producer, writer, and political activist, was one of the earliest voices of the 9/11 truth movement—and remains one of the most influential. In this interview we discuss the run-up to the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag event, which Barrie sees as not entirely atypical of the way the USA has always gone to war based on outrageous lies. Since the big lies that stampeded public support for other wars are well-known (fake Mexican invasion in 1846, self-inflicted bombing of the USS Maine in 1898, orchestrated Lusitania sinking and phony Zimmerman telegram pre-WW1,…
FULL ARTICLERonald Bleier on 9/11 No Planes Theory
Listen HERE Ronald Bleier has just published a collection of 9/11-related essays entitled No Plane Crashes on 9/11: Exposing the Illusion. I think it makes a good case against the claim that hijacked-by-humans planes caused the carnage on 9/11. As for whether big planes crashed where we’re told they did, and if so which big planes, I remain agnostic. Compare the arguments in Ronald Bleier’s book to those offered by Wayne Coste, David Chandler, and others who participated in the recent Denver Conference, and draw your own conclusions.
FULL ARTICLERichard Gage AIA Discusses New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study & 9/11 Anniversary
Listen HERE First hour: Richard Gage, AIA is a 30-year San Francisco Bay Area architect and member of the American Institute of Architects. He is the founding member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. As the 18th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Dr. Leroy Hulsey of the University of Alaska has spearheaded a new study showing in great detail that the official NIST version of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 is so gratuitously wrong that its authors may be guilty of scientific fraud, or worse. And NIST’s report on the Towers is equally faulty. Will American scientists,…
FULL ARTICLEGen. Gen. Dana Pittard and Sgt. Wes Bryant on “Hunting the Caliphate”
Listen HERE US Army Major General Dana Pittard and US Air Force Master Sergeant Wes Bryant are co-authors of the brand-new military memoir Hunting the Caliphate: America’s War on ISIS and the Dawn of the Strike Cell. The Pentagon and CIA spent 15 months screening the book, so unsurprisingly it generally follows official narratives. But it does feature some honest admissions that push back against the propaganda. For instance, politicians endlessly demanded that Gen. Pittard create an army of “moderate Syrian rebels;” the pols had a hard time accepting his answer that there basically weren’t any: “We can’t ‘shit’ new moderate…
FULL ARTICLEProf. William Willers on 9/11 and the Controlled Demolition of Freedom
Listen HERE During this run-up to the sacred anniversary of the neocon-orchestrated human sacrifice event, let’s talk about what 9/11 did to freedom—academic and otherwise—with science professor William Willers…then (in the second hour of this live show recorded August 30) discuss the 9/11 wars with two guys tasked to fight them: Gen. Dana Pittard and Sgt. Wes Bryant. (Note: The interview with Pittard and Bryant will be archived here soon.) First hour: Professor Emeritus Bill Willers of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh was one of my few U.W. academic colleagues who stepped forward to join me in 9/11 skepticism when I was…
FULL ARTICLESoren Korsgaard on “Evil Killer Genes” and “American Monster, Chris Kyle”
Listen HERE Danish author and criminologist Soren Korsgaard has edited the peer-reviewed criminology journal Radians and Inches: The Journal of Crime. and currently posts at Today he joins us to discuss his two most recent artices: The Notion of Evil Killer Genes Examined and American Monster: Chris Kyle, the American Sniper. Is there an “evil killer gene” responsible for most anti-social violent crime—that is, the small fraction of violent crime that is not sanctioned by our rich and powerful overlords? If so, what explains the fact that 99% of violent crime is perpetrated by men in uniform carrying out “legitimate” orders? Would society…