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LIVE RADIO! Thaddeus Kozinski: “Foucault Told the Truth”; Linh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Prof. Thaddeus Kozinski says “Foucault Told the Truth.” Subhead: “About the Kingdom of Darkness.” The essay begins: “Michel Foucault was committed to the ‘truth’ that discourse is nothing but the surreptitiously coercive use of power, and the more hidden the power, the more effective the coercion. The power hiding behind claims to truth is so all-pervasive and effective that the very person who speaks and listens to discourse is itself its product and mouthpiece.” Kozinski argues that Foucault’s words apply in spades to the scamdemic era: “2020 was…


Josh Mitteldorf Proves We’re Not Living in a Simulation

Listen HERE Anti-aging scientist Josh Mitteldorf returns to Truth Jihad Radio to offer “Proof We Are Not Living in a Simulation (see Nick Bostrum’s famous essay) and discuss the amazing fact that “The Universe Seems Fine-Tuned for Life.” If we answer those cosmic questions quickly we’ll move on to questions about quantum physics and mind-brain relationships. Josh Mitteldorf writes: I The Universe seems fine-tuned for life The fundamental equations of physics have constants in them that physicists take as a given. They just happen to be what they are. For example in E=mc2, the E is any measured quantity of energy and…


William Willers & Dr. David King on Mask Psychosis & COVIDystopia

Listen HERE William Willers, a retired University of Wisconsin biology professor who supported my 9/11 truth academic freedom struggle, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss a new article that he’s having trouble getting published in Wisconsin MSM. It begins: “Who Is Ryan Westergaard? “The short answer is that Dr. Westergaard, a public official, is Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist. As such, he is in a position to advise the Governor on matters of public policy relating to health. From this position of influence, he has made it clear in multiple appearances that he represents ’science’ relating to…


LIVE RADIO! Wm. Willers & Dr. David King on Mask Psychosis & COVIDystopia; Josh Mitteldorf Proves We’re Not Living in a Simulation

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: William Willers, a retired University of Wisconsin biology professor who supported my 9/11 truth academic freedom struggle, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss a new article that he’s having trouble getting published in Wisconsin MSM. It begins: “Who Is Ryan Westergaard? “The short answer is that Dr. Westergaard, a public official, is Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist. As such, he is in a position to advise the Governor on matters of public policy relating to health. From this position of influence, he has made…


Peter Koenig: Ukraine-Russia “Hot War” Advancing the Great Reset?

Watch the video version on Rumble Economist and geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig discusses his recent articles “Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?”, “The World Health Tyranny: Towards the WEF “Great Reset of Misery”, and “The Shanghai Lockdown. Seen from Another Angle.” Peter Koenig writes: “Russia intervened in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Since then, all eyes are on Russia and Ukraine. Almost to the day covid disappears from the world arena, at least officially. Covid is gone from the headlines, everywhere. This is no coincidence. Geopolitics do not know coincidences – only plans and…


Charlotte Dennett on Why Ukraine Is the Mother of All Energy Wars

Listen HERE Charlotte Dennett, author of Follow the Pipelines, explains “Why Ukraine Could Be the Mother of All Energy Wars.” Unsophisticated people think wars are about good guys vs. bad guys. Slightly savvier folks think wars are primarily driven by ideological and religious disputes. Charlotte Dennett begs to differ. She says that if you scratch beneath the surface of a modern war, you’re likely to discover that it’s really mostly about gas and oil. Indeed, all of the recent Middle East wars, as well as the current Ukraine wars, are about oil and gas in general, and pipeline politics in…


Tom Luongo: Why Russia Will Win the Energy War

Listen HERE Tom Luongo of Gold Goats n’ Guns opens his new article: “This day has been a long time coming. From the moment, more than a decade ago, when it was finally admitted that Europe was destined to be an energy importer, we were going to see the climax of the showdown between the West and Russia. “Europe as energy importer always meant that time was on Russia’s side. All it had to do was draw the conflict out long enough, survive long enough, to force Europe into submission. Russia has the energy Europe needs, no one else can supply…


LIVE RADIO! Tom Luongo and Charlotte Dennett on Why Ukraine Is the Mother of All Energy Wars

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Tom Luongo of Gold Goats n’ Guns opens his new article: “This day has been a long time coming. From the moment, more than a decade ago, when it was finally admitted that Europe was destined to be an energy importer, we were going to see the climax of the showdown between the West and Russia. “Europe as energy importer always meant that time was on Russia’s side. All it had to do was draw the conflict out long enough, survive long enough, to force Europe into submission.…


Peter McCullough and Jessica Rose on “Alarming, Catastrophic Vaccine Deaths”

Nothing to see here folks, move along, and don’t forget to hate Putin! Listen HERE Dr. Peter McCullough is a practicing internist and cardiologist in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Jessica Rose holds degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry. (Check out her Substack.) Both are leading figures in the popular resistance movement pushing back against bad COVID policies. Below is a rough transcript of our interview. _ Kevin Barrett: Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett talking with the folks who have the most to say from way outside the box of mainstream idiocy. And today…

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