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Saturday, September 12th: David Ray Griffin on Truth Jihad Radio

5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio.comTo be archived for on-demand listening at This coming Saturday 9/12/09 I will be speaking from noon to 1 pm at the We Demand Transparency event in New York…then a few hours later I’ll interview David Ray Griffin, author of The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False. David will be the first hour guest (5-6 pm Central). My second hour guest (6-7 pm Central) will be University of Minnesota Peace Studies professor Michael Andregg, America’s premiere “critical spookologist.” Dr. Andregg has been intensively studying…


Tuesday, September 8th: candidate Peter Thottam to discuss Van Jones, truth in politics on Fair and Balanced

Tuesday 9/8/2009 on Fair and Balanced, 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) I will be discussing the Van Jones lynching and “truth in politics” with Peter Thottam. Live broadcast: Archived for on-demand listening at Peter Thottam is a candidate for California State Assembly. The founder and Executive Director of the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center, Peter has been a long-time activist in a number of progressive causes including the antiwar movement and the 9/11 truth movement. He earned an undergraduate degree from Yale and a law degree from the University of California-Berkeley, and an MBA from…


Saturday, September 5th: Dr. Richard Curtis will debate me on Zionism and 9/11

Dr. Richard Curtis to debate Dr. Kevin Barrett on Zionism and 9/11 Saturday 9/5/09, Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, (to be archived at Call-in number: 512-879-3805 – please call in, especially during the second hour! * * * Esteemed reader and/or listener, Oh oh! Now it isn’t just Hannity and O’Reilly who think I’m crazy. Several readers and listeners have informed me that I must be out of my freakin’ gourd to admit that I’m an anti-Zionist (like the other 1,499,999,999 Muslims) and to agree with Tuesday radio guest Christopher Bollyn that the Mossad and its…


Today, Tuesday 9/1, on Fair and Balanced: Christopher Bollyn speaks out from exile

Catch a rare interview with 9/11-truth-seeking journalist-author Christopher Bollyn! Tuesday, September 1st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern),,To be archived for on-demand listening at Ever noticed how those of us in the 9/11 truth movement who mention the elephant in the living room — the evidence of Mossad/Zionist involvement, and more generally Zionist political power in the USA — get slandered, reviled, set up, threatened, verbally and sometimes physically assaulted, kicked off 911blogger, libeled at Wikipedia, and generally mistreated? (Compare the Wikipedia biographies for me and Christopher Bollyn to those of…well, pick any 9/11 truth advocates who ignore…


Sat. 8/29: Psychology professor meets journalist committed to mental hospital for 9/11 truth-seeking

This Saturday August 29th on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, on American Freedom Radio… Dr. William Woodward, professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire, will join me during the first hour to deliver his professional opinion concerning the respective sanity of Clare Swinney and the psychiatrists who institutionalized her for believing that 9/11 was an inside job. Then in the second hour, Clare Swinney herself will join us to tell her amazing, outrageous story. Clare is a journalist from New Zealand who began reporting on the holes in the official story of 9/11 and was subsequently threatened…


Tuesday 8/18: PhD Metallurgical Engineer Joel Hirschhorn on “Fair and Balanced”

Tuesday, August 18th, on “Fair and Balanced,” 9 a.m. Pacific (noon Eastern), Joel Hirschhorn, Ph.D. metallurgical engineer and former University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who came out for 9/11 truth in 2007 after studying the “collapses” of the three WTC skyscrapers and drawing the obvious conclusions. Dr. Hirschhorn recently published his views on the state of the 9/11 truth movement: “9/11 Mind Swell: Scientific evidence refutes the official story.” Dr. Hirschhorn is the author of Delusional Democracy and other books. This show will be archived for free on-demand listening at Later on Tuesday, 8/18, you’ll have a chance to…


Saturday, August 15th: Sander Hicks, Jim Fetzer on Truth Jihad Radio

Saturday, August 15th, 5-7 pm Central (6-8 p.m. Eastern), on American Freedom Radio: (to be archived at First hour: Sander Hicks, journalist, author, publisher, and organizer of this year’s 9/11 commemorative event in New York City: Sander Hicks is one of my favorite people in the truth-and-justice movement, and I’m pleased that he’s organizing this year’s truth movement anniversary event: We Demand Transparency: The Conference for Peace, Truth, and a New Economics, Saturday 9/12 and Sunday 9/13 at St. Mark’s Church in Manhattan. I’ll be speaking there, along with a long list of friends and colleagues: hour:…


Webster Tarpley & “Under the 8-Ball” directors on Truth Jihad Radio tomorrow

Saturday, August 8th, 5-7 p.m. on (to be archived for free on-demand listening at First hour: Webster Tarpley Webster Tarpley is the author of Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History. The 1998 edition of Surviving the Cataclysm sounds like it was written yesterday — Tarpley was a decade ahead of his time. Now the brand-new 660-page 2009 edition explains the current catastrophe and how to fix it. Webster Tarpley is also the author of the 9/11 truth classic 9/11 Synthetic Terror as well as unauthorized biographies of Barack Obama and George…


Tuesday, August 4th: Dr. Frank Greening

To be archived a few hours after broadcast time at During my recent hostile interview with Mike Pintek on Pittsburgh mega-station KDKA I was asked a question I hear all the time: Why, if the WTC “collapses” were such obvious demolitions, are there so many scientists who disagree? My answer is that there aren’t. Like Diogenes with his lamp, searching the world for an honest man, I have spent several years searching for an honest, independent scientist willing to defend the Bush Administration’s account of what happened to the World Trade Center. The only person I have found…

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