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FFWN: “Conspiracy Theories” Winning!

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern at PSAs 1) Help Conspiracy Theorists Win! Support FFWN 2) Interactive Symposium Tomorrow! “Is Covid-19 the new 9/11-style false flag to stop China’s rise and advance Western bankster dictatorship?” 2B) Ron Unz and Other Truth-Seekers to Explore Corona Bioweapon Hypothesis This Sunday Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning! 3)  “Conspiracy Theories” Winning! 3/5ths of Brits Think Government Is Misleading Public on Coronavirus 4) Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill, Ivanka Follows – NYT Horrified Trump vs. Internet Oligarchs 5) Twitter labeled Trump tweets with a fact check for the first time 6) Trump threatens to crack…


FFWN: Orwellian Tyranny Coming at “Warp Speed”

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s guest host is Lucy Morgan Edwards is author of The Afghan Solution. She is a former Political Advisor to the EU Special Representative in Kabul. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose Israeli Agent Scumbags Epstein, Dershowitz & Co. 2) PSA Covid-19–A New 9/11 Style False Flag? Live Video-Streamed Webinar Sunday, May 31, 2020 3) Mainstream “Construction News” Covers WTC-7 Scandal Honestly 3A) Action Against 5G Goes Live Today! War on Russia & China 4) U.S. pulls out of Open Skies treaty, Trump’s latest treaty withdrawal 5) Heavy is…


FFWN: The Beast Whose Number Is HR-6666

Watch FFWN live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern: PSA 1) Help FFWN Paint the Real Picture 9/11 2) In court filing, FBI accidentally reveals name of Saudi official suspected of directing support for 9/11 hijackers 3) Refuting a Demolition Denier’s False Claims about Iron Microspheres WW3 vs. China? 4) Trump said the US ‘could cut off the whole relationship’ with China as tensions escalate during the pandemic 5) US Deploys B-1Bs, Warships In South China Sea As China Nationalists Call For Invasion Of Taiwan 6) CHINESE STATE MEDIA CALLS FOR BUILDING UP CHINA’S ‘NUCLEAR DETERRENT’ DUE TO ‘BULLYING IMPULSE’…


FFWN: God Has a Plan For Your Life! with E. Michael Jones

Broadcasts live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Continue to Inform and Inspire! 1A) BREAKING: Unemployment rate soars to 14.7 percent, highest level since the Great Depression 2) God Has A Plan For Your Life 2A) Chicago churches to re-open regardless of ‘unconstitutional restrictions,’ willing to go to fed. court 3) Jesse Ventura says he’s ‘testing the waters’ for Green Party bid for president—FFWN says “Dive in, Jesse!” but bails out on Friday: Bay of Pigs II: Venezuela 4) Former Green Beret takes responsibility for failed boat raid aimed at overthrowing Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro 5) Venezuelan…


FFWN: Econopocalypse Now!

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help FFWN Survive the Econopocalypse Corona Foreknowledge 2)  9 Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus 3) DR. FAUCI BACKED CONTROVERSIAL WUHAN LAB WITH MILLIONS OF U.S. DOLLARS FOR RISKY CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH 4) US intelligence agencies started tracking coronavirus outbreak in China as early as November (before the Chinese knew about it) We Must Silence Conspiracy Theorists and Holocaust Deniers 5) Coronavirus was ‘not manmade or genetically modified’: U.S. spy agency (but Trump and Pence disagree) 5B) Trump contradicts US intel community by claiming…


FFWN: Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!

Watch live Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help Keep FFWN Bringing You Our Weekly “Roundup” 2) Helen Booted off for Telling Coronavirus Truth COVID-19 No More Lethal than Flu?  3) Coronavirus Has Infected A 5th Of New York City, Testing Suggests 4) Coronavirus Infections May Not Be Uncommon, Tests Suggest Coronavirus War: Techno-Tyranny 5) TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISION 6) Government Tracking How People Move Around in Coronavirus Pandemic 7) Team Trump Turns to Peter Thiel’s Palantir to Track Virus 8) Facebook Removes Coronavirus Protest Pages at Request of…


FFWN: Can COVID-19 Truth and 9/11 Truth Change the World? (with Matthew Ehret)

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Seek Truth in a Time of Crisis Introducing Matthew Ehret 2) Trump and Putin Discuss Space Cooperation Why Open System Economics Must Prevail 3) COVID-19 Forces the World to Re-Think the Idea of ‘Monetary Value’ Breaking News 3.5) Breaking: COVID-19: Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the Capital 9/11 Truth: Can It Still Change the World? 4) 9/11 Families, Experts Mount Unprecedented Challenge to NIST in New Filing 5) Now Is the Time: Arrange a Phone Meeting with Your U.S. Representative and AE911Truth 6) Attorney General Barr…


FFWN: “Covid 19 NOT a Bioweapon” ≈ “WTC-7 NOT a Demolition”

Guest commentator Adam Green of  KnowMoreNews! Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Speak Biowar Truth to Power Corona Facts of Nature We Must Accept 2) Crucial Facts About Covid-19 3) Richard D. Wolff: Viruses like Covid-19 are a part of nature we must accept. But Capitalism-2020 must be destroyed Corona Collapse 4) Congress, Trump and the Fed Are Creating the Biggest Economic Bubble in World History 5) Top economist: The 1930s Depression was ‘Great.’ This one might be greater 6) FOOD SHUTDOWN: Farmers Told to “QUIT FARMING” While Coronavirus…


FFWN: Facing US Bio-War

  Broadcasts Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern. BAD NEWS: This week Kevin’s YouTube channel was frozen by insane censors.   GOOD NEWS: It was restored right before the show!  BAD NEWS:  OUR BROADCAST WAS INTERRUPTED, RESULTING IN TWO SEPARATE VIDEOS (SEE ABOVE). Guest commentator: J. Michael Springmann PSAs 1) Free Speech in a Time of Crisis—Support FFWN! 2) Youtube Bans 9/11 Physics Debate, Freezes Kevin’s Channel—Then Reverses Itself Saturday Morning 3) Trump and his Zionist masters want to destroy Iran: Former US diplomat‘Trump-and-his-Zionist-masters-want-to-destroy-Iran’ US Biowar 4) 2020 Coronavirus = 2001 Anthrax: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO DARK WINTER” 5) Facing…


FFWN: Coronavirus Wars Escalating

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help FFWN Report on Coronavirus Wars …you’ll also be helping me do Press TV interviews like the new Coronavirus Chickens Coming Home to Roost? True Conspiracy Theories 2) WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report 3) Bob Dylan Releases 17-Minute Song About JFK Assassination Listen to it, it’s a masterpiece: 4) Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government” “Probably True” Conspiracy Theory: Corona = Botched US-Israeli Bio-Attack on China & Iran  5) Trump Denies VT Story on US Military Source for CV19-Further Confirmation from ‘Liar…

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