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FFWN: Mandatory Mask? Vaccine?! Microchip?!! You Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere!

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Eid Mubarak 2) Help FFWN Draw the Line Somewhere! 3) Webinar August 8: Could the 2020 Election Be Stolen? Breaking News 3.1) Court Overturns Boston Marathon Patsy’s Death Penalty. Dzhokhar Is OBVIOUSLY Innocent—Most Blatant Miscarriage of Justice in World History: Now Find the Kraft Guys with the Bombs in their Backpacks! 3.2) Something’s Rotten in Boston Conspiracy Pandemic 4) “United States of Conspiracy!” PBS Frontline Waxes Apoplectic 5) Another “Conspiracy Theory” Turns Out to Be True: How a police spy’s stunning testimony threatens the official US-Israeli AMIA bombing narrative 6) New…


FFWN: You Can Observe a Lot Just By Watching! (With Open Eyes & Mind)

PSAs 1) Help FFWN & Yogi Berra Observe a Lot Just by Watching 2) Webinar August 8: Could the 2020 Election Be Stolen? Or Maybe Not Steal It, Just Ignore It? 3) President Trump won’t agree to accept 2020 election results as Biden leads in polls — ‘I have to see’ 4) Trump’s assault on election integrity forces question: What would happen if he refused to accept a loss? Bibi Wants Big War Before US Elections 5) Could War With Iran Be an October Surprise? 6) Israel Bombs Damascus 7) Besieged Netanyahu Blames Israel’s Protests on Epstein Money Conspiracy…


FFWN: Got Coronafascism Yet?

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Put Good Old Fashioned Food on the Table 2) Question Everything Conference, Austin, TX November 7th and 8th 2020 9/11 Truth: Still the Century’s Biggest Story 3) How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11 4) Legislation in Congress Would Require Flying Flag With Pentagon on It Econopocalypse 5) Tech companies are ending leases and consolidating offices as remote work is here to stay 6) Minimum wage workers cannot afford rent in any U.S. state 7) Ivanka Trump’s Solution To Mass Unemployment In…


FFWN: E. Michael Jones Protests YouTube Ban—Live on YouTube!

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Speak Truth to YouTube Power! 2) Israel just bombed Iran. How can we stop a war? War on Iran 3) Israel Attacked Natanz Nuclear Site—Retaliation Would Be Legitimate—Iran Can Devastate Dimona Any Time 4) NYT: ‘Powerful Bomb’ Planted by Israel Behind Natanz Station Explosion 5) US violated UN Charter with drone strike on Soleimani – UN rapporteur on extrajudicial executions Digital Totalitarianism 6) Following Amazon, YouTube Bans & Deletes E. Michael Jones 7) YouTube reverses two-year ban of The Health Ranger, then bans the first video that’s uploaded…


FFWN: Smell the New World Odor!

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s show features guest commentator Ken Meyercord PSA 1) Help FFWN Sniff Out the NWO High Perps Tweeting Truth to Power 2) Kevin Tweets Back to Chomsky 3) Kevin Responds to Dick Cheney’s “WEAR A MASK” Conspiracy Theories (Good, Bad, & Ugly) Gaining Steam 4) Jeffrey Epstein friend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on child sex abuse conspiracy, perjury charges (Will she “kill herself” like Epstein?) 5) Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything” And “Will Be Naming Names”, Former Epstein Associate Says 6) ‘PizzaGate’ Conspiracy Theory Thrives Anew in the TikTok Era 7) American…


FFWN: Roger Waters Apologizes for Telling the Truth

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to Noon Eastern on This episode’s guest commentator is J. Michael Springmann PSA  1) Help FFWN Remain Unapologetic! COVID Agenda: Econopocalypse & War on China? 2) China conducting covert biological weapons research, State Dept. says (to set up China for the fall) 3 )The Second Great Depression Incitement 4) Largest Newspaper in Tennessee Publishes Huge Ad Saying “Islam” Will Nuke Nashville on July 28        For background on possible false flag nuking of US cities see: and 5) Trump Directs People to Watch Random Black on White Violence Video: ‘Looks What’s Going on Here’ Culture…


“Speech Police Ejected! FFWN Is Now an Autonomous Zone” (with Prof. Michael Brenner)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Saturdays on Get on Michael Brenner’s email list by emailing him at mbren(at)pitt(dot)edu PSA 1) Help sustain FFWN’s speech-police-free autonomous zone! Racism/Uprising/Reaction 2) Trump threatens “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes” ahead of Saturday’s Tulsa rally 3) Outrage at video showing child who was maced by police at Seattle protest 4) A man allegedly linked to the Boogaloo movement accused of going to a BLM protest with a homemade machine gun to kill cops (is he actually a spook undercover provocateur?) 5) Hundreds of armed counter-protesters confront Black Lives Matter rally in Ohio 6) Punishment…


FFWN: George Floyd Killing: Mafia Murder or Human Sacrifice? with E. Michael Jones

Live broadcast every Saturday 11 to noon Central on  PSAs  1) Help FFWN Question Everything! 2) Atlantic Magazine vs. “Conspiracy Theorists” 3) QUESTION EVERYTHING 2020 CONFERENCE, Austin, TX (7-8 November 2020) Corona Biowar? Questioning the Official Narrative 4) Matt Ridley: New Evidence Debunks Official Story of Virus’s Origin 5) The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin Corona False Alarm? Questioning the Official Narrative 6) German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’ 7) China’s Covid-19 statistics are accurate, while lockdown makes little difference – Nobel laureate biophysicist Levitt tells RT Censorship Emergency 8)…


FFWN: Conspiracy theories run rampant amid Floyd protests 

Watch live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help Conspiracy Theories Run Rampant! Support FFWN 2) Conspiracy theories run rampant online amid Floyd protests 3) The Best Corona Conspiracy Event Ever! Watch the Archive of Four-Hour Webinar “Was Covid-19 made in a lab?” 4) John Hankey: US Military Made Coronavirus & Vaccine, Trump Was Vaccinated in November Sig Heil Trump? Military Leaders Say “Nein” 5) Trump briefly taken to underground bunker during Friday’s White House protests 6) Trump Says He’ll Deploy Military To States If They Don’t Stop Violent Protests 7) Esper encourages governors to ‘dominate the…


FFWN: “Conspiracy Theories” Winning!

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern at PSAs 1) Help Conspiracy Theorists Win! Support FFWN 2) Interactive Symposium Tomorrow! “Is Covid-19 the new 9/11-style false flag to stop China’s rise and advance Western bankster dictatorship?” 2B) Ron Unz and Other Truth-Seekers to Explore Corona Bioweapon Hypothesis This Sunday Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning! 3)  “Conspiracy Theories” Winning! 3/5ths of Brits Think Government Is Misleading Public on Coronavirus 4) Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill, Ivanka Follows – NYT Horrified Trump vs. Internet Oligarchs 5) Twitter labeled Trump tweets with a fact check for the first time 6) Trump threatens to crack…

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