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LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on “Greater Israel”; Sterling Harwood on “Was Stephen Hawking Replaced?”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link Bitchute link First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns for his first Friday of the month gig. Speaking of gigs…was regime change in Syria engineered by the Greater Israel Genocide Project (GIGP, pronounced gig-pee)? Other questions to ponder: Will the incoming Trump Administration be an improvement? Was Jimmy Carter’s America, like Carter himself, relatively rational and moral, compared to today’s USA and its genocidal Zionist-owned soon-to-be-inaugurated reality-show clown-in-chief? Will things keep getting worse in 2025, and if so, how fast? Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of Strategic…


Zafar Bangash: After Syria Setback, Muslims Should Seize the Initiative

Rumble link  Bitchute link Zafar Bangash of Crescent International, author of Power Manifestations of the Sirah, notes that Syria has become Zionist-occupied territory after Assad’s ouster, and worries that “the genocide of Palestinians may look like a garden tea party compared to what they will do in Syria.” So how should the Islamic movement respond? Citing the Prophet’sﷺ example after the Battle of Badr, he seconds Mohamed Ousman’s argument that sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Read the transcript at    


LIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff: “Are Jews Khazars? Is Oreshnik Missile Unstoppable?” Oliver Boyd Barrett on “Sinking Russian Ships, Propping Up Bankrupt Losers and Supporting Genocide. Your West This Christmas.”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link   Bitchute link Rumble link   Bitchute link First hour: Gordon Duff, editor of The Intel Drop, discusses “THE ORESHNIK MISSILE: AN UNSTOPPABLE CHIMERA IN THE MODERN ARMS RACE ” and “THE IMPACT OF THE RHEINLAND LIE – FILLING ROMAN GERMANY WITH IMAGINARY JEWS.” Rumble link   Bitchute link Second hour: Communications professor Oliver Boyd Barrett ponders “Sinking Russian Ships, Propping Up Bankrupt Losers and Supporting Genocide. Your West This Christmas.”


LIVE RADIO! David Skrbina on Ted Kaczynski & Luigi Mangione; Michael Brenner “In Praise of Anger”; Rolf Lindgren Reports from Madison on School Shooting

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at In the wake of CEO-slayer Luigi Mangione becoming a folk hero, an anti-genocide fighter getting arrested for targeting genocide perpetrators, and less-defensible non-state-sponsored violence reaching epidemic proportions in the USA, it’s a good time to talk about the minuscule fraction of human violence that isn’t perpetrated by governments. First hour: Philosophy professor and technology critic David Skrbina returns to the Truth Jihad podcast to discuss the hoopla around Unabomber Ted Kaczynski’s influence on American young people in general, and CEO-slayer Luigi Mangione in particular. While teaching at the University…


LIVE RADIO! Alex Krainer on False Flag Warnings and “Syria Trap”; James Perloff on “Donald Trump and Orwell’s Doublethink”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Kevin canceled by Stripe—workarounds are  Spotfund and Paypal. (The bar code at left takes you to my Paypal “donate” page.) Rumble link  Bitchute link First hour: Market analyst and investor Alex Krainer wonders whether by suddenly giving up Syria without a fight, Iran and Russia may have set a trap for the Zio-American Empire: “This surprised nobody. The (claim) that they came by surprise is just is inconceivable to me. That the Russians signed a truce with duplicitous backstabbing Erdogan and then they completely took their eye off the ball…


Richard Solomon on “Trump Win 2.0 Vis-à-vis China”

Rumble link  Bitchute link Richard Soloman, author of The Tao Guide to Navigating the Satanic Matrix, discusses his brand-new article “Trump Win 2.0 Vis-à-vis China.” Interview excerpt: Richard Solomon is one of the best writers on the internet in my humble opinion, and maybe in his less humble opinion. He just published a great new piece at the Uunz Review that came up right before the show started. It’s called “Trump Win Vis-a-vis China and His Role in End-Stage Hyper-Capitalism.” Now that’s a mouthful. Tell us about it, Richard. And tell us about yourself. Who are you and how did…


LIVE RADIO! Velislav Grivov “In Support of Palestinian Armed Resistance”; Paul Levy on Wetiko and Uncannily Bad Leadership

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link  Bitchute link First hour: Velislav Grivov discusses his new article “In Support of Palestinian Armed Resistance Against Israel.” A Bulgarian patriot whose ancestors resisted wars of aggression and colonization by the nominally Muslim Ottoman Empire, Velislav Grivov writes: “Shaitans (Шейтани) is the word the brave and valiant Chechens use. They should know. They fought them in Chechnya and are now fighting the Zion-Nazis in the Ukraine. “And now Shaitans are committing the genocide in Palestine. And in Lebanon. And they have been doing it in Syria, in…


FFWN: My Substack Was Demonetized by Genocidal Zionists. Here Is the Workaround.

No FFWN today. Last week’s Fundrazr came up $60 short (see above). Also, I have been busy scrambling to find a workaround for Substack subscribers. Below is today’s Substack post.  -KB My Substack Was Demonetized by Genocidal Zionists. Here Is the Workaround. Click here for the workaround via free-speech-supporting Spot.Fund On October 30 I received an email from Stripe, Substack’s only payment processor, announcing that I had been canceled due to “risk tolerance as determined by a number of factors.” After much back-and-forth with both Stripe and Substack (see screenshots below) it became clear that there was no recourse. Stripe…


LIVE RADIO! Allan Stevo on Christians vs. Zionist Antichrist (re: Chuck Baldwin); Patrick Chenal on “My Brother Wins Super Bowls for Zionist Schmuck CK Hunt (Grandson of HL Hunt)”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Author Allan Stevo emailed me: “I think your readers and listeners might enjoy a discussion I’m hosting next month. It will last seven days in December and we will look at Zionism for a Christian perspective, looking exclusively at the work of Chuck Baldwin. Baldwin, as you may know, is a former Zionist evangelical who has repented of that position. Many opinions out there in the media are either Christian Zionist, or radical liberal atheist, making it so easy to disguise the fact that there is longstanding…


LIVE RADIO! Author John W. Warner IV on UAVs/ETs; Jasun Horsley on René Girard, Religion, and Human Sacrifice

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link   Bitchute link First hour: Author John W. Warner IV calls the accelerating flap over UFO disclosure issues (including Congressional hearings on the subject) “much ado about very little.” But by “very little” he means very little disclosure, not very little that ought to be disclosed! Warner: “You can throw events, hold press conferences and raise some awareness about the massive issue, but its complexities, science, horrors and crimes are far beyond 99% of the world’s capacity to understand with cohesion. Richard Dolan’s work is good for those…

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