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First hour: Author John W. Warner IV calls the accelerating flap over UFO disclosure issues (including Congressional hearings on the subject) “much ado about very little.” But by “very little” he means very little disclosure, not very little that ought to be disclosed!
Warner: “You can throw events, hold press conferences and raise some awareness about the massive issue, but its complexities, science, horrors and crimes are far beyond 99% of the world’s capacity to understand with cohesion. Richard Dolan’s work is good for those new to the subject, but his rather bland rhetoric about the Deep State and the toxic secrecy only goes so far. UFO tech is now seamless across technology platforms, cars, ships and aircraft. Our world runs on formerly ET tech like quantum A.I. For all we know they gave us the wheel, sword, plough, axe and bow and arrow long ago.”
(For more on this issue see my interview with former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.)
John W. Warner IV is a writer and gentleman farmer whose passion for history, vintage cars, and the unsung heroes of WWII inspired two large-scale creative ventures: a DVD documentary series on the early bootlegging days of NASCAR, The Golden Era of NASCAR, and a historical novel series, Little Anton. The son of retired Senator John W. Warner III (R-VA), former Secretary of the Navy and Chairman of the Armed Services Committee (KBE), and Catherine Mellon, banking heiress and daughter of philanthropist Paul Mellon (OSS, KBE), Warner says growing up in a family that had a seat at many of the most historically significant tables led to his insatiable quest to research and reveal hidden truths behind world events. (more)
Second hour: Jasun Horsley will be holding a meeting tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 23, at 8 am UK time, for his paid Substack subscribers. About it, he writes: “I have two subjects in mind. One is the trauma-based mind as a foreign-entity infestation: how to live with it, how to live without it. The other subject is related, and it is the problem of how to be a natural (Christ-ian) human who can love one’s neighbors, without trying to disown or deny that we have also an animalistic survival instinct that includes a natural, and even necessary, propensity to be violent when circumstances require it.”
According to René Girard‘s Christian perspective, violence is always evil because it is invariably based on scapegoating, and claims that the scapegoat is guilty are inherently mendacious. Islam, in contrast, views some violent acts as legitimate attempts to make truth and justice prevail. And while the goal is always peace, the antithesis of violence, the way to attain that goal is to put the means of coercion in the hands of the just, truthful, and virtuous, and remove them from the hands of unjust, vicious liars. The latter group, according to the Islamic view, may sometimes be justly targeted by force and violence. When that happens, the “victims” are not innocent scapegoats, but criminals fully deserving of their fate.
So who is right? Muslims and Christians agree that Jesus is the one true Messiah and that his return ought to decide the issue. Meanwhile tonight’s discussion between a Christian Girardian and a Muslim Girardian may shed light on some of the issues that we are praying for Jesus to come back and resolve.
Superb presentation… Would love to hear a continuation..
P.S. “Honor” has a completely perverted meaning in Islam: the exact opposite of any dignity and honor. “Honor” means, for example, to simply kill (mostly young) family members or those who have fallen away from the satanic Mohamed cult (“apostates”) or simply non-Muslims (“infidels”, jizya, kafir and so on). Murder is an act of honor for these sick disgusting “cutthroats”, animals and criminals.