Listen HERE Researcher and filmmaker John Hankey comments on topics addressed in the recent webinar: Covid-19–A New 9/11 Style False Flag? Was Covid-19 made in a lab? Is it a bioweapon? Who made it? Deliberate or accidental release? If deliberate, who gains? Extracts from John Hankey’s statements in this interview: There was a story that broke last Friday that the U.S. has given a billion dollars to a lab in Oxford. This story was carried very, very quietly on the Today Show. They had a tiny segment, but I happened to stumble upon it. They interviewed the guy who runs the Oxford…
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Maisoon Rice & Eric Zeusse vs. Dominant Coronavirus Discourse
Listen HERE First half hour: Displaced Palestinian Maisoon Rice sends out a terrific email digest of Palestine-related articles. She’s an outspoken truth-seeker – so outspoken that even George Galloway banned her from his show. (Note: George Galloway may be opening up a bit on red pill issues—I recently appeared on his show and am hoping to have him on mine one of these days.) In this interview Maisoon explains how she went from cheering for frontline corona heroes every 8pm to extreme COVID skepticism. She now believes the pandemic was planned long in advance by “the usual suspects,” and thinks the…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”
Listen HERE “In a way I’m not really sorry that I’m persona non grata (in the USA) due to the US security state that doesn’t seem to like me. It was already very hard for me to travel…” – Eric Walberg Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.” Eric, a habitual conspiracy theory naysayer, casts a skeptical eye on my argument that COVID-19 looks like a bankster bioweapon to accelerate war on China and the rest of the non-bankster-owned world (including Main Street USA).…
FULL ARTICLEEllen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”
Listen HERE Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Halfway through the show she agrees that my “coronavirus conspiracy theories” are plausible, saying: “Yeah, well, I totally agree. There was Event 201. There was ID-2020. I think Microsoft has a patent on something injectable that has numbers where they can track you. And you would hear like Aaron Russo in 2005 etc, saying that was the plan, that we would all be microchipped and they could track us from one place to another. And this whole…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Ellen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”; Eric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Second hour: Journalist and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.”
FULL ARTICLETimothy Kelly Interviews Kevin on Coronavirus Economics and Geopolitics
Listen HERE Timothy Kelly hosts the “Our Interesting Times” podcast. In this episode we discuss COVID economics and geopolitics, specifically my articles on the subjects: 9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown (for Unz Review) Coronavirus vs. US Economy: Chaotic Devastation or Targeted Strike? (for Crescent International) Trump Clashes with Media on Coronavirus (for Crescent International) Do Doctors Kill More People than Covid? (for American Free Press)
FULL ARTICLEGary Kohls MD: An Alternative Medical View on COVID-19
Listen HERE Gary Kohls, MD is the author of “The Important ‘Plandemic’ Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone ‘Viral.’” It begins: “The powers-that-be behind the banning of ‘Plandemic’ and the disparaging and slandering of Dr. Judy Mikovitz are obviously afraid of something that will expose them for planning something evil. Tyrannical corporate forces, starting with Google and YouTube and the CDC and Big Pharma and the MSM have kicked into high gear before any more of us ‘Sheeple’ are allowed a chance to view some unwelcome truths…” Dr Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota who has written a weekly column…
FULL ARTICLEProf. Thaddeus Kozinksi on COVID Tyranny
Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski is the author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. In this interview he discusses the historical and religious/spiritual implications of the onrushing tyranny triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. His essay for “Open Up California” is reproduced below. Why Local Government and Police Need to Resist Covid-19 Tyranny By Thaddeus Kozinski, for Reopen California On May 8 I made a call to the SLO County Board of Supervisors meeting regarding agenda item one: “Update on COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County and direction to staff as necessary. All Districts.”…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Prof. Thaddeus Kozinksi on COVID Tyranny; Gary Kohls MD Offers an Alternative Medical View
Listen live 7 to 9 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio First hour: Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski is the author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. In this interview he discusses the historical and religious/spiritual implications of the onrushing tyranny triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. His essay for “Open Up California” is reproduced below. Second hour: Gary Kohls, MD is the author of “The Important ‘Plandemic’ Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone ‘Viral.’” It begins: “The powers-that-be behind the banning of ‘Plandemic’ and the disparaging and slandering of Dr Judy Mikovitz are obviously afraid of something that will expose them for…
FULL ARTICLEDaniel Estulin: Coronavirus Is a Debt Liquidation Scam
Listen HERE In this interview bestselling author Daniel Estulin says the fabricated coronavirus crisis is a bankster scam to write off debt and avoid blame for what was already an inevitable global economic collapse: “We’ve reached the limits to growth. And this is systemic for the entire planet. The entire system is in a state of collapse. So they realized they needed to do something to write off all these debts…When the system collapses and you have 90% of the planet’s population unemployed, somebody’s going to have to pay the piper. And the elite don’t want it to be them. So…