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Webster Tarpley, Jonathan Elinoff coming up this week!

Webster Tarpley, author 9/11 Synthetic Terror, two prophetic books on Obama, Surviving the Cataclysm, and other critically important works just returned from Iceland, where he helped convince some key Icelanders to tell the New World Order bankers to stuff their debt-paper where the sun don’t shine…Webster will be my guest on both shows:Tuesday, October 13th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced…andSaturday, October 17th, 5-6 pm Central, on Truth Jihad Radio. Then on the second hour Saturday (6-7 pm Central) on Truth Jihad Radio I’ll be joined by Jonathan Elinoff of, who just broke…


Jeff Gates, Ellen Brown on Truth Jihad Radio tomorrow!

Saturday, October 10th, 5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio… First hour: Jeff Gates, author, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. A former Senate Finance Committee counsel, Jeff Gates exposes the Jewish-Zionist-centered ashkenazi mob at the top of the global organized crime pyramid, both in the US (think Meyer Lansky and Larry Silverstein) and in Russia (six of the big seven organized crime bosses a.k.a. “the oligarchs” are Russian-Israeli dual citizens)…a mob that seems to have taken over U.S. foreign policy, and (in my opinion) appears to have been a key force behind the 9/11 false-flag attack. See…


Anthrax Inside Job Expert Barry Kissin on F&B Tuesday 10/6

Anthrax expert Barry Kissin, who recently briefed Congressman Rush Holt, will join me on Fair and Balanced this Tuesday, October 6th, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern), on The show will be archived a few hours after it’s over here. [Breaking news: Muhammed Abdullah, the Muslim Marine vet 9/11 activist who was recently raided by the DHS in reprisal for his truth-speaking, is planning to join us during the first fifteen minutes!] Barry Kissin is extremely well-informed, not to mention passionate, about the anthrax case, which even the US government has admitted was a…


International Extravaganza! Adrian Salbuchi, Annie Machon on Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 10/3

Saturday 10/3 on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central on… First hour: Adrian Salbuchi, Argentine anti-globalist economist. Check out his video lecture Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network . Second hour: Annie Machon, organizer and presenter, Vers la Verité: International 9/11 Activist Gathering in Paris, to be held Saturday, 10/10/2009 at La Bellevilloise, 19-21 rue Boyer in Paris. I also hope to get a call-in or update on or from Muhammed Abdullah, the Pomona, California 9/11 truth activist whose freedom of speech was trampled earlier this year, and who seems to have just…


767 pilot Ralph Kolstad: Government’s 9/11 story is ridiculous: here’s why

Tuesday 9/29, on Fair and Balanced, 9 -10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on … free on-demand archive here … Ralph Kolstad of Pilots for 9/11 Truth discusses the absurd impossibility of the claim that two incompetent, inexperienced pilots hit the World Trade Center Towers at 430 knots and 510 knots, respectively. Ralph and other experienced pilots say that 767s flown at those speeds close to sea level would be virtually impossible to control. In simulations, experienced pilots could not hit the WTC towers at anything close to those speeds. Additionally, Flight 175 (510 knots) would have…


Today’s Truth Jihad Radio: Jerry Smith & Manny Badillo

Don’t miss this weekend’s Truth Jihad Radio! Sat. 6/26 5-7 pm Central, First hour: Jerry Smith, author of Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature.Second hour: 9/11 family member Manny Badillo,, discussion the upcoming March for Answers this Sunday, September 27th, 2 pm in NYC: Battery Park to City Hall via Ground Zero. Manny recently gave the best mainstream 9/11 truth interview I’ve ever seen, which is being taken down all over the web due to alleged “copyright violations”… but as of this writing can still be seen at: Call in with questions for Jerry…


Mike Rivero, Jerry “Weather Warfare” Smith, & Manny Badillo coming up!

Today, Thursday 9/24, 5 pm Central, I was interviewed by Michael Rivero on WhatReallyHappened Radio. Listen to the commercial-free archive here.Saturday, 9/26, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio on AFR:First hour: Jerry Smith, author, Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature.Second hour: Manny Badillo, 9/11 family member, (Manny’s recent interview on French TV is the best mainstream 9/11 truth interview I’ve seen.) Tuesday, 9/29, 11-noon Central, Fair and Balanced, on No Lies Radio:Rob Balsamo, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, discussing Pilots’ brand-new video 9/11: World Trade Center Attack alsoTuesday, 9/29, 10 pm – midnight Central I’ll be interviewed…


Condi Threatens to Attack America Again

Condoleeza Rice, who warned San Franciso mayor Willie Brown not to fly on 9/11, has joined Dick Cheney in threatening to launch another massive terrorist attack on America. “If you want another terrorist attack in the US, abandon Afghanistan,” she said in an interview with Fortune magazine on Tuesday. Condi’s comment recalled Dick Cheney’s repeated threats to launch another 9/11 attack on America, most famously his claim on the eve of the 2004 election that if Americans elected John Kerry, they would be hit with another 9/11: Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday warned Americans about voting for Democratic Sen.…


9/11 truther raps about 9/11 truth for 9 hours!

Today, Tuesday 9/22, on the first half-hour of Fair and Balanced, I will be interviewing DJ Green Arrow, homeboy of Chuck D, audio book narrator of David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor, and world rap record-holder, who broke the rap record by rapping for 9 hours at the We Demand Transparency event in New York City on 9/12/09. Now THAT is one impressive 9/11 truth rap! (Certain family members tell me I could easily break DJ Green Arrow’s record if they weren’t there to tell me to shut up.) During the second half-hour, philosophy professor Richard Curtis will set…


Jerry Mazza, Russ Baker on TJ Radio Today

Tonight’s first hour guest on Truth Jihad Radio: 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio … to be archived for free listening any time here … …is Jerry Mazza of Online Journal. Jerry is a poet and journalist from New York City who eloquently sums up the state of the 9/11 truth movement in “As 9/11’s 8th Anniversary Approaches.” And: “9/11/09 – Gone with the Rain” . You may also remember his critique of Joel Hirschhorn’s “9/11 Mind Swell”. Jerry says we can talk about “Saturday’s events at St. Marx (i.e. the We Demand Transparency conference) and your discussion in particular…

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