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FFWN: False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran?

Note: Youtube, undoubtedly badgered by Zionist censors, has assessed a strike against No Lies Radio, preventing us from broadcasting or posting in the usual place. So this week’s show, and future shows until further notice, will be archived here Fridays shortly after 1 pm Eastern.  Please email to get on the list to be notified about where to watch False Flag Weekly News in the future. PSAs 1) Provide material support for thoughtcrime, donate to FFWN! 9/11 OCT Still Inciting War Crimes 2) CIA tortured 9/11 patsies into false confessions—bragged to Hollywood 3) “It was just like Pearl Harbor”:…


FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags in France, Kashmir, and Chicago

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on NoLiesRadio then archived above. PSA  1) Keep FFWN pushing back! War on Iran 2) Isolated and Adrift, an American Woman Turned Toward Iran 3) Kevin responds to NYT: Iranian Spying? or Neocon 9/11 Coverup? 4) New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America War on Palestine 5) Israel closes gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque 5B) US court reopens Palestinian lawsuit against billionaire Israel donor Adelson Antisemitism Alert Level Raised to Orange! 6) Poles ‘suckle antisemitism with mothers’ milk’: Visegrad talks off over Israel’s ‘racist’ comments 7) French Jewish graves…


FFWN: Iranian pro-9/11-truth NGO New Horizons: Witch hunted by panicking neocons?

Broadcasts live Sunday Feb. 17 (normally Fridays) 11 to noon Eastern on — then archived above PSA 1) A huge thank you to all our supporters — next week’s show already funded! So Kevin will do this one free What Emergency? 2) I didn’t need to do this.’ Critics say Trump quote undercuts national emergency for border wall 3) Ann Coulter after Trump’s order: ‘The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot’ War on Iran 4) As Giuliani Calls for Regime Change in Iran, Netanyahu Raises the Specter of “War” 5) Netanyahu Deletes Tweet to…


FFWN: Endless war! Don’t like it? You must be a “conspiracy theorist”

PSA  1) Help keep our FFWN “free speech zone” on the road! “Conspiracy Theories” 2) Kevin is now a regular at Unz Review 3) Why the War on Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy War on Russia 4) INF Is Dead. Europe Is One Step Closer To Nuclear War 5) RIP INF Treaty: Russia’s Victory, America’s Waterloo 6) Russia’s Poseidon underwater drone can hit at least 200km/h – reports War on China 7) A deeper tech concern is at the core of the U.S.-Huawei spat 8) China rising: problem? solution? both?  – requires subscription” War on Iran 9) Iran’s…


FFWN: Youtube hiding “conspiracy videos”?

Broadcasts live Friday 11 to noon Eastern on  – then archived above PSA 1) Help keep FFWN findable! War on Truth 2) YouTube Moves to Make Conspiracy Videos Harder to Find 3) Murdered on 9/11 — NYC’s only unsolved killing the day the twin towers fell 4) World Trade Center leases booming, famed developer Larry Silverstein says War on alternative (i.e. truthful) media 5) Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi arrives in Tehran after 10 day detention in US 6) Pro-Israel Group Launches Vicious Attack on ICIT Director War on Venezuela 7) US hits Venezuela’s state-owned oil company with…


FFWN: Marzieh free, Venezuela under attack

PSA 1) Help FFWN push back against the police state Marzieh Hashemi’s ordeal—Pompeo & Bolton pushing attack on Iran? 2) Marzieh Hashemi released! 3) Local MSM publishes Kevin’s op-ed on Marzieh 4) US issues emergency cyber security directive as Iran-linked hackers strike during shutdown 5) Kevin & AFP wish Islamic Iran a happy 40th birthday Another hostage of Zionism: Alain Soral 6) Alain Soral sentenced to a year in prison for “anti-Semitism” Reopen Probes! 7) KENNEDY, KING FAMILIES TO CONGRESS: REOPEN PROBES 8) ‘They should rot in jail, not drink champagne’: Salvini calls…


FFWN: Marzieh Hashemi: POW in the war on non-establishment media

Broadcast Friday Jan. 18 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Support FFWN—it’s cheaper than therapy! 2) Free Marzieh Hashemi—Twitter storm happening this morning!  #FreeMarziehHashemi   #PrayForMarziehHashemi War on Non-Establishment Media 3) Marzieh Hashemi: Our Post-9/11 Orwellian Nightmare 4) How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media 5) The Twitter Smearing of Corbyn and Assange War on Iran 6) Pentagon Officials leak to NYT to head off Bolton’s war on Iran 7) Is Bolton Steering Trump into War with Iran? 8) Companies That Do Business with…


9/11: Still THE Issue (False Flag Weekly News 1/11/19)

Broadcast LIVE Friday Jan. 11, 11 to noon Eastern at then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN keep exposing deceptions! 2) Kevin’s new Truth Against Terror newsletter uses antiterrorism spin to promote 9/11 truth in Muslim community 9/11: Still THE Issue 3) Some interesting new information about 9/11  has been hacked or taken down, still archived at 4) New 9/11 Files: Lawyers Discussed Whether Bush Knew About Attacks in Advance 5) Release of 9/11 documents will have devastating consequences for US deep state: Hackers 6) ‘Larry Silverstein, Lewis Eisenberg made billions from dollars from destruction of Twin Towers’…


FFWN: Ghosts of False Flags Past Still Haunting US (featuring guest host Alan Sabrosky)

Broadcast live Friday Jan. 4 @ 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSA 1) Alternative media is changing the world — help the process along! (The turning point of the war in Syria was when the al-Ghouta chemical weapons false flag fell flat, and Obama—like JFK during the Bay of Pigs—refused to go all-out for regime change. Widespread awareness of false flags changed the course of history!) Syria pullout confusion 2) Trump gives no timetable for pullout from ‘sand and death’ Syria 3) Rubio, top GOP senators hit back at Trump’s Syria pullout with sanctions bill 4) Alan…

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