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FFWN: Censorship battle keeps heating up!

PSA   1) Beat censorship—support FFWN 2) And join our email list so you’ll know where to watch us: email or go to Censorship Outrages 3) YouTube does not allow the questioning of inconsistencies in the official New Zealand attack narrative or of any potential false flag 4) YouTube edits video descriptions to oppose the assertions made by the video’s author. 5) 60 Minutes: “The Worst Part of Losing Your Child in a Mass Shooting Is People Calling It a False Flag”  (5:57 – 6:56) 6) Alex Jones Claims ‘Psychosis’ Made Him Believe Sandy Hook Was a Hoax 7) Academic Corruption,…


They are coming for False Flag Weekly News

Broadcast Fridays 11 to noon Eastern live on — then archived above PSA 1) Make America not Israel great again—defend the 1st Amendment—support FFWN FFWN Under Attack 2) They are coming for FFWN 3) Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky: Most Censored Man in America AIPAC and Its Benjamins 4) Netanyahu jokes with Trump about corruption probe: ‘I hope they don’t open an investigation on us’ 5) Bibi’s false flag “Hamas rocket attack”: Kevin Barrett vs. Maxine Dovere 6) House Dems ignore base, battle Trump for Israel’s approval with anti-boycott law as AIPAC looms 7) Third rail no…


Christchurch Attack: False Flag in Service to the Clash of Civilizations? 

PSAs 1) Push back against brainwashing—support FFWN! 2) FFWN now broadcasting live to more than 25,000 subscribers on three YouTube channels—thanks to our supporters 3) Alan Sabrosky vs. Stuxnet? Why would anyone want to silence this man? Christchurch Attack: False Flag in Service to the Clash of Civilizations?  4) A witness video shows there are at least 2 shooters in the Christchurch attack. 5) Brendon O’Connell – Mosque Shooter Was Professionally Trained 6) CNN lauds Clinton’s speech after 1995 OKC false flag — slams Trump’s response to NZ terror 7) New Zealand gunman mind-controlled by 9/11 false flag operation: Analyst…


FFWN 3/15/2019: Beware the Ides of March (and Purim 9/11 celebrations)

Watch False Flag Weekly News live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on — then archived above PSAs 1) Expose hidden history, support FFWN! 2) March 20: Purim – Festival of Esther – Israel celebrates successful 9/11 op,7340,L-4351384,00.html 2A) Multiple victims in shootings at 2 New Zealand mosques, 4 suspects in custody 2B) Israel slams New Zealand government for regretting deaths of murdered Muslims in Gaza 3) March 14: All-time biggest Israeli fundraiser Mickey Cohen’s hitman Jack Rubenstein convicted of silencing JFK patsy Lee Harvey Oswald 4) March 15: Beware the Ides of March — Warmongers’ Favorite Month 9/11 Breakthrough? 5)…


FFWN: War on Ilhan Omar

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above Thank you to FFWN’s supporters! NoLiesRadio’s crowdfunding campaign to pay for a new streaming server, the zoom software, and the wirecast software was successful. This will allow us to stream to Vimeo who will simultaneously re-stream to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Allan at NoLiesRadio is hoping to put this technology together by the March 15th show. PSAs 1) Thank you for backing FFWN—we’re upgrading next week 2) And a warm welcome to new FFWN commentator Helen Buyniski, author of “The Sorceror’s Apprentice Effect” War on Palestine 3)…


This week’s False Flag Weekly News banned from YouTube!

Watch today’s False Flag Weekly News above. Click HERE for links to the stories we covered. Censors’ kangaroo courts are really hopping! And we’re hopping mad. Last Sunday YouTube assessed a strike against NoLiesRadio. They claim that one of the hundreds or thousands of videos posted there, apparently a videotaped speaking event from many years ago, violated their terms of service. But they won’t explain HOW it violated them. And now that the video is gone there is no way to assess the claim. Welcome to Franz Kafka meets Alice in Wonderland! Due to the YouTube strike FFWN could not…


FFWN: False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran?

Note: Youtube, undoubtedly badgered by Zionist censors, has assessed a strike against No Lies Radio, preventing us from broadcasting or posting in the usual place. So this week’s show, and future shows until further notice, will be archived here Fridays shortly after 1 pm Eastern.  Please email to get on the list to be notified about where to watch False Flag Weekly News in the future. PSAs 1) Provide material support for thoughtcrime, donate to FFWN! 9/11 OCT Still Inciting War Crimes 2) CIA tortured 9/11 patsies into false confessions—bragged to Hollywood 3) “It was just like Pearl Harbor”:…


FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags in France, Kashmir, and Chicago

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on NoLiesRadio then archived above. PSA  1) Keep FFWN pushing back! War on Iran 2) Isolated and Adrift, an American Woman Turned Toward Iran 3) Kevin responds to NYT: Iranian Spying? or Neocon 9/11 Coverup? 4) New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America War on Palestine 5) Israel closes gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque 5B) US court reopens Palestinian lawsuit against billionaire Israel donor Adelson Antisemitism Alert Level Raised to Orange! 6) Poles ‘suckle antisemitism with mothers’ milk’: Visegrad talks off over Israel’s ‘racist’ comments 7) French Jewish graves…


FFWN: Iranian pro-9/11-truth NGO New Horizons: Witch hunted by panicking neocons?

Broadcasts live Sunday Feb. 17 (normally Fridays) 11 to noon Eastern on — then archived above PSA 1) A huge thank you to all our supporters — next week’s show already funded! So Kevin will do this one free What Emergency? 2) I didn’t need to do this.’ Critics say Trump quote undercuts national emergency for border wall 3) Ann Coulter after Trump’s order: ‘The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot’ War on Iran 4) As Giuliani Calls for Regime Change in Iran, Netanyahu Raises the Specter of “War” 5) Netanyahu Deletes Tweet to…

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