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Eyewitness Ken Meyercord Questions MSM Version of DC “Stop the Steal” Rally

Listen HERE DC-based alternative journalist Ken Meyercord attended yesterday’s notorious pro-Trump election fraud protests—and says the mainstream media version is a gross distortion. Below is his written account. -KB What I Saw at the “Stop the Steal” Rally by Ken Meyercord (kiaskfm(at)verizon(dot)net) As several of my readers… well, one, expressed appreciation for my report on the pro-Trump rally I attended shortly after the election, I thought I would share what I experienced at yesterday’s “Stop-the-Steal” protest in Washington. As to the size of the crowd, I’ve lived in DC for over 40 years now and am active in the antiwar…


Alan Sabrosky on “Descending Dystopias: America Faces 2021”

Listen HERE Last July, Dr. Alan Sabrosky appeared on this show asking: “Is America headed for civil war?” In today’s interview—recorded on Tuesday, January 5, the eve of tomorrow’s big election battle in Congress—the “most censored man in America” brings us up to date on his dire predictions. In his new article Descending Dystopias: America Faces 2021, Doc Sabrosky opines that at this point all discernible futures look like paths to dystopia. If Biden takes the presidency and angry populists don’t rebel, the Democrats will impose “universal cancel culture” and erase most of America’s history and heritage. “And the enfranchisement…


Josh Mitteldorf on “False COVID Narrative”: Science Corrupted by Politics—”COVID Death Count” Not Reliable

Listen HERE Scientist Josh Mittledorf, (check out his website), author of Cracking the Aging Code (with Dorion Sagan), recently published “Ten Elements of the False COVID Narrative” (Part 1 and Part 2). How profoundly has science been corrupted by politics? Which elements of the mainstream COVID narrative—and which “conspiracy theories”—are demonstrably false? How do we sort through the tidal wave of information, misinformation, and disinformation that’s washing over us, and honestly search for the truth? First we have to be willing to rethink our earlier positions if it turns out they were wrong. For example in July I published “Judging…


Robert Morningstar on JFK Assassination and ET/Jinn Question

Listen HERE Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Revolution Radio shuts down for Christmas and New Year, both of which fall on Friday this year. So I’ll be posting couple of prerecorded shows this  week. (And don’t miss False Flag Weekly News this and every Saturday.) Thank you for your support during this crazy and amazing historical moment! -Kevin Barrett My fellow Revolution Radio host Robert Morningstar publishes UFO Digest, makes films, investigates red-pill topics…and has some very weird views of Islam. But he’s definitely barking up the right tree on the JFK assassination. In the first half of this…


Sterling Harwood on COVID Bioweapon Hypothesis

Listen HERE In this interview philosophy professor Sterling Harwood lays out the case for COVID being a bioweapon. He points out that the official timeline, according to which COVID-19 emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, has been proven wrong. In fact, the novel coronavirus was spreading earlier in the US and Europe: “There are all sorts of reports and findings of the virus before December 1st, when the first patient was known to have COVID in China. John Hankey was able to find French X-rays that have the very distinctive ground glass appearance. They found multiple (such X-rays taken)…


LIVE RADIO! John Hankey Says COVID Biowar Vaccine Developed Long Before 2020; Peter Myers & Mike Springmann Continue COVID/Vaccine Conversation

Listen HERE First hour: John Hankey, director of the new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job, argues that the COVID-19 vaccines we are seeing now must have been developed years ago by the germ warfare scientists who manufactured the virus itself. He casts derision on this claim: “Moderna told reporters that their labs were already set up to make mRNA vaccines, so that once they downloaded that data (the COVID-19 genome) they were able to whip up a vaccine in two days.” But wait! There has never been an mRNA vaccine for humans. There has never been a vaccine against any of…


Greta Zarro & Brian Terrell on Peace Through Permaculture

Listen HERE If elites have gotten too stupid to solve the world’s pressing problems, who will? Maybe ordinary people? Is the ultimate solution deceptively simple: Grow our own good food and mind our own damn business? That’s my takeaway from the work of Greta Zarro, Organizing Director of World Beyond War and co-founder of Unadilla Community Farm, and Brian Terrell, an Iowan farmer and long-time peace activist. They will be hosting a Peace & Permaculture Webinar this Wednesday, December 16 at 3:00pm-4:30pm Eastern Time (GMT-5).


Prof. Michael Brenner on “Power of the Word”

Listen HERE International Affairs professor Michael Brenner recently sent out an essay entitled “The Power of the Word.” It begins: “A divide between elites and the populace is a recurrent feature of every large organized society. That has been true without exception since the abundance generated by the mastery of agriculture encouraged the growth and elaboration of earlier Neolithic tribes. There are no known exceptions; but there are variations in modalities. A key to elite dominance always was the superior group’s monopoly – or quasi monopoly – of crucial knowledge. Before the introduction of writing, it took oral form. The subjects…


LIVE RADIO! Prof. Michael Brenner on “Power of the Word”; Greta Zarro & Brian Terrell on Peace through Farming, Permaculture, & Simple Living

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: International Affairs professor Michael Brenner recently sent out an essay entitled “The Power of the Word.” It begins: “A divide between elites and the populace is a recurrent feature of every large organized society. That has been true without exception since the abundance generated by the mastery of agriculture encouraged the growth and elaboration of earlier Neolithic tribes. There are no known exceptions; but there are variations in modalities. A key to elite dominance always was the superior group’s monopoly – or quasi monopoly – of crucial knowledge. Before the…


Diana Johnstone: Great Reset? Or Great Pretext for Dystopia?

Listen HERE Diana Johnstone, author of “The Great Pretext … for Dystopia, is horrified by World Economic Forum founders Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret’s COVID-19: The Great Reset: “Throughout the book, the authors seem to gloat over the presumed effects of widespread ‘fear’ of the virus, which is supposed to condition people to desire the radical changes they envisage. They employ technocratic psychobabble to announce that the pandemic is already transforming the human mentality to conform to the new reality they consider inevitable.” Is WEF a lobby for techno-tyranny? Might COVID-19 have been deliberately unleashed to provide the Shock Doctrine style…

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