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LIVE RADIO: “Miracle of Fatima” Anniversary Special with Gary Giuffre and Dr. Peter Chojnowski

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Today, May 13th, is the 105th anniversary of the “Miracle of Fatima”—the topic of the khutbah I gave a few hours ago. To commemorate the occasion, two leading Catholic experts join me for an interfaith discussion of the meaning of the most celebrated miracle of the modern age.

First hour: Gary Giuffre, author of the forthcoming The Plot Against the Pope and  Grave Reasons of State: The Atomic Bomb and the Eclipse of the True Vicar of Christ, is the foremost proponent of the Siri thesis that the Vatican was taken over by a freemasonic coup d’état in 1958. According to Giuffre, the conspirators threatened to annihilate Vatican City with a nuclear weapon if the papal conclave didn’t go their way. (One purpose and/or result of the coup may have been the suppression of the Third Secret of Fatima.)

A friend of Mel Gibson who contributed to editing the script of The Passion of the Christ, Giuffre is a former Air Force noncom officer, an industrial model maker and petrochemical plant designer, an illustrator for the US Air Force and NASA, a notable portrait artist, and something of a living legend among both conspiracy analysts and traditional Catholics.

Second hour: Dr. Peter Chojnowski of argues that Sister Lucy, who received the Fatima revelations and served as their primary transmitter to the world, was “disappeared” and replaced with an imposter circa 1960 (an issue we covered in our previous interview). Tonight we’ll talk about the meaning of the Fatima apparitions in relation to current events including the war in Ukraine.

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